Who loves wallpaper? It’s great for adding some visual interest to a wall. But …what about adding wallpaper to your furniture?
If you really want to transform your space you need to go BOLD!
Check out this great Do-It-Yourself project that will make any piece of furniture stand out from the crowd.
Wallpaper is a great way to add some whimsy, pattern, colour and design to a space. We have seen so many accent walls with wallpaper but wallpaper-ing your furniture is still a newer trend. We love the look and it is a great way to add a unique touch to a space!
Check out online sites for fabulous wallpaper options and breathe new life into an aging cabinet or a funky yard sale find. This is perfect for a cabinet, dresser or end table but nothing too ornate – keep it simple.
1. Lightly sand the surface. Be sure to unhinge the cabinet doors and remove the hardware.
2. Apply two coats of an oil-based primer, waiting an hour between coats.
3. Cut the wallpaper to size using a straightedge blade.
4. Paint on a tin layer of mod podge and apply the wallpaper – starting in the center and working to the edges, this helps to flatten out the air bubbles.
5. Wait 24 hrs before applying a coat of acrylic sealant.
Wall paper on furniture really makes a piece look special but also custom. We are loving these bookcases with a wallpaper backing. It adds so much visual interest to the piece and the room. You can add a small amount of wallpaper that suits your taste to a basic bookcase and really make it yours!
Wallpaper on furniture is perfect for a child’s room too – chose so bold and playful options and add them to draw fronts.
Another super simple project for those who aren’t as crafty. Try framing small samples of wallpaper (or even craft paper) and hang it on the wall. I did this in my daughter’s bedroom and it looks great. It’s an easy art project plus it’s fun to mix up all of the prints in one space.
Wallpaper offers you so many options – the selection and styles are so varied. This is a great project fro the DIYer that loves to make a statement!
glen duzon
I could believe, wallpaper for the furniture units will be a nice idea. As the table and that cupboard has been decorated with wallpapers, it seems really good idea to give a new look to your old furniture.
21 . 08 . 2012second hand office furniture