The cost of living has risen so much recently that many people are beginning to look into ways to save money. One of the easiest ways to save a lot of money is to downsize your living situation. Since a mortgage is usually the biggest expense a person can have, it makes sense to move to a smaller home that costs less money. You’ll save on your mortgage as well as the costs to heat and cool the house since it’s smaller. You’ll also save on the cost of moving all those items and getting a more reliable quote from a moving company like Cookson Moving.
The trick is to begin downsizing before you make the move. It takes some preparation to be able to make a move from a large home to a small house. In this article, we will go over several things you need to do to get yourself ready for downsizing.
Take inventory
You’ll need to get an idea of everything that you have in order to be able to figure out what you need to take and what to get rid of. This is for two primary reasons. One is that you have to be able to calculate how much space you have for furniture and for storage. You can only fit so much into a small space.
The other reason is that you have to plan for the mover. To get a quote you have to know how many boxes you will need to move, plus the big items that require professional piano movers in Springfield, MO. This is a big factor in how much it is going to cost to move as well as get a timeline in order.
Once you have a list of everything, then you need to put everything into a category. This is so that you will know what should come and what shouldn’t.
Create a plan to get rid of things
Once you have everything categorized and organized, you will need to come up with a plan to get rid of the things that are not coming with you. This can be a time-consuming process, so the more organized you are about it the easier it will be to get it done.
There are a few ways to get rid of your things. Some items that have good value can be posted online and sold in the various marketplaces. This is a good way to raise some money for the move as furniture in good condition will still have some value.
Once the large items are sold then the way to get rid of smaller items is to have a yard sale or two. You will likely get pennies on the dollar for many of the items, but at the end of the day you can end up with a decent amount of money. Asd an added bonus you are keeping these things from getting into landfills.
Next, give away anything that wasn’t sold. You can donate to charity and use it as a tax write off. Or, you can post it for free online for anybody who wants to come pick it up.
Try to avoid throwing things away, but in some cases it’s unavoidable.