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Want to make your bedroom look nicer?

Why not try solid wood bedroom furniture? This type of furniture is strong and lasts a long time. It also looks really good in any room. Plus, it’s made by skilled workers who care about quality.

And the best part? This kind of furniture never goes out of style. So, isn’t it time you got furniture that can keep up with you and your life?

Let’s find out why solid wood bedroom furniture is worth it.


Investing in solid wood bedroom furniture is a smart move because of its durability. Unlike engineered wood or particleboard, solid wood is crafted from a single piece of timber, which makes it strong and long-lasting.

This strength makes it an excellent choice for larger bed frames like queen and king sizes. Plus, if you’re seeking Ikea style Murphy beds made of solid wood, you’ll enjoy the same robustness.

With proper care, your solid wood furniture will continue providing value for many years, sparing you with frequent replacements. So, for a timeless, durable choice that enhances your room’s ambiance, consider solid wood furniture.


Why choose solid wood for your bedroom furniture? One big reason is it’s special. Every piece of solid wood furniture is different, thanks to the natural lines and marks in the wood.

This makes your bedroom feel more personal and full of charm. It’s not something you can get with furniture made in big numbers. Whether it’s a simple wooden dresser or a stylish bed frame, solid wood makes your room look great.

Even popular pieces of bedroom furniture look even better in solid wood. So, when you buy solid wood furniture, you’re not just making your room look good. You’re also getting a piece of furniture that’s truly one-of-a-kind.

Customization Options

Solid wood bedroom furniture is a top choice when it comes to personalizing your space. Why? Because it offers great customization options. With solid wood, you get to pick the type of wood, the finish, and the style that fits your taste.

This means you can make sure your wooden furniture matches your room and shows off your personality. For example, you could choose a dark, rich mahogany for a classic, elegant look, or a light pine for a more modern, fresh feel.

Plus, you can decide on the shape and size of your pieces. So, whether you want a big, sturdy bed frame or a small, chic bedside table, solid wood furniture lets you have it your way.


Investing in solid wood bedroom furniture not only adds a touch of elegance and warmth to a room but also has many lasting benefits for the environment. Solid wood furniture is a sustainable choice as it is made from natural, renewable materials.

This can often be found locally. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation and supports local economies. Unlike synthetic materials, solid wood furniture is biodegradable and can be easily recycled or repurposed.

It does not need to be replaced frequently, reducing waste and conserving resources. By choosing solid wood bedroom furniture, you are not only making a stylish and timeless investment but also contributing to a more sustainable future.

Easy Maintenance

Solid wood bedroom furniture is not only stylish but also easy to care for. Unlike other materials, wood doesn’t need a lot of work to keep it looking good. A simple dusting or wiping with a damp cloth can remove dirt and keep the surface clean.

If there are scratches or marks, they can often be easily fixed with a bit of polish or wax. Plus, solid wood is sturdy and long-lasting, so it doesn’t get damaged easily.

This means less time spent on repairs and more time enjoying your beautiful furniture. So, if you want bedroom furniture that’s low maintenance and will stand the test of time, investing in solid wood is a smart choice.

Design Versatility

One of the best things about solid wood bedroom furniture is its design versatility. No matter what your style is, there’s a piece of wooden furniture that will fit perfectly.

Whether you’re into modern minimalism or rustic charm, solid wood can adapt to any look. You can keep the natural grain for a warm, earthy feel or paint it any color for a more bold, unique look.

Plus, because wood is such a timeless material, it can blend in with different trends and changes in your style over time. So, if you want a flexible option that can evolve with your taste, solid wood bedroom furniture is a great investment.

It offers endless design possibilities, making your bedroom truly yours.


Solid wood bedroom furniture never goes out of style. It always looks good, no matter what the fashion is. Wood is a classic choice that stays popular year after year. Its natural look can make any bedroom feel cozy and inviting.

You could have a smooth oak bed or a rough pine closet, and both would look great. Wood can match any room style, from old-fashioned to modern. As time goes by, solid wood furniture can even get better.

Health Benefits

Solid wood bedroom furniture is good for your health too. Wood doesn’t have the harmful chemicals that some other materials can have. This means you won’t be breathing in bad stuff while you sleep.

Plus, wood can help keep the air in your room clean. It naturally takes in and lets out moisture, which helps control the humidity. And less humidity means less dust and allergens.

Also, wood doesn’t attract as much dust as other materials, so it’s easier to keep your bedroom clean. This can be especially helpful if you have allergies or asthma. 

The Lasting Value of Solid Wood Bedroom Furniture

Investing in solid wood bedroom furniture offers numerous advantages. Beyond its timeless aesthetic appeal, it also provides health benefits by creating a cleaner environment in your bedroom.

Its natural properties help control humidity and reduce allergens, contributing to a healthier indoor atmosphere. Available in a wide variety of styles, from modern to traditional, solid wood furniture can easily complement any personal taste or home decor.

In conclusion, choosing solid wood bedroom furniture is not just about style- it’s about investing in lasting quality and improving your overall well-being. It’s an investment that truly pays off. 

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Designing a room for triplets can be both an exciting and challenging task. With limited space and the need for functionality, creativity becomes paramount. In this guide, we’ll explore various tips and ideas to help you create a stylish and functional space for your triplets.

Space Planning

Before diving into the decoration process, assess the available space and consider the layout. Ensure that there’s enough room for the triple bunk bed, leaving ample space for movement and additional furniture if necessary. Proper space planning is the foundation for a well-designed and functional room.

Choosing the Right Triple Bunk Bed

Triple bunk beds come in various styles and configurations. Consider the age of your triplets and their preferences when selecting a bed. Opt for a sturdy and safe design with built-in safety rails for the top bunks. Some beds also feature storage solutions or built-in desks, maximizing functionality in a compact space. For a wide selection of sturdy and stylish triple bunk beds, explore the offerings at to elevate the functionality and aesthetics of your triplets’ shared space.

Color Scheme and Theme

Establishing a cohesive color scheme and theme can tie the room together. Consider the preferences of each triplet and find a balance that appeals to all. Neutral tones with pops of color often work well, creating a harmonious atmosphere. Themes like outer space, under the sea, or a favorite cartoon can add a playful touch.

Individualized Spaces

Despite sharing a room, giving each triplet their own space is essential. Personalized bedding, throw pillows, or wall art can be tailored to each child’s tastes. This fosters a sense of identity and adds visual interest to the overall room design.

Storage Solutions

With limited space, incorporating smart storage solutions is crucial. Look for furniture that serves dual purposes, such as a storage ottoman or under-bed drawers. Utilize vertical space with shelves or wall-mounted organizers to keep the room clutter-free.

Functional Lighting

Adequate lighting is essential for both functionality and ambiance. Consider a combination of overhead lighting, task lighting for study areas, and bedside lamps for individual bunks. Dimmable lights can create a cozy atmosphere during bedtime while providing flexibility for different activities.

Interactive Wall Décor

Walls offer an excellent canvas for creativity. Chalkboard or magnetic paint allows the triplets to express themselves and display their artwork. Interactive wall decals or murals related to the chosen theme can also make the room visually appealing.

Flexible Furniture Arrangement

Opt for modular and multifunctional furniture to adapt to changing needs. Arrange furniture to maximize floor space and allow for easy reconfiguration as the triplets grow. This flexibility ensures the room remains functional and relevant over time.

Comfortable Seating

Create a cozy reading or relaxation nook with comfortable seating options like bean bags or floor cushions. This area can serve as a communal space where the triplets can bond over shared activities or quiet moments.

Personal Touches

Finally, encourage the triplets to add their personal touches to the room. Whether it’s hanging artwork, displaying cherished items, or arranging their favorite books, involving them in the decoration process enhances their connection to the space.

Designing a room for triplets with a triple bunk bed requires a thoughtful blend of functionality and aesthetics. By focusing on individualized spaces, creative storage solutions, and a cohesive design, you can create a harmonious and stylish room that meets the unique needs of your triplets. Embrace the opportunity to foster creativity, individuality, and a sense of shared space within the room.

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Are you looking to create a relaxing oasis with a feminine touch in your bedroom? You’ve come to the right place! Designing a bedroom that reflects your feminine style doesn’t have to be complicated.

In this guide, we’ll explore a variety of ideas to inspire your creativity. From elegant and luxurious to free-spirited and contemporary, we’ll cover it all.

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge, and infusing femininity into its design can make it even more special. So, let’s dive in and discover the world of feminine bedroom ideas!

Elegant and Luxurious

If you adore elegance and luxury, this feminine bedroom design is perfect for you. Opt for soft and silky fabrics like satin or velvet for your bedding. Choose a classic color palette with hues of ivory, cream, and gold.

Add some decorative pillows and a plush rug for that extra touch of opulence. Don’t forget to include a beautiful vanity table with a mirror to complete the look.

Free-Spirited Vibes

For those who love a bohemian and free-spirited atmosphere, a feminine bedroom with a boho twist is an excellent choice. Embrace patterns like floral, paisley, and mandala prints for your bedding and curtains.

Add some dreamcatchers or fairy lights for a magical touch. Incorporate earthy tones and plenty of plants to create a connection with nature.

All White Clean Girl Vibes

If you’re a fan of clean, minimalist aesthetics with a touch of femininity, this bedroom design is perfect for you. This style embraces the beauty of simplicity and creates a serene atmosphere using an all-white color palette.

Color Palette and Textures

The foundation of this design is an all-white color scheme. White walls, bedding, and furniture create a bright and airy ambiance that promotes relaxation.

To add depth and interest to the space, incorporate different textures such as soft cotton, faux fur, and knitted throws. These textures will bring warmth and comfort to the otherwise minimalistic design.

Furniture and Decor

Choose furniture with clean lines and simple designs. Opt for a sleek white bedframe and a minimalistic bedside table to keep the space clutter-free. A white dresser with a large mirror will not only provide practical storage but also reflect light, making the room feel more spacious.

For decor, consider adding a few carefully chosen pieces that add personality to the room. A chic floor lamp, a delicate vase with fresh flowers, or a piece of wall art with subtle pops of color can elevate the space without overpowering the minimalist aesthetic.

Let There Be Light

To maximize the serene ambiance, make sure to let in plenty of natural light. White curtains or sheer drapes allow sunlight to filter through, brightening the space and creating a dreamy atmosphere. Add a few mirrors strategically placed around the room to reflect light and make the room feel more open and airy.

Organized and Clutter-Free

The key to nailing the clean girl design is keeping the room organized and clutter-free. Embrace the Marie Kondo philosophy and only keep items that spark joy. Invest in practical storage solutions to keep belongings out of sight and maintain the minimalist look.

Pops of Pastel

While the primary color scheme is all-white, you can add subtle pastel colors to bring a feminine touch to the room. Soft shades of blush pink, mint green, or baby blue can be incorporated through throw pillows, decorative accents, or small decor items. These pastel touches add a touch of sweetness and femininity without overpowering the overall design.

Contemporary Design

If you prefer a sleek and modern look, opt for a contemporary feminine bedroom design. Choose clean lines for your furniture and keep the color palette simple with monochromatic tones.

Add a statement piece of art or a bold wallpaper to add interest to the room. Minimalist décor and clutter-free surfaces will give your bedroom a sophisticated and chic vibe.

Creative and Chic

If you’re a fan of creativity and chic style, consider a feminine bedroom design with a mix of patterns and textures. Combine prints like stripes, checkered pinks, polka dots, and geometrics for your bedding and throw pillows.

Add some art pieces or gallery walls to express your unique style. Incorporate metallic accents like gold or rose gold for a touch of glamour.

Cozy Sanctuaries

If comfort and coziness are your priorities, a feminine bedroom that feels like a warm sanctuary is perfect for you. Choose soft and plush materials for your bedding and throw blankets. Add lots of cushions and pillows for extra comfort.

Warm lighting and candles will create a soothing ambiance. Consider a soft and fluffy rug to complete the cozy feel.

Scandinavian-Inspired Simplicity

Embrace the beauty of Scandinavian design with a feminine twist. Opt for a simple and airy look with light-colored wood furniture and minimalistic décor. Choose light and neutral colors for your walls and textiles.

Incorporate plenty of natural light with sheer curtains. Add cozy elements like soft throws and knit blankets to create a warm and inviting space.

Expressing Personal Style

Your bedroom is your sanctuary, so express your unique style. Mix and match elements like patterns, colors, and textures that resonate with you.

Add personal touches like photos, art, or souvenirs from your travels. This will make your bedroom truly your own and create a space where you feel comfortable and happy.

Smart and Stylish

For a modern and smart look, consider a feminine bedroom design with integrated technology. Invest in smart lighting that can be controlled with your phone.

Add smart speakers for playing soothing music or white noise. Choose furniture with built-in storage to keep your space organized and clutter-free.

To bring your feminine bedroom ideas to life, you may need help from professional painting contractors. Click here for more information on how they can help you create a stylish bedroom. They can help you choose the perfect colors for your walls and ensure a flawless finish.

Hiring a painting contractor will save you time and effort. It will leave you to focus on the fun part – decorating and creating your dream feminine oasis.

Choosing From Feminine Bedroom Ideas

In conclusion, creating a relaxing and feminine bedroom doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you prefer elegance, bohemian vibes, contemporary design, or something else, there are plenty of options for exploring feminine bedroom ideas.

Let your personality shine through and create a space that feels like a true reflection of yourself.

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While getting a new mattress is exciting, it can also be overwhelming. Since there are so many different features to consider, how do you know you’re getting the right one?

It’s common for people to make mattress shopping mistakes when buying a new bed. Knowing what some of these are will help you save time and money.

Here’s a quick guide on common mattress shopping errors and how to avoid them. Read on!

1. Falling for Sales

One common mattress shopping error is falling for a sales gimmick. It’s easy to be swayed by a one-time sale or a large discount being offered, but it pays to make sure it’s a good long-term investment. It’s important to look for the features that are the most important for you.

Also, consider a mattress’s warranty, sleep trial, and return policy. Don’t reward a salesman for pushing something that won’t actually make you happy. Take your time in choosing a mattress. Don’t let yourself be rushed into a purchase you will later regret. 

2. Buying Before Trying

One of the most common mattress shopping errors is buying a mattress without trying it first. When buying a mattress without trying, comfort and support is an unknown quantity.

It’s impossible to determine whether or not it will be comfortable and supportive if it has not been tested. With memory foam, there are even more potential issues with buying a mattress unseen due to varying degrees of densities and styles.

To prevent these potential problems, it’s advised to research and test any mattress before making a purchase. Most mattress stores will offer a trial period where customers can sleep on the mattress for 30 days before choosing if they want to keep it or return it.

By following these steps and testing them before purchase, consumers can avoid any possible mattress buying errors. You should also remember that the steps on cleaning a mattress are important as well.

3. Ignoring Customer Review

One common mistake made when shopping for a mattress is neglecting to read customer reviews. While browsing the selection of mattresses in a store may be simple and easy, shopping without prior insight might lead to a purchase of a bad-quality product.

Reading the comments of customers who have already obtained and used the mattress can reveal important detail, both positive and negative, showcasing what beds are most likely to provide comfort.

Reading online reviews can prevent buyer’s remorse and replace it with reliable information. Generally, most mattress stores have multiple reviews located on the product page.

It is important to read reviews that are both positive and negative, as the negative reviews will provide insight into durability and other essential elements of mattress quality. 

4. Not Looking at All Options

Many people don’t bother to compare all the potential mattresses and end up paying for something that doesn’t meet their needs, or that isn’t at the best price. To avoid this mistake, start by researching the different types of mattresses and evaluating the features and materials associated with each option. 

Ask any questions you may have, to ensure all the details are clear before you purchase. Finally, when you visit a store to compare mattresses, take the time to try out each one and evaluate the comfort, support, and overall feel that it provides. That way, you can make an informed decision and avoid an expensive and uncomfortable mistake.

5. Basing it On the Price

When shopping for a mattress, it is important to avoid basing the purchase solely on price. While a mattress’s price tag can be indicative of its quality, the lowest price does not often equate to the best value. Furthermore, focusing exclusively on price can lead to missing out on finding the best mattress for a person’s needs.

To avoid shopping errors it is advised to read reviews and compare the specifications of mattresses between brands. Doing so can reduce the chances of making a purchase that is ultimately not comfortable or supportive. Shopping for a mattress may require some time, but taking the extra steps can help a consumer make the most informed decision.

6. Depending On Brand

One common mattress shopping error is heavily depending on popular mattress brands. People tend to be enticed by how recognizable and renowned the brand is, and this can lead to being too quick to make the purchase without researching the mattress first.

While it can be helpful to be aware of the different brands, the most important factor is finding the mattress that will suit your needs best.

Make sure to take some time to research and understand the features of the specific mattress, even if it’s from a well-known and reputable brand. Knowing exactly what you want and need out of the mattress is also essential if you intend to avoid this mistake.

7. Failure to Consider Your Body Type

Since body shapes and sizes vary significantly between individuals, it is important to take the time to identify what type of mattress would be more beneficial for you. Take into account the areas of your body that need more support, such as your shoulders and hips. Consider if you need extra cushioning or a more firm mattress.

Don’t just buy the first mattress that looks good; testing out types of mattresses will ensure that you find the one that fits your body. Ask the staff in the store for advice, as they will often recommend the appropriate mattress type for your body.

Common Mattress Shopping Errors to Avoid

In conclusion, you should always do your research and ask the right questions when mattress shopping to avoid common mattress shopping errors.

Educating yourself and knowing what type of bed or material works for you is the best way to ensure you get the best mattress for a great price. 

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Have you been worried about your boring bedroom?

You should always love the decor in your bedroom. It’s the place you spend at least a third of your life, and it’s sure to take a toll on you if you don’t actually like it. 

Maybe you know you want to update your bedroom but aren’t sure of where to start. After all, home improvement can seem like a daunting task, so you may not know the easiest way to breathe some life into your bedroom.

Have a look through these tips. One might resonate with you and be the transformation you need!

1. Pick a Theme

When transforming your bedroom, you could always pick a theme. If your bedroom looks boring, think about something you love.

It can be as simple as a color scheme, or as elaborate as a franchise.

Visionbedding has some great ideas for a country theme if you want to bring a touch of the South to your room!

2. Paint!

Do you think you have a boring bedroom wall? Time to give it a splash of paint!

Sometimes updating your room is as simple as choosing a new color for the walls. It’ll make the whole room feel completely different, even though only one thing has been updated. 

3. Choose Some Great Art

A boring bedroom makeover isn’t complete without some great art.

You don’t have to paint the whole wall; maybe you just need to hang some art up! Think about some styles or images you love, whether it’s nature, wildlife, cityscapes… and find some great art to put up.

It’ll breathe some much-needed life into the room and remind you of all the things you love, hopefully improving your love for the room too!

4. Get New Lighting

If your bedroom looks boring, sometimes new lighting will make a world of difference.

Pick a new lamp for the bedside table, or decorate your bed with some romantic string lights. Some mood lighting can make it feel like an entirely new room, even though you’ve only updated one thing.

Try to make sure the lights are warm and inviting, as cool lights will only make your sleep quality worse when you lie down and try to fall over. 

5. A New Headboard

You don’t need an entirely new bed, but a headboard can make it look like you got one.

Headboards come in a variety of shapes and styles, transforming the look of the place you sleep. If it’s your bed that’s really bothering you but you don’t want to buy a new one, this might be the solution you’ve been searching for. 

Your Boring Bedroom Can Be Easily Transformed!

A boring bedroom isn’t good for anyone. Even though you only sleep there, you want to lie down in a room that’s both comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

If you’ve been looking for ways to makeover your room, try one of these. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes. 

For more home improvement tips, check out the rest of our site!

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Consumers examine more ways to get the most out of the bed, mattress, and their bedroom. If the bedroom is more quaint, the homeowner won’t be able to fit a large bed frame in the room. An alternative to using a bed frame is to just place the mattress on the floor. It will free up space and make it easier to get a larger mattress in the living space. However, if space isn’t a consideration, is it a great idea to place the mattress on the floor? Reading the 4 pros and cons of sleeping on a mattress without a bed frame helps homeowners weigh their options.

What are the Pros?

1. Preventing An Unnatural Curve in the Spine While Sleeping

Some bed frames can create an unnatural curve in the spine while the individual is sleeping. This is because the bed frame doesn’t support the mattress properly. It can lead to sinking into the mattress and increase potential discomfort. Sleeping on mattresses on the floor gives consumers a more aligned spine.

2. Increased Blood Circulation

Putting the mattress on the floor could increase blood circulation and improve heart function. If the body isn’t supported properly, it can lead to pressure in the legs that prevents blood from circulating properly. This could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Placing the mattress on the floor might improve circulation and heart function.

3. Reduced Back Pain

Sleeping on a mattress on the floor could help some consumers with back pain and discomfort. With the popularity of platform beds, more consumers are placing memory foam mattresses on the platforms instead of box springs. This prevents them from getting enough support for their backs. Placing the mattress on the floor gives them the full benefits of their mattress and better back support.

4. It’s Cooler if You are Closer to the Floor

You will stay cooler sleeping on the floor. This factor is pretty basic since everyone knows that heat rises. If the bed is up higher then, the sleeper increases their chances of staying hot all night. Sleeping on the mattress on the floor can provide a cooler night’s rest.

What are the Cons?

1. You are More Likely to Breathe in Dust Particles

Dust particles become trapped in the flooring even if the homeowner vacuums or sweeps frequently. If they sleep on the floor, they are closer to dust and allergens that are in the flooring. This could increase the risk of allergic reactions and respiratory illnesses.

2. There Isn’t Adequate Airflow Through the Mattress

Improper airflow through the mattress is not possible if the mattress is lying on the floor. The bottom of the mattress will not air out, and sweat from the sleeper could become trapped in the fibers.

3. Mold Could Develop in the Mattress

Mold could develop in the mattress because of improper airflow. New mattress designs allow sweat to flow into interior fibers and dissipate through the side of the mattress. If the mattress is on the floor the sweat and condensation has nowhere to go but inside the mattress.

4. You Could Get Bed Bugs in Your Mattress

Placing the mattress on the floor could lead to bed bug infestations. Bed bugs hide in darkened areas where dust accumulates. If the mattress is on the floor, it is in the most optimal place for bed bugs to get into it and infest the bed.Consumers could get great benefits by placing their mattress on the floor. They could increase blood circulation, sleep cooler, and avoid back pain. However, it could also place them closer to pests and dust. Reviewing all the pros and cons of sleeping on a mattress on the floor shows homeowners what option is best for them.


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Modern kid’s bedrooms are so much more than places where they go to sleep in their tiny bunk beds. Today, kids can get actual small havens where they can relax, learn and follow their interests. But how can you design a good bedroom without any previous experience? Here are some tips that will guarantee your kid will end up with a bedroom of their dreams. 

Opt for wallpaper

All kids change their minds super-fast: they might be into blue today, into pink next year and into black in two years. In order to avoid repainting their room every year (paint is messy and contains a lot of toxins) you can opt for practical wallpapers. Modern wallpaper comes in all designs, patterns and colors imaginable, so you can completely customize your kid’s room. The best part? Once they get tired of the design, you can just tear the wallpaper down and replace them with something new. 

Choose open shelves

Kids are very proud of their possessions, especially when it comes to cool toys, cute dolls and sports trophies. So, don’t hide these prized items in cabinets and toy chests! Instead, install some open shelving and allow your kids to display their treasures. This type of storage will also keep everything at arm’s reach at all times and there will be no forgotten toys at the bottom of the toy box. 

Include their interests

You might be dreaming of a modern Scandinavian coastal bedroom for your kid, but your little one probably has different plans. Make sure to include their interests in the design if you want to create a bedroom that will actually be used by your kids. For instance, if you have a really girly girl in the family, check out some kid vanities and fill them with kid-friendly makeup. If you don’t know where to start shopping, check out this Borncute guide and look into some reviews and recommendations. On the other hand, athletic boys and girls will love some sporting gear and memorabilia. No matter what they love, make sure it finds a spot in their room. 

Choose the right flooring

Young kids love to roll around on the floor, use it for reading and drawing and even take a nap on the ground. For all these reasons, you need to provide your child with warm and soft flooring. There are great rugs that can be washed and vacuumed easily and provide so much softness, comfort and beauty. 

Add some study space

Even if your kids are still too young for school, time flies and they will start first grade before you even know. Actually, no matter how old your kids are, they need quiet, comfortable and ergonomic space where they can read, draw, color and do homework. Luckily, a good study space doesn’t require a lot of space: a small desk with a quality chair and a good light source plus some storage are all a child needs. 

Let kids made some decisions

No matter how chaotic your little ones are, they can actually make some great choices that will help everyone be more satisfied with the design outcome. If you don’t want to let them pick the bed (you know they will choose something cute but totally impractical) you can allow them to choose between polka dot and striped bedding, red or blue carpets and canvas or wicker laundry baskets. This will make kids feel super proud and grownup and it will cost you absolutely nothing. 

 If you let your kids make a few décor decisions while you handle the technical parts, you’ll design a bedroom that will be their little private piece of heaven. A well-designed kid’s bedroom will grow with your child and always stay their favorite place in the world.


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If you have ever stayed in a plush hotel you will probably have enjoyed a comfortable night’s sleep luxuriating in a king-sized bed and appreciated the comfort and space it offered.

Why not replicate that experience on a nightly basis by installing a king-size bed in your own bedroom?

When you shop around you will see that you can get more from 360Homeware than just the bed frame, for instance, and if you still need a good reason to justify purchasing a bed that could transform your sleeping experience, here are ten of them for good measure.

Room to stretch out

It is nice to snuggle up to your partner in bed but when you want to get a good night’s sleep there is much more chance of doing that when your bed is big enough to give you that option.

If you are squeezing yourself into a standard size bed that works out at just two feet and three inches of space. To give you some comparison as to how small that actually is, a baby in a cot is afforded more space than that.

If you really want to stretch out and get comfortable it is clear that a standard bed measuring four feet and six inches is not going to help you achieve that aim.

Weighing up the cost

An obvious barrier to buying a new bed, especially a king-size version, might be the financial outlay, but when you add up how much you use a bed and how long you might keep it for it soon translates into a bit of a bargain.

The average time that we keep a bed for is about seven years or so and if you divide the cost of your king-size bed by that number of days it will soon seem like the cost is actually very reasonable.

Improve your chances of a better sleep

As already stated, a standard double bed doesn’t give you much room to stretch out and get comfortable, and that idea is supported by some ergonomic studies.

The bottom line is that if you spend just a few weeks sleeping in a king-sized bed and then return to a standard double bed afterward it has been shown that a high percentage of people would choose to buy a bigger bed once they have seen how it can improve your sleep.

More wriggle room

You might be surprised to learn that if you are anything like the average person you will most likely wriggle around to get yourself comfortable at least sixty times, or more, every time you retire for the night.

It stands to reason that if you have more space to do that wriggling around you won’t disturb your partner.

Buying a king-size bed will give both of you a better chance of an undisturbed sleep when you have more wriggle room.

Follow the trend

Although it is unlikely to be your primary motivation it is worth noting that a growing number of countries consider larger bed sizes as the default option and if you want to follow that trend and invest in a bigger bed you will be in good company.

Give yourself some growing room

Our bodies do a bit of growing during the night and all of us actually grow a little longer while sleeping.

The average growth rate is about 2cms, which might not sound too much, but if you are a bit cramped in the first place, it stands to reason that any extra room to accommodate your nightly growth spurt would be a good idea.

More options to tailor your options

We are all individuals and that means some of us are taller or heavier than others and because body shapes are also so varied you will want as many options as possible to get your sleeping arrangements sorted.

If you have a king-size mattress and bed to support you it shouldn’t be so relevant how tall, short, heavy, or light you are.

A justifiable expense

When you add up what you spend on other parts of your home when carrying out improvements it really is a minor purchase in comparison to buying a king-sized bed, especially when you consider how much use you are going to get out of your purchase.

The average kitchen or living room makeover will cost you a lot more than good-sized bed and mattress but the enjoyment that you will get out of having the space to stretch out and really get comfortable will probably make you feel that this purchase is money well spent.

Get into a proper sleeping position

We all tend to adopt a default sleeping position when we get into bed and when you are in a smaller bed there is always the risk that you might end up having to compromise on that if you don’t have enough room.

When you upgrade to a king it should give you the opportunity to get yourself truly comfortable and adopt a sleeping position that helps alleviate any pressure points and focus on getting into a sound sleep pattern almost as soon as your head hits the pillow.

Some noticeable health benefits

It is always a good idea to try and look after your health as best as possible and one way that you could do that would be to buy yourself a king-sized bed.

Having enough space can help you achieve a better blood flow, which will help banish any pins and needs that you might otherwise feel when you wake up after a night in a cramped double bed.

More space allows you to stretch your legs out and that will also ease the pressure on your Achilles and ankle tendons.

Another key point to consider is that when you are sleeping close to your partner in a smaller bed there is always a chance that your respiratory system can be slightly compromised because it is more compressed.

Sleeping in a bigger bed gives you more room to breathe because of the extra space and that fact alone should be enough to convince you that your sleep could be transformed if you invest in a king-size bed.


Family is important to us all. Sometimes them moving into our current home is the easiest way to ensure that they are properly looked after. This doesn’t come without its stresses and it can be a transition for all concerned. Ensuring that their new bedroom is a comfortable and relaxing place for them can however ease some of the pressure on both sides. This guide will give some tips as to how to make things go as smoothly as possible.

Make it feel like home

Living in new surroundings can be quite daunting at first, even if they are used to visiting regularly. Try, where possible, to make sure that there is adequate space in their room with good storage. Make sure there is space for precious items like family pictures and sentimental pieces that they like to be close at hand. Having some familiar items will make them feel more at home.

Agree what’s staying and what’s going

They may want to bring some existing furniture with them so perhaps you could discuss in advance which items are staying and which aren’t. It may be prudent to have an additional television in their room so you can both have your own space when needed. You may want to consider whether this should be wall mounted or if there is sufficient space and units to have it free-standing. It’s a good idea to have any necessary works carried out before they move in.

Comfort is key

Comfort is very important so you may want to look at buying a new bed for them. This should ensure good rest and a peaceful night’s sleep. If you are at all unsure about what type of bed to get for them why not consider an ergonomic bed. You will be able to get lots of advice on which model is best suited to their needs from an expert retailer.

Discuss a new look

Some new décor will make the room feel like their own. There are lots of home magazines available in stores and online. These will give you some good decoration ideas for the size of the room and for the style they may want. Pick up some paint palette charts and wallpaper samples from local DIY stores. You can have them choose some color schemes that they might like. A fresh coat of paint and some new curtains and bedding will make all the difference. Couple with some matching accessories and their new bedroom will be transformed.  

Enjoy it!

Having a parent move in provides a wonderful opportunity for the kids to spend additional time with their grandparents. It’s also an opportunity for you to have a little break. There are loads of activities they can do together both indoors and out. A trip to the park, looking through old photo albums or even watching a movie together. Regardless, it’s time that both they and the kids will treasure.  

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We often focus on redecorating public areas of our homes to please our visitors and neglect the importance of giving private spaces the attention they need. However, it is a much wiser idea to rather focus on areas such as our bedrooms to ensure we are able to get the relaxation that is crucial for a good night’s rest. When considering that our daily lives are often packed with relentless stress and demands, decorating your bedroom with vital key aspects for relaxation will prove an undoubtedly rewarding task. Here is how you can create your master bedroom retreat. 

A Good Mattress Is Essential

Before you can focus on your bedroom decor or even selecting quality sheeting, you will need to focus your attention towards the most important element of a relaxing bedroom; a good mattress. Initially, you should determine appropriate mattress sizes that will allow maximum comfort throughout the night. It is always best to invest in a mattress that will be able to provide significant comfort and support rather than simply selecting the first option as the mattress you sleep on plays a key role in your quality of sleep. 

Choosing A Bed Frame And A Headboard

While most of us underestimate the additional level of comfort a headboard is able to provide, once you have settled on the most comfortable mattress for your preferences, you should take care in choosing a suitable bed frame and consider the most appropriate type of headboard. Specifically for individuals who enjoy reading a good book before bed, choosing a headboard that provides cushioned support can make a massive difference to your level of comfort in the evenings. 

Comforting Bed Linen

While the option of cheap linen may seem entirely alluring, bed linen should be seen as an investment that is as important as a quality mattress. Soft sheeting and blankets that provide the specific level of warmth you are after will essentially be able to determine whether or not you will be comfortable enough to get a good night’s rest, which is why it is best to rather opt for quality cotton fabrics. Even though the available options seem to grow every year, it would be a great idea to opt for plain linen in neutral tones as neutral colours are most able to influence a calming environment, while plain fabrics will ensure you will find matching bedroom decor a breeze.

Testing Pillows

Contrary to popular belief, all pillows are not created equal, which is why you should rather take the necessary time to test out pillows before simply purchasing them. Pillow support and comfort can vary greatly and while some people may prefer the comfort provided by softer pillows, others may require additional neck support. Once you have successfully selected the most suitable pillows for your neck and back needs, you will be able to focus your attention towards adding finishing touches and accent details to your relaxing retreat with a lot more ease. However, it is important to keep your bedroom design as simple as possible as cluttered and busy spaces may not be able to promote relaxation.

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