Protecting Your Health: 10 Common Causes of Mold in a Household Environment

Mold is a common household problem that’s potentially unhealthy. Mold spores travel and if inhaled cause all types of respiratory issues and allergies. Moreover, it can lead to lung problems including pneumonia. Here’s a look at some of the common causes of mold in the home.
How to Spot Mold:
Mold is a fungus that can be several different colors and may look fuzzy on the surface. Mold thrives in damp and wet conditions and spreads quickly. Homeowners with a mold problem need to call a specialist. Anyone who needs Mold Removal Melbourne FL needs to get help from a reputable company.
#1 Check the AC System
One of the most common causes of mold is a leaking air conditioner. The system can leak behind drywall and spread mold onto the carpet in the next room. Air conditioning systems cause a type of mold known as mucor which is highly allergenic. You will need to have the leak sealed and make the necessary repairs to get rid of the mold.
#2 Inspect the Foundation
If your landscaping is off just a bit you could become a mold victim. The drain system is supposed to move mold away from the home. However, there’s a slope in the landscaping that causes water to pool around the foundation. This scenario contributes to mold inside the home.

#3 The Basement
Aren’t all basements damp? That’s a definite no or at least they shouldn’t be. A damp basement smells horrible and gets moldy quickly. The basement sits below the ground and is particularly susceptible to leaks and water problems.
#4 Flooding
Mold is a fact of life if you’re the victim of a flood. These natural disasters bring rushing water into the home and a major clean-up is necessary. It takes a while for a house to dry up after a flood. Unfortunately, mold will grow and build up. Floods often trigger toxic mold growth.
#5 Wet Clothes
It’s not uncommon to forget there’s a load of clothes in the washer. Hopefully, the clothes don’t sit too long. Remember, mold begins growing in 24 hours. If the clothes are left too long, wash them again in hot water.
#6 Poor Ventilation
Never completely shutter your home if you leave for a while. There has to be a way for air to circulate. Mold naturally grows on surfaces in the home and a closed house is a perfect place for mold to grow.

#7 Condensation
Condensation is a factor in winter due to changing temperatures. It’s cold outside and warm on the inside. If condensation is a problem, open a window so air can circulate in that room. Further, be sure to check pipes and concrete surfaces for condensation.
#8 Leaking Roof
Be sure to inspect the roof on a regular basis for leaks. Leaky flashing and shingles let water get into your attic. This is a prime breeding ground for mold.
#9 Pipes
Pipes are everywhere in the home. Pipes are in the ceiling, under the floor, and in the walls. If pipes leak, mold grows behind the drywall. You may also notice mold on the ceiling and walls.
#10 Humidity
Your home is a molding target if you live where there’s a lot of humidity. Many homes located beside bodies of water have this problem. Make sure the home is well-ventilated.
Mole can be hazardous to your health. The elderly and young children are most at risk. Make sure to take the necessary precautions to keep your environment mold-free.