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When you are out on a boat for the day, you want to be as comfortable as possible. The idea is to relax on the water. This means that the furniture on the boat should be in mint condition. When you take good care of your boat furniture, it not only is more comfortable, but it also lasts longer.

Taking care of your boat is a lot of work so sometimes the furniture takes a back seat. This is not a good practice, especially if you have an old boat. The extra effort to take care of the furniture will go a long way toward enjoying your boat to the fullest. In this article, we will give you a basic guide to boat furniture maintenance.

1 – Understanding the materials

The furniture on your boat was designed with rough weather conditions in mind. They are exposed to lots of water and salt which can deteriorate the material over time. Understanding the material will clue you in as to how to treat and maintain it.

Teak marine furniture is a popular choice. It’s strong and has a natural oil that helps it resist water and rot. This makes it great for wet environments like boats. However, teak needs regular care. Without it, the wood can turn gray and lose its beauty. Cleaning and oiling teak furniture will keep it looking good.

Stainless steel is another material often used in boat furniture. It’s known for its strength and resistance to rust, which is important in a marine setting. Stainless steel can handle harsh weather and salty air well. But, it can get hot in the sun and may show fingerprints and smudges. Regular wiping with a proper cleaner can maintain its shine.

Marine-grade vinyl is a common choice for boat upholstery. It’s durable and can handle water and sun exposure. This type of vinyl resists mold and mildew, which is great for a boat’s damp environment. Yet, it can get damaged by sharp objects and needs regular cleaning to prevent stains and build-up.

2 – Take protective measures

Boat furniture is constantly exposed to the elements, so it’s important to protect it properly. When taken care of properly to protect it from the elements, it will be much easier to maintain going forward.

To protect furniture from sun damage use products with UV protection. For vinyl and other fabrics, UV protectant sprays can prevent fading and cracking. Apply these sprays regularly so they can do the job they were designed to do. For wood furniture like teak, select sealants or finishes that offer UV protection. This helps preserve the wood’s color and strength.

Rust and corrosion are common issues for metal components on boat furniture, especially boats used in saltwater. To prevent rust, regularly inspect metal parts for any signs of corrosion. Clean them with a metal cleaner and protect them with a coat of metal protectant or a rust inhibitor.

3 – Regular cleaning

To get the most out of your furniture so it lasts for many years to come, cleaning is essential. Cleaning doesn’t just give you a clean spot to lounge on. It also keeps the furniture in good condition.

For vinyl upholstery, use a mild soap mixed with water. Apply the solution with a soft cloth, scrubbing gently to avoid damaging the material. Rinse with clean water and dry with a towel. Avoid harsh chemicals that can break down the vinyl.

When cleaning teak furniture you should have a specialty cleaner formulated for it. These cleaners are designed to remove dirt without stripping the natural oils from the wood. Apply the cleaner according to the instructions, then rinse and let it dry naturally. As beautiful and durable as teak is, it must also be treated regularly to maintain it.

4 – Proper storage

You shouldn’t just focus your maintenance on when the boat is on the water. Even storage can do damage.

If you’re storing the furniture on the boat, make sure each piece is dry to avoid mold and mildew growth. Cover the furniture with breathable covers to protect it from dust and moisture. The boat itself should be stored in a dry, sheltered area to minimize exposure to harsh weather conditions.

Before the boat gets put away for the winter, take the time to give all the furniture some TLC. This means applying a final layer of oil to your teak and adding more sealant to the vinyl.  

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Did you know that Spain has over 7.3 million residents who are foreign-born? While the country had large emigration numbers prior to the ’90s, Spain’s been a huge point of interest for immigration ever since the 2000s.

If you’re thinking of living the expat lifestyle, then moving to Spain may be something you’re considering. However, like all nations, there are both pros and cons when living here.

Read on for a brief guide on what to expect from life in Spain.

Pro: The Quality of Life Is Amazing

Living in Spain can feel like a paradise. Not only is there fantastic weather, but also beautiful beaches and a relaxed lifestyle. You’ll also find a rich cultural heritage, delicious food, and a vibrant social scene. You’ll definitely soak in the Spanish culture and grow as a person!

Plus, the cost of living in Spain isn’t high; it’s much lower than in most parts of the US. Daily expenses are more affordable, especially in smaller towns and cities.

Of course, if you can afford it, then you can buy villas like those on this page. Otherwise, housing (and transportation) are much cheaper.

Pro: There Are Ample Job Opportunities

To support your lifestyle in Spain, you’ll need a good job. The good news is, there are ample job opportunities here.

The country has a diverse economy, so you can find positions in various sectors ranging from tourism and hospitality to technology and English teaching. There are many multinational company offices in Spain too, so working as an expat isn’t difficult.

Recent reforms have increased the number of permanent contracts, so this works in your favor as well.

Con: There May Be a Language Barrier

If you don’t speak Spanish, then you may run into challenges in everyday situations, especially if you don’t live in a tourist area. Many Spaniards speak English, but that doesn’t change the fact that everything’s done in the official language of Spanish.

Without Spanish language skills, it can be difficult to deal with bureaucracy and healthcare. It can also be hard to find employment outside of English-teaching roles.

Con: Bureaucracy Is Slow

Spain has a reputation for its time-consuming and even frustrating bureaucratic processes. Be prepared to exercise patience and persistence when trying to obtain your residency permit and dealing with government agencies.

When setting up utilities and your bank accounts, you’ll have to be equally patient. There’s a slower pace of life in Spain, which can take some time to get used to.

Is Life in Spain Right for You?

Life in Spain can seem perfect at first, especially given the many pros the country has.

However, you need to look at things objectively and weigh the pros with the cons. Only then can you make a smart decision before uprooting your life and moving somewhere new.

Keep reading our blog page if you want to learn more about life outside of the US.

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In recent years, the short-term rental industry has experienced significant growth and has become a popular way for property owners to generate additional income. With the rise of platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, listing and renting listing and renting out your space to travelers and tourists has become easier than ever. However, to stand out in this competitive market, creating a unique and inviting space that will attract guests is important. This article aims to assist you in converting your space into a lucrative short-term rental venture, providing valuable insights and tips.

Concept and Design

Understanding Your Target Market

Before diving into the design process, gaining a deep understanding of your target market is crucial. Consider the demographics, interests, and preferences of potential guests. Are they families, couples, solo travelers, or business professionals? By identifying your target market, you can tailor your concept and design to meet their needs and desires.

Embracing the Local Culture

To create a memorable experience for your guests, incorporate elements of the local culture into your design. Research the region’s traditions, architecture, and artistic influences. Whether it’s through artwork, furnishings, or decorative accents, infusing the essence of the local culture can add an authentic touch to your rental and help guests connect with the destination.

Adapting to the Property’s Location

The location of your property plays a significant role in shaping its concept and design. Consider the surroundings, climate, and unique features of the area. For instance, if your property is nestled in lush countryside, create a rustic and cozy ambiance with natural materials and earthy tones. On the other hand, if your property is situated in a bustling city, a contemporary and vibrant design might be more fitting.

Creating Functional and Comfortable Spaces

While aesthetics are important, it’s equally crucial to prioritize functionality and comfort. Consider your guests’ activities during their stay and design spaces that cater to those needs. For example, if your target market includes families, ensure comfortable seating areas, ample storage for toys and belongings, and child-friendly amenities. Balancing functionality with style will enhance the overall guest experience.

Space Optimization

Space optimization is crucial when maximizing the potential of your short-term rental. The key is to make the most of the available space without overcrowding it. Consider the layout of your property and how you can create functional areas that meet the needs of your guests. For instance, if you have a small studio apartment, you can utilize multifunctional furniture, such as a sofa bed or a foldable dining table, to create a flexible living space. Clever storage solutions like built-in shelves or under-bed storage can help guests keep their belongings organized and make the area feel less cluttered.

Decor and Style

The decor and style of your short-term rental can significantly impact the guest experience. Choose a cohesive theme or color scheme that runs throughout the property to create a sense of unity and visual appeal. Pay attention to details such as artwork, lighting, and textiles, as they can elevate the overall ambiance. Here are some tips for the most essential areas of a short-term rental:

Entrance and Common Areas

Your short-term rental’s entrance and common areas set the tone for the entire space. Create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere with carefully chosen decor and style elements. Consider using a statement piece, such as an eye-catching artwork or a stylish console table, to make a memorable first impression. Pay attention to lighting in these areas, as well. Soft and warm lighting can create a cozy ambiance, while brighter lighting can enhance functionality and make the space more open.

Living Room

The living room is often the central gathering space for guests to relax and socialize. Choose comfortable and stylish furniture that accommodates the maximum number of guests your rental can accommodate. Incorporate a mix of textures and patterns in your upholstery and throw pillows to add visual interest. Consider adding a coffee table or side tables for guests to place belongings or beverages. Enhance the space with decorative accents like plants, artwork, and unique decor items that reflect the theme or local culture.


Creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom is crucial for ensuring a restful stay for your guests. Invest in a quality mattress and linens to provide a luxurious sleeping experience. Choose a soothing color palette and incorporate soft lighting to create a calming ambiance. Pay attention to storage solutions, such as a wardrobe or dresser, to provide guests with ample space for their belongings. Consider adding bedside tables with reading lamps and decorative elements like wall art or mirrors to elevate the overall aesthetic.

Kitchen and Dining Area

The kitchen and dining area should be functional, practical, and aesthetically pleasing. Opt for durable yet stylish appliances and fixtures that are easy to clean and maintain. Consider providing essential cooking utensils, cookware, and dinnerware to enhance convenience for guests who prefer preparing their meals. Choose a dining table and chairs that can comfortably accommodate the maximum number of guests. Decorate the space with simple yet elegant table settings and add a touch of greenery with potted herbs or a small indoor plant.


A clean and well-designed bathroom can significantly enhance the guest experience. Pay attention to the details, such as high-quality towels, bath mats, and toiletries, to create a luxurious feel. Consider adding storage solutions like shelves or baskets to keep essentials organized. Incorporate stylish lighting fixtures and mirrors to create a bright and inviting atmosphere. Add decorative elements like artwork or small plants to infuse personality and create a spa-like ambiance.

Technology Integration

Technology integration is essential for a successful short-term rental in today’s digital age. Guests expect seamless connectivity and modern amenities during their stay. Provide high-speed Wi-Fi access, innovative home features like keyless entry or voice-activated controls, and entertainment options like smart TVs with streaming services. Additionally, consider installing charging stations for guests to recharge their devices conveniently. Embracing technology enhances guest satisfaction and streamlines property management tasks, such as automated check-in/check-out processes and remote property monitoring.

Best Platforms to List Your Rental

To reach a wide audience and maximize your booking potential, choosing the right platforms to list your short-term rental is important. While Airbnb is one of the most popular options, other platforms exist, such as VRBO,, and HomeAway. Each forum has its advantages and target market, so it’s worth researching and comparing their features, fees, and reach before deciding. It’s also beneficial to optimize your listing with high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing to attract potential guests.

Transforming your space into a profitable short-term rental venture requires careful planning and attention to detail. By focusing on the concept and design, space optimization, decor and style, technology integration, and choosing the best platforms to list your rental, you can create a successful short-term rental experience.

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There are a lot of good things about living in Utah – too many to make a complete list of. But if you’re planning to move there and need to remind yourself about why it’s actually a great idea, this is for you! And if you’re looking to hit the ground running and begin with finding real estate, check here. Remember, you heard it here, first! So, with business done, let’s check out the pleasures of living in the Beehive State.

1. Magnificent Scenery and a Host of Outdoor Activities

Amazing landscapes await, and if you’re going to become a local, you’ll have your work cut out exploring all of them. The Bonnieville Salt Flats, for example, have to be seen first hand, and even then, you’ll struggle to take in all that splendor. 

Top that off with incredible national parks where you can see fabulous rock formations and more, and your thirst for contact with nature and the great outdoors is sure to be satisfied. When winter comes around, it’s time to go skiing or snowboarding, and in summer you can enjoy hiking,mountain biking and rafting. If you’re outdoorsy, you’re going to love Utah – you don’t even have to rough it! RV decor ideas turn your RV into something special. 

2. Great Public Transport in the Cities

Once you hit the city, you won’t need to worry about getting a ride. The local transit authority has gone all-out to make moving around in the metros an easy matter. There’s even an electric bike share program – great for getting to know your nearest city better than you would by car. For the rest, expect to find fairly comprehensive coverage via bus and light rail, especially in Salt Lake City. However, once you leave the cities, you’re really going to need your car! 

3. City Dwellers Will Find Plenty to Do and See Near Home

If the wide open spaces have less appeal to you than the buzz of city life, you needn’t fear being left at a loss for things to do in Utah. Salt Lake City is the hub of the action, but it’s by no means the only city in Utah where you can enjoy museums, the arts, historic buildings, restaurants and clubs. Be sure to spend time in Ogden, and Provo for example.

4. Get Your Kids Set for the Future

There are many excellent public schools in Utah. Overall, the state ranked 12th for its academic environment despite larger-than average classes per teacher. Looking beyond secondary school? Then Brigham Young University in Provo is the best Utah has to offer – and it was up against some tough competition from Utah’s other Universities and colleges!

5. Pro for Some, Con For Others: Amazingly Strict Liquor Laws!

If there’s one thing about Utah that might baffle some and please others, it’s the extremely tough liquor laws enforced across the state. Outlets selling liquor are relatively few and far between, meaning that you may have to do a bit of planning to stock up your home bar. There used to be a “private club” system which meant you may have to pay a membership fee in order to get drinks at clubs and restaurants. Luckily for those who enjoy a drink or two, that’s been repealed.

We’ve just dipped our toe in the waters to come up with some of the things you may like about Utah. Of course, nowhere is perfect, and you might find the dry, hot summers rather harsh – but all in all, there’s every chance that you’ll love living in Utah. See you there!
