Mirrors are almost always strategically placed where they get the best results. Everyone wants to look their best before they leave home. Mirrors have been used for hundreds of years. Some are enclosed in a beautiful metal frame, while another one may have an antique wooden frame around it. Some mirrors are as small as a compact used for applying powder or eye makeup while some are as large a room. Many mirrors cover the entire front of a closet or a door, or they’re placed at the end of a long hallway.
A Mirror is Always Found in the Bathroom
Number One: The most important location of a mirror is above the bathroom sink where every family member spends a lot of time getting ready for the day. Whether they’re going to school, to work or out for a jog, the first thing they do is take a shower, wash and dry their hair, shave and apply makeup. Some of the newer style bathroom mirrors include a magnification portion that makes it easier to remove eyebrow hair or see places that have been missed by the razor.

Floor-Length Mirrors Are Usually Placed in the Bedroom
Number Two: The bedroom is a great place to hang a floor-length mirror since the person looking into it has privacy. They can see if their slip is showing, or if the clothing they’re wearing looks okay on them. Whether a man or woman, they’ll want to know they look personable before heading out to work. There are many different types of affordable and attractive floor-length mirrors. Log onto capitolglassnyc.com for some great ideas.
Mirrors Are Placed in Entrance Ways
Number Three: Many people put a mirror at the bottom of the stair-steps near the entrance door so they can do a last-minute check on their clothing, hair, and makeup. This is where they make sure they’re ready to face the day. A mirror will reflect the beauty of a person standing in front of it and the room behind them.

They Belong in the Dining Room
Number Four: Large mirrors placed on the dining room wall will reflect candles on the table, and soft romantic lighting. The mirror will also make the room appear larger than it actually is by giving it a feeling of openness and comfort.
They Should be Placed in the Living Room
Number Five: Mirrors are beautiful when they’re placed above the fireplace in the living room. Along with the fire in the fireplace, the mirrors add a feeling of warmth, peace, and comfort to the living room on a cold winter night.

While these five tips are places where most homemakers hang their mirrors, remember that mirrors bring out the best in any room of the home. Babies love to look in the mirror while they’re bouncing in their crib. Teenagers want mirrors in their rooms to see how they look before they leave for school. Some homemakers like to put a mirror on the table and set a plant, flowers, and candles on it so that when the candles are lit it provides a softly romantic setting. These are all ideas that anyone can use and none of them cost a fortune. Wherever there’s a mirror, it’s a sure thing that the room will look much more appealing and inviting.