Family is important to us all. Sometimes them moving into our current home is the easiest way to ensure that they are properly looked after. This doesn’t come without its stresses and it can be a transition for all concerned. Ensuring that their new bedroom is a comfortable and relaxing place for them can however ease some of the pressure on both sides. This guide will give some tips as to how to make things go as smoothly as possible.
Make it feel like home
Living in new surroundings can be quite daunting at first, even if they are used to visiting regularly. Try, where possible, to make sure that there is adequate space in their room with good storage. Make sure there is space for precious items like family pictures and sentimental pieces that they like to be close at hand. Having some familiar items will make them feel more at home.

Agree what’s staying and what’s going
They may want to bring some existing furniture with them so perhaps you could discuss in advance which items are staying and which aren’t. It may be prudent to have an additional television in their room so you can both have your own space when needed. You may want to consider whether this should be wall mounted or if there is sufficient space and units to have it free-standing. It’s a good idea to have any necessary works carried out before they move in.
Comfort is key
Comfort is very important so you may want to look at buying a new bed for them. This should ensure good rest and a peaceful night’s sleep. If you are at all unsure about what type of bed to get for them why not consider an ergonomic bed. You will be able to get lots of advice on which model is best suited to their needs from an expert retailer.

Discuss a new look
Some new décor will make the room feel like their own. There are lots of home magazines available in stores and online. These will give you some good decoration ideas for the size of the room and for the style they may want. Pick up some paint palette charts and wallpaper samples from local DIY stores. You can have them choose some color schemes that they might like. A fresh coat of paint and some new curtains and bedding will make all the difference. Couple with some matching accessories and their new bedroom will be transformed.
Enjoy it!
Having a parent move in provides a wonderful opportunity for the kids to spend additional time with their grandparents. It’s also an opportunity for you to have a little break. There are loads of activities they can do together both indoors and out. A trip to the park, looking through old photo albums or even watching a movie together. Regardless, it’s time that both they and the kids will treasure.