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Good luck with your new home! Choosing the right furniture is essential to turning your backyard into a stylish and comfortable outdoor area for recreation and relaxation. Your backyard is an extension of your home; choosing the right elements for it is crucial in creating a space that makes you feel comfortable as well as at peace with your environment. Below, we’ll walk you through some of the choices that most homeowners will have to make for their outdoor spaces and give you a list of considerations to help you make the best decisions for your backyard paradise.

Assessing your Space

It’s important to take a good look at your home’s outdoor areas. First, measure your backyard to get a good idea of how much space you have for any tables, chairs, etc. Note any building features such as patios or decks that may affect how you plan the area. It’s essential to consider furniture placement and ease of movement, as well as how the room can ‘flow’ in a natural appearance before you make any purchases. After initial measurements and planning, you can make more informed choices about how to design your outdoor oasis.

Budget and Sustainability

When furnishing your backyard, it’s important to establish a clear budget during the planning phase to help guide your choices and make the most informed decisions possible. Determine how much your family is willing to invest before you start looking for options so that you can find durable, quality furniture that fits within your price range.

Establishing a Theme

When choosing elements for your backyard, picking the correct theme so that the area comes together in one fashion is essential. Consider your personal style to ensure that any selection suits your household preferences. A good tip for this is to match your backyard furniture to your home’s color plan and design type. This careful approach to setting a theme for your backyard guarantees an aesthetically pleasing and well-integrated design that fits in perfectly with your tastes and your home’s particular style.

Types of Furniture

You can add variety to your outdoor areas by choosing the right kind of furniture. Dining set displays are great for having meals outside, inviting a group-oriented atmosphere. Lounge furniture can create a comfortable and relaxing environment, and different types of seating can meet various needs depending on the size of the family. To create more shaded areas, include structures like pergolas, awnings, or table umbrellas to protect yourself and your guests from the sun and enable more year-round functionality.

Material Matters

The durability and maintenance of your backyard furniture are important considerations. Whenever possible choose weather-resistant materials, so they’ll last for a long time, even in harsh climates. When choosing your design, consider the different types of upkeep needed for wood, metal, plastic, or wicker. Balancing aesthetic appeal with durability is important for pieces that maintain their quality in harsh conditions, and knowing the maintenance required for your particular selections will help keep your backyard looking fresh and increase the lifespan of your patio furniture.

Comfort and Functionality

You can enhance your outdoor experience by focusing on functionality when choosing furniture. There’s a variety of unique options on the market and many pieces have built-in storage space to help with seasonal accessories, such as chair cushions and umbrellas. By combining aesthetics with practical options, your backyard can turn into a comfortable retreat at all times of the year, as well as maintain its appeal in every season.

The Best Patio is One That Fits You

Designing your backyard can be an exciting project that enables you to design an outdoor retreat that’s unique to your style and personality. To better create your outdoor masterpiece, it’s important to take all necessary measurements and space considerations before any initial planning. Making a budget before starting to shop will help you stay on track in terms of affordability and price range, and balancing functionality with style is key to finding the right aesthetic appeal while ensuring affordability and longevity. With careful planning, you can create an amazing backyard space with options that are low-upkeep, long-lasting, and budget-friendly.

By: Katherine Robinson, a writer for National Outdoor Furniture

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You shouldn’t give up on selling your home just because the weather outside is frightful. Though winter might be cold, the housing market is not. Selling during the end of the year has its benefits, despite fewer houses being sold at this time. It helps to learn the ins and outs of selling — including how things might go near the holidays.

What Goes Into Selling a Home?

Selling a home can be taxing. You must determine all the costs, including how to market your house to potential buyers. You’ll have to pay for an inspection to identify any issues and choose the best price point. Selling your home in the winter may mean sacrificing your free time during the holidays to allow for showings or getting your house together.

One of the first steps is to look for anything that needs repairs or sprucing up. For example, even if you have nothing to fix in your house, conducting a deep clean alongside staging can make it look more appealing to potential buyers. A real estate agent can help you take professional photos and optimize your listing, which will attract more attention.

Pros of Selling in Winter

Many people are coming around to the idea that this time of year is optimal to sell, as there were 54.7% more houses for sale in December 2022 than at the same time in 2021. It’s far from the most popular season but attracts potential buyers, likely helping you sell your home faster than you imagined.

People will have more time off to see your home. They could start browsing early in the season with the intention to move in just a couple of months.

Cons of Selling in Winter

Fewer sellers are on the market in the winter, but there may also be fewer buyers. People are often busy during the holidays and may not want to uproot their whole lives and move into a new home right away. Fewer buyers means you also might not have a bidding war that can drive the selling price up. Still, interested buyers are more likely to be serious.

At the same time, because there are so few serious buyers, you may notice that your offers are lower.

How to Successfully Sell a Winter Home: 4 Tips

Depending on how the season fares for you, you may not have to do anything special to ensure your home sells during the winter. However, these tips may help you sell your residence faster than you could’ve predicted.

1. Show Off Upgrades

Winter is one of the best times to boast about how energy-efficient your house is. Potential buyers will want to know they can stay safe and warm through the coldest winters and hottest summers, and now is the opportunity to show off the upgrades you’re proud of. 

For example, new windows are often energy efficient and can muffle outside sounds, leaving you with a serene environment. Potential buyers want a comfortable home they can see themselves living in.

2. Clear Your Walkways

Winter can be an unpredictable season. You might encounter fallen leaves or snow and ice in your driveway. While you might be used to sweeping the elements aside, you shouldn’t assume everyone can. Make sure to keep your walkways clear so people can navigate with ease.

3. Listen to the Pros

Rely on your real estate agent’s professional advice, and determine what kind will work best for you. Full-service listing agents can sell properties a few weeks quicker than flat-fee broker arrangements. Your agent can help you optimize online listings and pinpoint potential buyers and connections you may have never found otherwise.

4. Lean Into Festivities

Winter is typically the season people associate with the holidays since there are so many in such a short period. Whatever you celebrate, make sure you decorate for the season. You don’t have to go overboard, but many people would love to see the decorative possibilities.

Is Selling a Home in Winter Worth It?

Selling your home during the busiest season of the year is worth the potential additional stress. Working with a real estate agent can help you sell your home faster and get into your new place before the new year. Potential homebuyers are typically serious, so you’ll likely have it off your hands quicker than expected. You just may need to take on a bit of extra work to make it happen.

Evelyn Long is a home living writer with specialties in real estate and home design. She is the editor-in-chief of Renovated and has written for many different sites like National Association of Realtors, Eppraisal, and Build.

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In recent years, the short-term rental industry has experienced significant growth and has become a popular way for property owners to generate additional income. With the rise of platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, listing and renting listing and renting out your space to travelers and tourists has become easier than ever. However, to stand out in this competitive market, creating a unique and inviting space that will attract guests is important. This article aims to assist you in converting your space into a lucrative short-term rental venture, providing valuable insights and tips.

Concept and Design

Understanding Your Target Market

Before diving into the design process, gaining a deep understanding of your target market is crucial. Consider the demographics, interests, and preferences of potential guests. Are they families, couples, solo travelers, or business professionals? By identifying your target market, you can tailor your concept and design to meet their needs and desires.

Embracing the Local Culture

To create a memorable experience for your guests, incorporate elements of the local culture into your design. Research the region’s traditions, architecture, and artistic influences. Whether it’s through artwork, furnishings, or decorative accents, infusing the essence of the local culture can add an authentic touch to your rental and help guests connect with the destination.

Adapting to the Property’s Location

The location of your property plays a significant role in shaping its concept and design. Consider the surroundings, climate, and unique features of the area. For instance, if your property is nestled in lush countryside, create a rustic and cozy ambiance with natural materials and earthy tones. On the other hand, if your property is situated in a bustling city, a contemporary and vibrant design might be more fitting.

Creating Functional and Comfortable Spaces

While aesthetics are important, it’s equally crucial to prioritize functionality and comfort. Consider your guests’ activities during their stay and design spaces that cater to those needs. For example, if your target market includes families, ensure comfortable seating areas, ample storage for toys and belongings, and child-friendly amenities. Balancing functionality with style will enhance the overall guest experience.

Space Optimization

Space optimization is crucial when maximizing the potential of your short-term rental. The key is to make the most of the available space without overcrowding it. Consider the layout of your property and how you can create functional areas that meet the needs of your guests. For instance, if you have a small studio apartment, you can utilize multifunctional furniture, such as a sofa bed or a foldable dining table, to create a flexible living space. Clever storage solutions like built-in shelves or under-bed storage can help guests keep their belongings organized and make the area feel less cluttered.

Decor and Style

The decor and style of your short-term rental can significantly impact the guest experience. Choose a cohesive theme or color scheme that runs throughout the property to create a sense of unity and visual appeal. Pay attention to details such as artwork, lighting, and textiles, as they can elevate the overall ambiance. Here are some tips for the most essential areas of a short-term rental:

Entrance and Common Areas

Your short-term rental’s entrance and common areas set the tone for the entire space. Create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere with carefully chosen decor and style elements. Consider using a statement piece, such as an eye-catching artwork or a stylish console table, to make a memorable first impression. Pay attention to lighting in these areas, as well. Soft and warm lighting can create a cozy ambiance, while brighter lighting can enhance functionality and make the space more open.

Living Room

The living room is often the central gathering space for guests to relax and socialize. Choose comfortable and stylish furniture that accommodates the maximum number of guests your rental can accommodate. Incorporate a mix of textures and patterns in your upholstery and throw pillows to add visual interest. Consider adding a coffee table or side tables for guests to place belongings or beverages. Enhance the space with decorative accents like plants, artwork, and unique decor items that reflect the theme or local culture.


Creating a comfortable and inviting bedroom is crucial for ensuring a restful stay for your guests. Invest in a quality mattress and linens to provide a luxurious sleeping experience. Choose a soothing color palette and incorporate soft lighting to create a calming ambiance. Pay attention to storage solutions, such as a wardrobe or dresser, to provide guests with ample space for their belongings. Consider adding bedside tables with reading lamps and decorative elements like wall art or mirrors to elevate the overall aesthetic.

Kitchen and Dining Area

The kitchen and dining area should be functional, practical, and aesthetically pleasing. Opt for durable yet stylish appliances and fixtures that are easy to clean and maintain. Consider providing essential cooking utensils, cookware, and dinnerware to enhance convenience for guests who prefer preparing their meals. Choose a dining table and chairs that can comfortably accommodate the maximum number of guests. Decorate the space with simple yet elegant table settings and add a touch of greenery with potted herbs or a small indoor plant.


A clean and well-designed bathroom can significantly enhance the guest experience. Pay attention to the details, such as high-quality towels, bath mats, and toiletries, to create a luxurious feel. Consider adding storage solutions like shelves or baskets to keep essentials organized. Incorporate stylish lighting fixtures and mirrors to create a bright and inviting atmosphere. Add decorative elements like artwork or small plants to infuse personality and create a spa-like ambiance.

Technology Integration

Technology integration is essential for a successful short-term rental in today’s digital age. Guests expect seamless connectivity and modern amenities during their stay. Provide high-speed Wi-Fi access, innovative home features like keyless entry or voice-activated controls, and entertainment options like smart TVs with streaming services. Additionally, consider installing charging stations for guests to recharge their devices conveniently. Embracing technology enhances guest satisfaction and streamlines property management tasks, such as automated check-in/check-out processes and remote property monitoring.

Best Platforms to List Your Rental

To reach a wide audience and maximize your booking potential, choosing the right platforms to list your short-term rental is important. While Airbnb is one of the most popular options, other platforms exist, such as VRBO,, and HomeAway. Each forum has its advantages and target market, so it’s worth researching and comparing their features, fees, and reach before deciding. It’s also beneficial to optimize your listing with high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing to attract potential guests.

Transforming your space into a profitable short-term rental venture requires careful planning and attention to detail. By focusing on the concept and design, space optimization, decor and style, technology integration, and choosing the best platforms to list your rental, you can create a successful short-term rental experience.

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Plumbing issues are one of the most stressful and overwhelming situations that can happen in a home. Plumbing issues can cost you thousands of dollars, cause a major inconvenience to your life, damage your belongings, and prevent you from doing what you want and need to do. No matter the plumbing issue that you are dealing with, it’s important that you get it addressed right away in order to prevent it from becoming a major issue down the road. Small plumbing issues, such as a minor leak, or a leaky faucet may seem small now, but if they go on being ignored, they can turn into serious issues. It’s best to be proactive when it comes to all things plumbing, so it’s crucial that you have a quality plumber that you can trust. 

If you don’t have a quality plumber you can trust, it will be in your best interest to find one that will not only get the job done well but a plumber that also knows what he or she is doing and will not rip you off. However, how does one find a quality plumber? How does one know that a plumber is knowledgeable or not? This post will detail 4 questions that you should ask your plumber before working with him or her.

The Top 4 Questions To Ask Your Potential New Plumber

As you look for a plumber to fix either a small plumbing issue or to do an emergency job, you will want to be sure that he or she can answer the following questions.

  1. Are You Licensed?

It is imperative that your plumber is licensed through the state. It’s common for plumbers to operate without a license because most homeowners just assume that they have one- which is not always the case. A plumber in Cherry Hill commented on the importance of hiring a licensed plumber, “If a plumber does not have the proper license, his or her work may not pass inspection and could even leave you with a more complex plumbing issue.”

Don’t feel funny asking this, you need a plumber that knows what he or she is doing, and inquiring about a license will ensure that you are getting a quality plumbing service.

  1. How Does Payment Work?

Plumbing can be costly, so you should ask about payment before any work is performed. Here are some specific payment questions to go over with your potential new plumbing service:

  • What is the projected cost of this project?
  • Do you offer financing options/payment plans?
  • Is this a flat rate, or do you charge hourly?
  • When do you get paid?
  1. Who is Actually Performing the Plumbing Duties?

Every plumbing company is different. Some plumbing companies are owned and operated by one or two plumbers who work for themselves, while other plumbing companies feature a team of plumbers. Before having a plumbing service come into your home, find out who will actually be performing the job. If the person doing the plumbing in your home is not the person you are speaking to over the phone, inquire about the person’s qualifications who will be in fact coming to your home.

It’s important to point out that some plumbing jobs may require a team of plumbers, so you may want to ask how many people you think will need to come to your home to fix your plumbing issue. 

  1. What Happens if Something Goes Wrong?

Like any home project, things can go wrong when it comes to plumbing, so you need to ask your plumber his or her plan of action if something doesn’t go as planned. Ask whether or not you will be responsible if something goes wrong during the project, and who is responsible for something going wrong after the project is completed. Before you sign a contract, read it over and find out about warranties. 

Find the Best Plumber in Your Area

Hiring a plumber isn’t easy, however by asking the right questions and learning about the plumbing service, you can find the plumber that is best for your home and is the most qualified. To begin getting in contact with plumbers, search for plumbers in your area online and read reviews, or get referrals from family and friends. If you are sure to ask these questions, you are sure to get the best plumber possible.

About the Author

Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.


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The frenzy over shabby chic decorations has been fueled by a number of unique and beautiful posts on Pinterest, Instagram, and other social media sites.  Shabby chic decors spruce up a home and make it look more enticing to live in. If you are looking for some ideas on shabby chic decorations to add a vintage feel to your home, then you have come to the right place.  

In this post, we are giving you the top 10 list of shabby chic decorations that you can get some ideas to make your home more vintage looking.  Check them out and do some home renovations this new year.

Shabby chic pillows

Pillows are among the small stuff that you can add to your home if you want to instantly change the aesthetics of your house.  Pillows are also affordable which you can easily purchase to provide that shabby chic vibe. Sofa, couches, chairs, and beds are the common sites for pillows but these days, the pillows can also be placed directly on the floor for a homier look.   

Picture frames

Picture frames are another type of decoration that can be easily added to a house to give that shabby chic look.  Get your old picture frames or you can also use new ones. The trick is to distress the paint of the frame and you have your own DIY shabby chic picture frame.  

You can even do a two-color distress frame.  Layer two colors of your preferred chalk paint.  Set it aside to dry. You can also opt to add other designs by pasting it on the frame.  Then distress the paint by rubbing off some of the paint slowly. You can also age a wood frame with some wax.

Framed jewelry organizer

It is convenient and space-saving to have a jewelry organizer.  Having a shabby chic one is far better especially if it is a DIY one.  Keeping your pieces of jewelry in small boxes makes it easier for you to forget about them because they are hidden from your view.  They can just clatter in your drawers, and worst, they can all be tangled and difficult to untangle when you are in a rush to use one.

For a DIY shabby chic jewelry organizer, get a picture frame where you can attach a wire at the back to replace the glass cover.  Fasten the wires with a staple gun and you already have a place to hang your earrings. You can also distress the frame for a more classic look.

Add a shelf for your bracelets and necklaces below the picture frame jewelry organizer.  Use some dowels and drawer pulls in the shelf to accommodate all your pieces of jewelry in one location.

Wood shelf

Wood shelves are easy to convert into a shabby chic looking one.  Just distress the paint off the shelves and you’re good to go.

Or you can make a new shabby chic wood shelf with these simple steps:

  1. Get lumber around 2″ thick and cut it according to the preferred length.  Prepare the number of lumbers according to the number of shelves you want to establish.  
  2. Prepare the brackets that will hold the lumber shelves.  Look for a shabby chic looking one to add more character to the shelves.
  3. Stain the lumber and the shelving brackets with your preferred paint colors.
  4. Wax the shelves for a good finish.
  5. Wipe the paint several times with a cloth, paintbrush, or sandpaper to distress the stain.
  6. Mount the distressed shelves using the shelving brackets.

Shutters wall decor

Shutters are no longer for windows alone.  They can be repurposed to fill up a blank wall to give a house a more rustic look.  You can opt to have it cover the whole wall or just a portion of it. You can focus on the window area by placing it on both sides of the window and you’ll have a dressed up window.

You can also dress up a headboard or a fireplace with some rustic shutters.  Some even used it as shelves and hanging area. A little creativity can go a long way.

Feel free to paint your shutters with your favorite tint.  Shabby chic paints usually belong in the female decor style and one cannot go wrong with a chalky, sage, cottage, metallic, or antique pinks, greens, or blues.

Mason jar pen holders

Some of us cannot live without pens and we hoard it like there is no tomorrow.  Consequently, our house and office space are cluttered with pens which usually are hard to find when you need them.  

Mason jars are nice containers for pens but they are prettier when painted and distressed for a shabbier look.  Paint your mason jar with your favorite rustic color. Paint it in thin coats and wait for the paint to dry. Then wipe it a bit to distress the stain once dry and your mason jar is ready for your pens and pencils.  Like the other stuff, you can also add some character with lace, ribbons, and flowers to make them look more enticing.


Shabby chic curtains are mostly vintage in style.  They look a little worn in vintage floral patterns, ticking stripes, old French linens and soft kinds of cotton, lace, and frills.  With your shabby chic curtains, you can easily dress up your windows and be delighted with the colors, lace, and flowers they usually come with.

Decorated shabby chic bottles

Old bottles can be turned into shabby chic decors.  Clean them up and decorate with some lace, ribbons, and flowers and they are ready for your shelves.  You can use them as decors on their own or as flower base for your kitchen or living room.


Add in a wreath on your front door and welcome your guests with your shabby chic decor.  An empty wall in your room or living area can also use some wreath. You can easily purchase them or create one using some old ribbons, flowers, fabric, and circular styrofoam.  

Repurposed tin cans and wine bottles  

Tin cans are always plenty of homes and restaurants.  These items can be up cycled into shabby chic decors. All you need are some paint, a paint brush, and a distressing material like cloth or sandpaper and you can start making repurposed tin cans.  You can also add some lace and ribbon to dress them up further.

Place these items on your shelves or on tabletops and you can use them as containers or flower base depending on your preference.

Additional Points to Consider in Decorating a House the Shabby Chic Way

  • Do not be afraid to mix and match.  

The shabby chic look comes in stained and distressed look as well as metals and irons.  So do not be afraid to add them in your decor. Furnishings must come in various colors, finishes, styles, and era.  The more varied they are, the more interesting and vintage will be the outcome.

  • Feminine look is fun and inclusive.

Some women are afraid to dress up their home in a shabby chic way thinking their husbands and other male children or home companions may not find it appropriate for them.  Keep in mind that the shabby chic look is actually fun and men also need the feminine comfort that it brings. Besides, it also includes vintage furnishings and you can add these up in a manly way like old, worn out bikes hanging on your wall.  Again, do not be afraid to mix and match. It is fun that way.

  • Add in vintage elements.

Vintage accessories, hardware, and fixtures painted in white or even in pastel colors provide a shabby chic look in a room.  Use the old stuff of your grandparents or rummage an antique shop and you will never go wrong with some vintage elements in your house.  

  • The shabby chic look is easy to achieve with distinct colors.

In terms of tints and shades, one cannot go wrong with pinks, blues, and greens.  Use the sage, bungalow, metallic, chalky, and antique ones to dress your house the shabby chic way.  Do not forget to distress the paint to make it more vintage looking.

  • Use different shades of whites.

White is not a specific color but different shades of it add a lot of shabby chic character in a house.  Use a lot of whites and give your house that intimate feel that any person can appreciate. Your white items can also add that extra-light, cool, and lovely feeling.

  • Fill your house with shabby chic fabrics and cover your furnishings for a more fluffy feeling

Delicate vintage fabrics like lace and some floral prints complete a shabby chic look of a home.  Use curtains and pillowcases with ruffles to add extra flair and texture. Add some slipcovered furniture with floral prints or French fabrics for a cozier look.

This list of decoration ideas can keep you busy the whole month.  Start it early so you can enjoy the cozy feels of a shabby chic new home this 2019 and you are all set for more Pinterest and Instagram posts.  


Charles Watson currently is the head content writer for the Sunshine Behavioral Health group out of California.  During these long winter months, you can catch him at the local Detroit Pistons games. He can be reached directly on Twitter at @charleswatson00, or at

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When it comes to home style, it can be difficult to stand out. How do you keep up with the times while maintaining an evergreen abode? The answer to this question comes from just across the pond.

Take a note from Northern Europe, which boasts some of the happiest countries in the world, and dip your toe into hygge. Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) is a Danish lifestyle and decor technique that values coziness and taking advantage of the little moments.

From comfy sofas to interior home colors, there are plenty of ways to add a little hygge to your home. Use these tips and tricks to make sure your home is operating at its highest level of coziness.

Hygge rule #1 :Follow the 3 C’s: Cool, Calm and Collected (Colors)

If you’re considering bringing hygge to your living room, the easiest way to make the most distinguishing change is through paint color. Paint interiors should be neutral and calm with some subtle pops of color.

Grays, taupes and whites are timeless while green, blue and soft purples tie in overarching themes of tranquility.

Hygge rule #2 : Add a Little Ambiance

Quick lighting fixes are an amazing way to change your home decor simply and affordably and often an area of interiors that is overlooked. Versatility is a quality that lighting, more than anything else, can take advantage of.

When considering hygge, light your living room in soft hues with warm tones. Industrial lighting can add an extra element of minimalism to your space while still making things interesting. Don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit. Floor, table and even hanging lamps provide plenty of possibilities.

Hygge Rule #3 : Organize Your Life

Whether or not you believe in the common folklore of Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow, spring is still right around the corner. And that means it’s time to get things organized for the rest of the year.

Make spring cleaning easier with simple improvements to your living room such as built in bookshelves or temporary storage pieces. Ottomans and unique baskets are a great place to stash extra blankets and throw pillows while keeping clutter at bay.

Consider purchasing a small desk or end table to incorporate into your living space to hold little odds and ends. Knick knacks tend to pile up so make sure you stay on top of organization with regular cleaning sessions where you can decide to keep or toss random hardware. Hygge is all about appreciating what you have so now is the perfect time to declutter.

Hygge rule #4 : Get Snuggled Up

The main goal of hygge for your living room is comfort. Make sure your space is as cozy as it can be by decorating with plenty of soft pillows, blankets and rugs.

Combine simplicity and comfort with modern and affordable sofas that tie in all of the elements of your home. Grab your favorite cuddle buddy (human or four legged) for the ultimate snuggle sesh. You may never want to leave the couch.


For my bio: Guest Blogger – Jennifer. Jennifer is a furniture fanatic that loves learning anything and everything about new trends in home decor. She is constantly experimenting with new small space interior ideas in her apartment. When she’s not participating in hygge, Jennifer enjoys hitting the ski slopes for a full day of winter activity. 


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Buying a home for the first time is a big deal.

To help you get ahead, we’ve outlined some first-time homebuyer tips by calling out six of the biggest mistakes that you should avoid going into the purchase of your first home that could end up saving you a lot of time, money, and frustration.

Mistake #1: not getting pre-approved

Many first-time buyers make the mistake of thinking that they don’t need to get approved for a mortgage until they’ve found their dream home.

Unfortunately, that often ends up being too late.

These days, most sellers require that pre-approvals be submitted along with any offer, and, since your finances need to be vetted before the lender will agree to grant you a loan, this process can take days or even weeks.

Instead, we recommend applying for a pre-approval before you even start looking at a available properties.

Doing so will give you extra time to work on your finances, if needed, and will ensure that you’re ready to submit an offer ASAP once you’ve found your perfect match.

2. Borrowing the maximum amount

Once you have your pre-approval in hand, it’s time to decide how much you can afford to spend.

Many buyers mistakenly believe that the figure they’re given on their pre-approval letter should serve as their target sale price. However, make sure that this move won’t leave you feeling “house poor.”

Instead, it’s better to think of loan amounts as a range. You have the ability to borrow up to the amount on your pre-approval, but you don’t necessarily have to go that far.

The better move is to do some budgeting of your own.

First, look at your income and expenses to determine how much money you’d feel comfortable putting towards a mortgage payment each month. Then, using that number, play around with a mortgage calculator until you land on a price of how much house you can really afford.

3. Overestimating your abilities

Sometimes buyers are willing to take on any number of repairs and remodelling projects in exchange for for a low sale price.

Unfortunately, though, what ends up happening in many of these scenarios is that they end up finding that these properties were steals for a reason.

Often, the repairs require more time, money, and skills than the buyers can afford.

If you’re looking at fixer upper properties that require a lot of TLC — especially foreclosures, short sales, or auctions — you need to be honest with yourself about your abilities.

Do you have any previous remodeling experience? Can you afford to hire professional help? Are you prepared to cope with unforeseen problems and expenses?

Though some of these things may be hard to admit, doing so can end up saving you a lot of frustration in the long run.

4. Skipping the fine print

Yes, you should always read every contract you sign in full.

But, as anyone who’s ever sped through a “Terms & Conditions” agreement can tell you, that’s easier said than done.

While it might be tempting to simply skim your Agreement of Sale (and any addendums), resist the urge. This mistake could end up costing you.

Successful real estate transactions depend on each party fulfilling their respective contingencies by the deadlines specified in the agreement.

By signing, you’ve agreed to fulfill your end of the bargain. If you fail to meet those obligations, the seller may be entitled to take your deposit monies in reparations.

When you’re negotiating your offer, make sure you know exactly what you’re agreeing to before you sign on the dotted line.

5. Bypassing your inspections

Conventional wisdom states that skipping your inspections will put you in a better bargaining position. While this is true, the reality is inspections are for the buyer’s benefit.

They give you a realistic picture of what’s wrong with the property, so that you can either choose to buy it with eyes-wide-open and negotiate on repairs or walk away and find a more suitable option.

In contrast, when you choose to waive your inspections, you’ve agreed to take financial responsibility for any repairs that may come up, even if the problems pre-date your ownership of the property. Weigh your options carefully before deciding whether or not this risk is worth it to you. In some cases, just shortening your inspection contingency might be enough to make your offer more competitive.

6. Forgetting about closing costs

Budgeting to buy a home isn’t just about figuring out how you’ll swing a downpayment and monthly mortgage amount.

There are also closing costs to consider.

Your closing costs will be paid at settlement. They will include any fees needed to facilitate the transaction such as deed-recording fees, title insurance, and appraisal costs.

The exact amount you’ll pay will depend on the specific services needed to close on your property. Realistically, however, you can expect to pay between 2%-5% of the home’s purchase price, and that needs to be factored into your overall cost of buying a place.

This article originally appeared on OpenListings.

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While open houses seem pretty casual, savvy buyers know that checking out a home isn’t just about aesthetics or a quick view. In today’s hot market, you might not get another look before making an offer. If you’re seriously interested in a home, get a feel for the things you can’t change: the neighborhood & ongoing home maintenance needs. You should also get critical details such as when offers are due.

If you aren’t totally sure about how the open-house process works, you aren’t alone. Sometimes home buyers visit an open house to window shop instead of taking full advantage of the opportunity to get important details about the home. When you visit an open house, you should have several questions prepared for the seller’s agent and you should have already conducted some research, too. You want to leave this process feeling that you have enough information to make a well-informed decision.

Here’s what you need to know about the open-house process:

Open house etiquette

It may not be a fashion show, but it’s important to leave a good impression on the listing agent. Bringing your business casual A-game will help you look like a serious buyer. Don’t rush – make sure you get a chance to visit each room and get a feel for the look and smell of the place. Be courteous to the agent and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

What to look for at an Open House

If allowed, you should take pictures of the inside and outside of the house. On the interior of the home, you should be looking for uneven floors, water stains, signs of cracks in the ceilings or walls, and mold. On the exterior, you’ll want to see if there’s any damage to outer walls, or if the roof has any tiles missing. If you can easily spot damage to the home, then it might not be worth your time. it’s important to consider that there may be repairs you’ll need to factor into your budget if you decide to make an offer on the home.

How to take the pulse of the competition

Are other prospective home buyers at the open house? How serious do they seem about the process? Are they asking questions? Do they have a checklist? Be on the lookout when you enter the home. These are potential home buyers who might also make an offer on the property.

Make sure you are memorable

You want to try and ensure that the agent remembers you. Building a good relationship with the agent can be key if you decide to make an offer on the home. Tell a short story about yourself, or ask the agent about their family or how they got started in the real estate business. Make a genuine effort to get to know them in the short period of time you spend at the home. Agents are people too, and people remember those who make an effort.

Know which questions to ask

By now, you know that an open house isn’t just a casual gathering of interested buyers, sellers and real estate agents. It is a major opportunity for you to feel out the home while also getting critical information.

You are probably still wondering what to ask at an open house. You should have several questions prepared, as the open house might be the only chance you get to ask them. If the home is a hot commodity, then other potential buyers might be looking to put in an offer soon. You want to get as much information as possible during the open house so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not you want to go forward with an offer of your own.

Here is a helpful checklist of questions to get answered on your open house tour:

  1. How many offers have been made?

You should always ask the real estate agent if any offers have already been made. If there are multiple offers on the home, it could indicate that the property might sell quickly. If there aren’t any offers yet, then the opposite might be true. Real estate agents hope that multiple offers will push up the sales price of the home. Keep your budget in mind — even if you love the home, you don’t want to get into a bidding war with other prospective buyers if the result is an unaffordable price.

  1. Why are the sellers moving?

The sellers could be moving because one of the owners got a new job across the country. Or they could be moving because the home’s maintenance is unaffordable and the repairs are getting more burdensome. Always make sure to ask the real estate agent why the sellers are moving. If they give a strange or off-putting reason, take note. The last thing you want to do is move into a house the owners sold because of bad neighbors, rising crime or failing schools.

  1. How long has the property been on the market? Why?

Learning how long a property has been on the market will allow you to make a knowledgeable offer. Make sure to ask the agent, but also verify their claim with a listing service. It could have been on the market for a while because a previous buyer’s financing didn’t come through. Or maybe the property just went on the market this month and there are plenty of suitors. The context will provide you with useful information that gives you a better idea of how fast you’ll need to take action and how competitive the offer process might be.

  1. When was the house built? Has it ever gotten any updates?

You want to make sure that you know when the home was built and if there have been any updates or renovations. Check on key features of the home, such as the roof, piping or electrical wiring. If you are purchasing an older home and there have been no recent updates of these features, you should be wary — you might have to make those repairs at significant cost in the near future.

  1. What are the costs of utilities?

Too often, utilities are an afterthought in the home-buying process. But this is a property you are thinking about living in, and that means you’ll need lights, running water, heat, air conditioning and working sewer pipes. Ask the agent if he or she knows a ballpark of what utilities cost. You don’t want to get further into the process just to find out that the utilities on the property will have a significantly adverse effect on your budget.

  1. How eager is the seller to sell the property? Is it an urgent sale or can it happen at any time?

Just as it is important to know why the seller is moving, it is also important to know how eager they are to sell and what their timeline looks like. If the seller needs to offload the house in a hurry, then perhaps they might be willing to consider a lower offer. But if the seller isn’t motivated, then the process might not move very quickly.

  1. What are the neighbors like? Have there ever been any issues?

You aren’t just buying a property. You are also going to be spending the majority of your time in a new neighborhood. Even if you like the property, do you really want to live in a neighborhood you don’t feel comfortable in? Ask the real estate agent about the neighbors and make sure there haven’t been any issues. You’ll also want to check online and look at the local shops and eateries. Visit a few and see if they match your lifestyle and meet your needs.

  1. What/where are the schools? How are they rated?

Schools are a huge issue for home buyers. You can check how the local school district is rated online, but nothing beats asking people in person. How do they feel the local schools are serving the students? Even if kids aren’t in your near future, the quality of your school district will eventually impact your home’s resell value.

  1. What other homes should you check out in the neighborhood? Why?

Real estate agents aren’t just selling one home. There are likely other sellers in the area that they represent as well. If you aren’t totally sold on the home you are visiting during the open house, ask the agent if there are any other homes nearby that you should check out. You’d be surprised how often buyers find helpful information this way.

This article originally appeared on OpenListings.


We are so thrilled and happy to host a new guest blogger this week – Mark from

5 dining tables that are insanely awesome

A dining room is where the whole family sits and spends time together over lunch or supper so it is essential for them to feel good. With an astonishing dining table, you can make the whole space look amazing.  Due to that, I have made a rundown of 5 extremely stunning tables which will draw your family in the dining room. One thing you must keep an eye on is the fact that tables like those are not for everyone. Having an amazing table like that is a statement and you should be proud if you are looking to get one of the tables from the article:

Millenium Bontempi

The Millenium Bontempi is a dining table made for contemporary homes of individuals who value basic plan. Just by looking at the table you can see that it doesn’t have any excess decorations and it looks absolutely amazing. There are two shapes of the table; rectangular and roundabout shape so you can pick the table to fit your room. What I like the most is the fact that it is produced using one material. You can pick one from 3 materials: wood, glass and steel. The greatest highlights of the table are the legs. They aren’t in the corner of the table; they are in the middle of it.

Concrete table

The concrete table is a standout amongst the most fascinating dining tables on the market, but it comes with a catch.  It is challenging to locate the perfect one. The concrete table must be smooth, equally hued and with no breaks. That means that you don’t do that alone, you leave it for experts. The ideal blend you can discover that comes with a concrete tabletop is wooden legs. A table like that is impressive dining furniture and it is for a modern house.

Foosball dining table

Another dining table made for the bachelor’s apartment is a foosball dining table. Remember this isn’t just a foosball table with glass top, it is a table made to be a dining table. A table like that will leave an impact on everybody who comes into the room, including the ladies. A dining foosball table like this one has style and class. A tempered glass over the field is lifted because the height has to be like on the real dining table. The glass covers the rods so you won’t hit them while eating dinner.

Swing dining table

I can completely picture this table in a lunchroom in Google since it speaks to the casual environment you need to have in a lounge. It is made for individuals who are kids at heart and I am certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that this table will make you smile. Awesome for family dinners because it is a rare opportunity to see your grandmother in the swing! The table is completely safe and it has enough room between the swings so you won’t feel cramped.

Driftwood dining table

This table may not be modern, but it is absolutely amazing. A driftwood table is extraordinary furniture for any home since it tells to you its story. It would be a disgrace to put the driftwood table in little lounge area so I would propose putting it in an open space kitchen/lounge area. With tempered transparent glass on top a driftwood table, the extraordinary wood will be visible forever.

Author bio:

Mark is a blogger who has a blog about foosball tables. On his blog he shares all that one foosball player has to know, including the posts about various foosball tables like the one you can look at this link:


We are so thrilled to welcome our Guest Blogger – Marnie Bennett!

Houseplants are a great way to improve the look of any room in your home. They add a bit of nature to your indoor space and can make a room feel warm and inviting. There are also health benefits to incorporating plants into your house; they can remove toxins from the air and help protect you against allergens. If you’re a recent first-time home buyer or live in a condo in a busy Ottawa neighbourhood, you may not have the time or adequate space to grow an entire outdoor garden.

In this case, houseplants are a nice alternative. They allow you to satisfy your green thumb and still explore the benefits of home gardening without demanding all of your free time. These five plants are ideal for smaller spaces like apartments and condos where natural sunlight is often limited. They are hardy and difficult to kill which is perfect if you don’t have the time to care for a large outdoor garden or if you are new to home gardening and aren’t quite sure where to start.

  1. ZZ plant-


    The ZZ plant is a great choice if your new Ottawa condo doesn’t get a lot of sunlight. It can thrive in indirect light and only needs to be watered three times a month. It grows slowly so you don’t have to worry about it claiming a space for its own. It doesn’t attract pests which is a concern for a lot of first-time home buyers; after finally establishing yourself as a homeowner, the last thing you want is for pests to move in with you! The ZZ plant is stylish and exotic looking with beautiful glossy green leaves that will brighten up any room in your house.

  2. Snake Plant –

    The snake plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is a very popular plant for those who have the tendency to unwillingly neglect their indoor plants. These plants are extremely tolerant and forgiving. Snake plants do best in the sun, but they can also survive quite well in the shade. They need to be watered every two weeks and prefer under-watering to over-watering. Many people choose this plant for its sculptural appearance and long, green leaves. As an added bonus, the snake plant converts CO2 at night so it’s the ideal plant for a bedroom. It has other health benefits as well such as removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

  3. Pothos

    Many first-time homebuyers who quickly realize they have a less-than-green thumb opt for the pothos plant, also known as Devil’s Ivy. It is easy to care for and adds a warm, welcoming touch to any room. It is also adept at purifying the air from harmful toxins. It can thrive in low light and does well with a weekly watering. Pothos plants are ideal for hanging because they are a trailing vine that can grow up to six feet indoors. However, you can prune it to your desired length and shape if you prefer a smaller, more robust-looking plant. It adds a beautiful touch of lush greenery to your home and can be a great accent piece to your new Ottawa condo or house.

  4. Lucky Bamboo

    According to Feng Shui advocates, a lucky bamboo plant has the power to bring peace, strength, and luck into a home (a great combination for first-time home buyers!). It’s an inexpensive plant and very easy to care for. It prefers low light or shade and you simply have to change the water once every two weeks for it to survive. If you notice the leaves losing their vibrant green colour, it may be getting too much sunlight. It adds a modern look to your house and an element of architectural design. With all of these benefits plus the power to remove negative energy from your home, the lucky bamboo plant is the perfect choice to explore your interest in home gardening.

  5. Peace Lily

    If you want some flowers mixed in with your foliage, consider adding a peace lily plant to your home. This plant has long, dark leaves and elegant white flowers. Its compact size is a perfect fit for small spaces and it doesn’t require too much sun. If its leaves turn yellow, it’s best to move it farther away from the window. It also doesn’t need to be watered frequently and it will tell you when it needs re-hydration by bending its leaves downward. With its ability to purify the air, the peace lily plant is another great option for improving indoor air quality.

    With all of these great options, there’s no reason why you can’t cultivate a home garden in your new house. Even if you don’t have the space, time, or expertise to grow an outdoor garden, you can enjoy all of the benefits of adding greenery to your home with some hardy indoor plants.

    Have fun experimenting and enjoy your new indoor garden!

    Read more of Marnie’s blog here

