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Renovating a home is almost always exciting – setting a budget is not! But the costs of a home renovation project of any scale can quickly get out of hand if you don’t have a plan. Many homeowners end up spending more than expected, and that can make an otherwise-satisfying renovation project something of a guilty pleasure.

However, there are some simple ways to keep remodeling costs down without sacrificing anything of value in the process. Keep the following four tips in mind, and you can make your next home renovation project as cost-effective as it is rewarding.

1. Think About the Future

Most homeowners who plan renovation projects spend plenty of time thinking about the options. In quite a few cases, normally level headed people end up getting caught up in transient, trendy design ideas that will not stand the test of time.

That is a common reason for spending too much on renovating a home. If your renovation work starts to feel dated not long after it was completed, you will be more likely to start thinking about yet another costly overhaul.

Focus more on classic, time-tested design approaches and that kind of turnover will become much less of an issue. If you engage Couple Abode for your home renovation project, for instance, you will discover that classic, enduring items and materials can provide just as much immediate gratification as the trendiest ones.

The difference, of course, is that such proven pieces and assets virtually never go out of style. In addition to being less likely to seem outdated after tastes change, classic design elements tend to work better with future updates than trendier ones.

2. Stick to a Strict Budget

There will almost always be dozens of decisions that need to be made when planning a renovation project. Even after having set a budget, it can be tempting to spend a little more here and there along the way.

Unfortunately, that tends to send costs soaring, with each new addition contributing to the problem. Being firm and disciplined about the budget you established is the only realistic way to avoid such problems.

This is not to say that there will never be any room for on-the-fly adjustment. If one renovation option that will add to the tab seems irresistible, simply find a way to pay for it by cutting costs somewhere else.

3. Pay for Everything Up Front

Homeowners often end up paying more for renovation work than they realize, typically because of interest charges and other financing-related costs. Commit to saving the money needed for a renovation job before starting and you can avoid falling into this trap.

Low-rate home equity loans and similar options can make it look as if borrowing to pay for renovation makes good financial sense. Even in such cases, though, it will often be possible to save significant amounts of money by paying cash.

4. Pitch in Yourself

Especially involved, complicated renovation plans can make it seem as if only professionals could handle any of the required work. In just about every case, though, homeowners with a bit of ambition and energy can actually make some valuable progress themselves.

It can take a bit of strategic thinking to figure out where DIY work will pay off. In some cases, simply talking with a contractor will reveal effective ways to keep costs down by pitching in.

A More Affordable Home Renovation Project

Tips like these can be used to make every dollar devoted to home renovation stretch a bit further. Homeowners who might otherwise be shocked at the costs involved often find that looking for ways to save on renovating work makes a significant difference.

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Getting a new home is a great thing and when you first move in everything is possibility. But maybe that was a long time ago now, before the kids arrived? So any changes you made then maybe didn’t have children in mind. But don’t worry, a home is constantly evolving and you can change it at any time and as many times as you like.

Here are 5 different ways to make the family home a perfect place for kids to grow up…

1. Have a Messy Play Area

A messy play area is a fantastic thing to have, and by this we don’t mean a play area they are allowed to keep untidy. What we mean is an area where the types of play that create mess are contained. So painting, sand, clay, water, anything like this is not drafted throughout the rest of the house. 

2.Make the Kitchen an Place for Everyone

I always feel that the kitchen should be a central part of any home. It’s where the food is after all, and it’s good to get the kids involved in all of that including healthy meals. Having them help with preparing dinner or even doing some baking teaches them to contribute and keeps you closer as parents and children. 

3.Get a Pool

One thing that’s definitely fun, no questions asked, is a pool. ‘But we don’t have space’ I some cries! Well, this can be true but if you look around for the best Pool and get some advice from an expert supplier such as who can show you the costs from small and portable pools right up to huge ones. This way you can be sure that you get something that suits your budget and your home. 

4. Make the Garden Child-Friendly

The garden should be one area that everyone in the family can enjoy. The big problem is that some gardens really aren’t set up for children. So this presents a bit of a headache for those of us with young children. We need to think of ideas for changing the garden in ways that are good for the kids. Things can include such items as a swing set or a trampoline, you could simply make one area set aside with soft matting or artificial grass to make it less likely you give a fall injury to a young child. It may be making a sloped area flatter to allow it to be played on. 

5. Chill Out Area

All of the things we’ve talked about so far include many different ways of making the family house good for kids in a way that allows them to get active and do things. But it’s also important for them to have some down time as well. Making a chill-out area can du just that. It can be a TV corner or a little reading space, basically as long as it’s a place to get away from everything and get a rest.

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Residential property owners must follow the necessary steps to prevent foundation damage. Gutters are installed underneath the edges of the roofing to allow rainwater to flow away from the property. The installations lower the risk of foundation flooding. However, gutters aren’t the only fixture that protects the property or affects the foundation. Property owners read through the 10 signs your foundation is in need of repairs and decide if the signs are present in their home.

1. Cracks or Damage in Sheetrock

Cracks and sheetrock damage are clear signs that the foundation is damaged, and moisture from the lower levels of the property have reached the walls. Unfortunately, moisture is a leading cause of mold and mildew that increase respiratory diseases for the homeowner. Property owners hire contractors to investigate the sheetrock damage and find out if there is mold and where it has spread.

If mold is found, the homeowner faces the expense of mold remediation and restoration services. An insurance claim might help the homeowner get the coverage they need to pay for the foundation repairs and mold remediation. Unfortunately, homeowner’s insurance providers aren’t cooperative always when it comes to existing mold. Some policies restrict coverage according to how long the mold and property damage have been present. Property owners must stay on task and discuss issues with their repair service before major catastrophes occur.

2. Cracks in Exterior Walls

Flooding around the foundation is a leading cause for damage in upper levels of the property including the exterior walls. Siding that is disconnected and falling off the outside of the home is a sign that serious damage has traveled upward, and too much moisture is a real problem for the homeowner. The exterior walls are often rotten, too.

If wood rot is present, larger sections of the exterior walls require repairs and could present a more complex repair project for the property owner. Underlying wood rot spreads to surrounding materials, such as the framing. The contractor might have to remove the entire section of the exterior wall to restore the property and prevent the depreciation of its value.

Contractors must remove the siding in the damaged area to find out if more issues are present. Under the circumstances, the homeowner sees large cracks in the exterior walls and bricks that are sticking out from the exterior walls if they have a brick home. Homeowners who find the signs schedule foundation repairs for preventing additional damage to their homes.

3. Obvious Signs of Uneven Floors

Uneven floors are an obvious sign of foundation damage. The floors are starting to give and present a hazard to the homeowner, their family, and anyone who enters their property. Homeowners notice the difference in the floors when spills seem to flow in a downward or opposite direction instead of puddling in one spot of the floor. It could mean that the support is sagging nearby causing an incline in the property, too.

Tripping hazards occur due to uneven flooring, and homeowners are at a greater risk of facing liabilities, such as premises liability or accident claims. Homeowners who entertain guests more frequently increase their risks if they don’t get the flooring repair quickly. An inspection of the foundation helps owners prevent more risks, and they can replace their flooring after the foundation is fixed to prevent new sections of the flooring from becoming damaged.

4. Separation Around Windows and Doors

Separation around windows and doors is caused by foundation damage, too. Homeowners notice that there is a space between the window casing or the door framing when the issue arises. The space offers an entry point for pests and could lead to a serious infestation. If the separation continues without action, the security of the home becomes a major concern, too.

Window and door separation causes irregularities, such as doors failing to close properly and warping window casings. It increases the odds of breaking window glass and potential safety risks for the owner and their family. Cracks in the windows are often visible when separation occurs.

Exterior temperatures enter the property causing the thermostat to detect inaccurate temperatures and engage the heating or cooling system. Property owners see rising energy costs and consumption due to heat transfer and loss. The exterior air comes in through cracks in the walls, too.

5. Signs of Weakened Floors

Bouncy floors are a sign of serious damage that leads to the floor caving in and causing personal injuries. It means the flooring has been compromised and has weakened. It won’t provide adequate support for the homeowner or their family. Property owners who notice a bounce in their step when walking across their floors need to take immediate action and replace their flooring. Foundation damage is often the cause of flooring damage due to moisture and dampness.

Homeowners should take note of all sections of the flooring where it is bouncy and tell their repair service provider. They should move around their furniture and find out if there are weakened flooring sections underneath heavier than average furnishings, too. If the flooring is weak underneath the couch or an entertainment center, the furnishings could cave through the floor without warning.

6. Cracks in Tiling

Tiling lifts from the flooring when moisture is present in lower levels of the property. Homeowners notice chips and sudden breaks in their tile floors when moisture builds underneath each section. The tiles disconnect from the subflooring when the wood is rotten or damaged. Homeowners must replace the entire subflooring along with the tiles under the circumstances.

Ceramic tile starts to chip and break as it is lifted off the flooring. It can chip and break into powder presenting a financial loss to the property owner. Acting quickly could present the owner from facing the expense of replacing each individual tile.

7. Nails Popping Out of Drywall Consistently

Nails popping out of drywall consistently are a sign of wet sheetrock. Moisture has built up behind the walls and is causing the drywall to stay damp, and it is no longer supporting the nails. Nails won’t stay anchored into the sheetrock if it is wet, and some might fall out of the sheetrock entirely. Homeowners need a complete inspection of the affected wall to determine if the framing and all the drywall is wet.

The cost of moisture removal is high, too. Service providers use dehumidifiers whenever possible to draw the moisture out of the walls and prevent more damage. Sections of drywall are often replaced due to moisture.

8. Expansion Joint Separation

Contractors install expansion joints to prevent structural instabilities due to land shifts, increasing humidity levels, and consistent changes in the temperature. Foundation damage causes structural instability and the expansion joint isn’t able to compensate for the sudden change. The joint fails, and the portion of the property where the joint was installed begins to crack. Sudden cracks could lead to complete separation of the walls leading to framing and roofing instability causing the entire property to become structurally unsound.

9. Signs of Rotten Wood

Foundation damage causes moisture to spread throughout the property. Most residential properties have wooden supports and framing. Wood rot is a serious risk to the property and could create a total loss for the owner.

Wood rot could also present a food source for termites and cause a major termite infestation underneath the home. Termites are a major risk to residential properties. The insects destroy wooden framing and support, and the termites could multiple and build colonies quickly with a dedicated food source nearby.

Under the circumstances, the owner will have to spend more money exterminating the termites and cutting the colonies off from food sources. The services are necessary before the homeowner starts any repairs. After the insects are gone, the property owner faces the expense of replacing all wood that rotted due to the foundation damage.

10. Signs of Wall Separation

Wall separation is the greatest risk to a residential property and is caused by foundation issues. If the homeowner notices wall separation, major construction and repair services are needed to correct the damage. It means the walls are rotten, the framing is damaged, and the sheetrock inside the home must be replaced.

It also presents the possibility of electrical issues if an outlet was installed within the section of the wall. In addition to tracing the cause of the wall separation, the homeowner must make sure that the electrical connections weren’t disturbed. Frayed wiring could cause an electrical fire and the total destruction of the property.

The foundation of the home is a vital part of the overall home design. It keeps the property structurally sound and stable. If the foundation cracks the property shifts and presents a major risk to the owners as well as a potential financial loss. Knowing the signs of foundation damage helps property owners lower the changes of surrounding damage, such as rotten wood, broken support beams, and flooring instability. Acting quickly and scheduling repairs protects the home and restores property values.

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Buying a home for the first time can be a very stressful and time-consuming experience. Getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan and finding the right home is difficult. But what many don’t realize is that once you a home that you actually want to purchase, the real work will begin.

Without the right amount of maintenance, a home is bound to fall apart. For this reason, new homeowners need to focus on maintaining vital parts of their residence such as the roof. The following are some of the tasks a homeowner should undertake to keep their roof in good shape.

1. Keeping Tree Branches Trimmed is Important

Maintaining a high level of curb appeal is something most homeowners view as a priority. Having trees is pretty normal for homeowners in the United States. However, if these trees are not properly trimmed, they can do a lot of damage to a home’s roof.

The average homeowner will spend around $9,000 a year on maintenance and repairs. Using some of this maintenance budget to pay a professional tree service to trim the trees around a home is crucial. Allowing large and heavy branches to grow over the roof of the home is a recipe for disaster.

2. The Gutters Need to be Cleaned Regularly

A home’s roof has a number of important components. Perhaps the most important part of a roof is the gutter system attached to it. These gutters are designed to remove rainwater from both the roof and the home’s foundation.

As time goes by, these gutters will start to fill with leaves and small branches. If the gutters are full, they will be unable to do the job for which they were intended. This is why a homeowner needs to have their gutters cleaned two to four times a year. Be sure to check out to find out more about the importance of gutter maintenance.

3. Inspect the Flashing on the Roof

Most homeowners have chimneys and HVAC vents coming out of the roof. In most cases, metal flashing is installed around these areas to reduce the chance of leaks occurring. The longer this flashing is in place, the higher the chance becomes of it rusting and malfunctioning.

This is why a homeowner needs to work with a roofing professional to get their flashing inspected. If this part of the roof needs to be replaced, professionals will have no problem getting this work done. Ignoring the need for new flashing will lead to leaks and mold issues, which is why getting it replaced is so important.

4. Pay Attention to the Roof Shingles

Another important part of a home’s roof are the asphalt shingles it has. These shingles are exposed to direct sunlight for multiple hours each day. As time goes by, this exposure will start to dry out the shingles and make them brittle.

A homeowner will need to inspect their shingles regularly to see if any of them are missing. If there are shingle pieces laying in the yard after a bad storm, contacting a roofing professional to come take a look is crucial.

5. Take a Look in the Attic

The attic in a home is where unused possessions are put. This means that most homeowners don’t go in their attic very often. Taking the time to inspect an attic can help a homeowner discover roofing leaks early on. As soon as signs of leaks surface, a homeowner needs to take swift action to fix them.

Roof Maintenance is Important

Maintaining a home’s roof may be time-consuming and expensive, but it is worth the investment. With the help of a knowledgeable professional, getting a roof repaired will be easy.


Sometimes we outgrow our homes. A great way to get the home you need without moving is to add an extension. If you are considering this, there are a few things you need to give thought to before going ahead.  

How much extra space do you need?

There is no point in building an extension then finding out you miscalculated and could have benefited from even more space. That’s why it is so important that you carefully consider how much space you need before you start. It is also important to give thought as to how the space will be used and by whom. Make sure your proposals tick every feasible box.

 Who will carry out the work?

Whether it’s a loft conversion, a kitchen extension or a garden room, you need to get the right people for the job. Hiring trade specialists will ensure things go to plan. Many companies can coordinate more than one trade making the process even smoother. Captain Electric, for example, can not only carry out your electrical needs but can undertake all your plumbing needs too. The fewer trades you have to deal with, the easier it will be in the long run.

How much can you spend?

Budget is one of the main factors when considering the size and specification of your proposed extension. Whilst you may want a huge double storey addition, your budget may only allow for a small single storey. You need to be realistic. Get some draft plans drawn up together with some rough quotes. This will allow you to focus on what is feasible rather than what you are dreaming of. They may not be the same! 

Be prepared

Whether it’s a percentage of your proposed costs or a set figure, having a contingency is always recommended. Timescales can extend, materials can change and labor costs can increase. A contingency ensures that if anything doesn’t go to plan, you have the financial means to deal with it. You don’t want a scenario where you have an unfinished build because you have run out of money.

Getting approval

Once your draft plans are drawn up, you will need to contact the relevant authorities for permission to proceed. They will look over plans and details and ensure that these conform with current building regulations. Don’t allow any works to be started without these. The last thing you want is to have to pay your builder to remove what they have already done.

The finishing touches

Once your extension is complete, you will want to add some color and finishing touches to your project. Consider in advance the color schemes which would go well in your newly created space. Flooring, wallpaper, window coverings and paint all need to be chosen so make sure you allocate a good amount of time to make these decisions. Once it’s complete and your final items added, all you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy your extra space.

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Often an afterthought, the garage is usually wasted space in a home. Instead of putting an addition on your home, consider transforming your garage into a usable space.

If your garage is simply a place to put all your stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else or is just the area for extra freezer space, then you are missing out on a prime opportunity.

Instead, create a space that will add life to it and take some pressure off of other areas of your home.

In this article, I will go over some ideas on how to make better use of your garage space.

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Start with upgrading the space

Before you can plan on what to do with the room, give it a good clean up and upgrade some of the fixtures. 

You should start with a quiet garage door opener from to figure out which one is best for your garage. There is nothing that kills a vibe than a loud door opening. If you’re lucky you may even find a garage door that matches your front door.

Then clear out your space and see what you are working with. You may want to swap out some windows and see if the floor needs some TLC.

Make it a play space

When your family starts growing you need way more space. Often, the first thought is to make an addition. If it is not in your budget, try transforming your garage into a play area for your kids.

Because of the uniqueness of the space, you can really get creative. Even adding a swing is a possibility in a garage that you couldn’t do in a spare bedroom. Sandboxes, sensory tables, things like that are all possible now.

Home office

If you work from home, then you can add a few steps onto your commute by making your office in the garage. 

You can take over the entire garage or use just a corner depending on your needs. That opens up the area for other uses so you can really maximize the space.

The office can be as elegant or barebones as you like, but make sure you take the time to plan out the space. You need it to work best for your needs so you actually get use out of it. 

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Home gym

Forget about spending tons of money on a gym membership that is also hard to cancel. You can set up your garage with everything you need for your own personal workout space. 

The best part is that you don’t have to deal with anybody else’s sweat on your machines! 

You have all that space at your disposal. Use the walls for full size mirrors so you can watch your workout technique. The floor can be softened with mats or left as is. 

Spare bedroom

If the walls are insulated, then you can even use it as a spare room for guests. If you live in a touristy area, then renting it out on Airbnb will help you pay your mortgage!

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If you are planning to move your real valuables to your new home safely and securely, you need to know what steps to take to achieve that. Here are four pointers to keep in mind when safely moving your items to your new home.

1.  Select Your Mover Wisely

Do not make a mistake of hiring just anyone to help with your piano or any other valuable object during a move. If you want to protect and secure your valuables, you need to find a reputable and trustworthy company by ascertaining that the one you want to hire is fully licensed. In addition to that, you’ll need to get quotes from three different companies so you can compare the fee charged for moving your valuables. The estimates given should be based on in-person inspection or video inspection, so do not accept estimates over the internet or phone.

2.  Use the Right Boxes

Before you can begin to pack your valuables, make sure there are suitable boxes to carry the items you’ll be packing. If the movers are packing the valuables for you, then you need not worry about getting the boxes. However, if you’ll be packing on your own, you need to think about the boxes you will use.

Determine the size or dimensions of the boxes. Big boxes, no matter how tempting they appear, are not always suitable for small and fragile items because they could end up breaking or getting damaged during the move, especially when packed alongside the heavier items.

Smaller items should be packed in separate small boxes, and the bulky items should be put in the larger ones. This means you need to get boxes of different sizes to allow you to pack every item in its right box.

3.  Use Padding

You’ll need padding for fragile and breakable commodities. Especially if the boxes are not filled up completely, you’ll need to use padding to prevent any damage to your valuables. You do not want your fragile commodities to be tossed inside the box during transit.

Bubble wraps and foam peanuts are often used to protect fragile items. For plates, bowls, and other dishes, you could use a tissue paper or a newspaper as padding materials. If you are working on a tight budget, you can use pillows, comforters, blankets, T-shirts, and stuffed animals to protect your commodities from breaking because these materials can offer the cushioning required.

4.  Check Insurance Coverage

Check the homeowners’ insurance coverage to determine whether your belongings are covered during a move, either partially or fully. Contact your insurance agent so you can ascertain what exactly you are covered for. If you do not have any insurance or you do not have a policy covering your move, you’ll probably need to speak to an insurance agent to see if there are ways you can protect your valuables.

Taking the above pointers into consideration will go a long way in helping to protect your valuable commodities during a move. You can always hire full movers so they can take care of your commodities during a move as you focus on other important matters in your life.

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Purchasing a home for the first time is a monumental moment in a person’s life. Saving up for years to be able to put a down payment on a house and finally moving in is a rewarding feeling, which is why so many people are opting to buy instead of rent these days. 

Purchasing your first home, however, can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are a lot of important details that go into buying a house, and it can be easy to end up in a property you don’t absolutely love if you’re not careful. If you’re thinking about purchasing your first home, here are 6 tips to make the process go smoothly. 

Determine what you can afford 

Figuring out what you can afford should be the first step you take when it comes to purchasing a home. A quick Google search for “what price home can I afford?” can help you determine this number, but it is also important that you create a budget that breaks down your debt-to-income ratio as well. Think of how much money you’re making each month, and factor in your monthly expenses. This can be car payments, utilities, groceries, and should also include your mortgage payment. Creating a detailed budget will help you see the bigger picture, and you’ll be able to house-hunt with a clearer idea of what you can afford. 

Start saving well in advance 

While putting 20% of the home’s worth down is the standard for many first-time home buyers, many lenders have started allowing borrowers to put down much less. Regardless of how much money you decide to put down on your home, it is important that you start saving well in advance to ensure you have a sum of money you are comfortable with. Putting $20,000 down on a home that costs $100,000 can make a huge difference when it comes to how long it takes you to pay off your mortgage, so remember to keep this in mind when saving up for a house. 

Research the neighborhood beforehand 

You could absolutely love a particular house, but a bad or dangerous neighborhood can quickly turn your dream home into a nightmare. Because of this, it is crucial that you check out the neighborhood you’re thinking about living in before purchasing a home there. To get the best idea of the area, make sure to visit the neighborhood during different times of day, especially in the morning and at night. You should also take note of if the home you’re interested in is in a flood zone or any other details that can make your living situation less than desirable. 

Attend open houses 

When searching for a home, attending as many open houses as possible can help you land the home of your dreams! Open houses allow you to tour a property without the pressure of a one-on-one showing, and you will be able to roam the house freely and check out every nook and cranny. If you do wish to schedule a private follow-up showing, don’t hesitate to reach out to the listing agent and be prepared to ask any and all questions you may have. 

Consider your future plans 

One mistake many first-time home buyers make is not planning for the future. For example, while you may not currently have children, you could end up changing your mind down the road, so buying a home with only one bedroom can pose a problem eventually. This goes for other possible life changes, such as an elderly relative coming to live with you or a future pet. When shopping for a home, it is important to remember that your plans may very well change at some point, so be sure to consider any possible life changes and what that could mean for your living situation. 

Choose the right homeowners insurance 

When you’ve finally settled on a house you love, your mortgage lender will ask you to purchase homeowners insurance. If you’ve never had to do this before, it can be difficult to know what to look for. When purchasing homeowners insurance, don’t be afraid to shop around and compare different rates until you find a price that works best for you and your budget. Typically, the more expensive a homeowner’s insurance policy is, the better protection it offers, so keep that in mind when deciding on one to go with.

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Remodelling bathrooms and kitchens usually add to the value of a home. But, before you decide to go all-out on a bathroom remodel, take time to investigate where your investment dollars should go. Bathroom renovations are expensive for several reasons and if you put your money in the wrong places, you could actually lose out when you decide to sell your home. 

Take time to calculate in advance so you have the impact you want on your bathroom remodelling expenses. These seven factors can affect the budget and design of your bathroom remodel. 

1. Plumbing

This can be an incredibly expensive part of any bathroom remodel, especially if you plan to move fixtures. To keep the costs low, keep the footprint of your bathroom the same. Otherwise, you might need to have more than plumbing work was done as contractors might have to install new pipes and move electrical components. 

2. Electrical

Like plumbing, if anything needs to be moved, you will have to pay for it. However, if you simply replace light fixtures and switch plates, electrical costs should stay affordable. If your electrical needs simply involve replacing fixtures, you might be able to do that work yourself – just don’t forget to shut down electricity at the panel. 

3. Finishes

Finishes can also increase your bathroom remodel or they can keep everything affordable. These include items like backsplash tile, countertops, faucets, and other items that bring style to the room. Countertops, especially solid surface or natural stone, are not cheap. Some tiles are extremely expensive. When it comes to finishes, the best ones are the classic ones that stand up over time. 

4. Flooring

Baths do not usually have the excessive square footage to fill, but some of the options can make it seem like you’re filling a massive space. There are plenty of choices for flooring and ways to increase costs. If you are looking for budget-friendly choices, there are several options available, like ceramic tile and attractive vinyl.

5. Amenities

Amenities are what turn a basic bath into a home spa. Items like jet tubs, towel warmers, heat lamps, and heated floors can add up quickly. No bath needs amenities, but they are sure are nice if you can afford them.

6. Cabinets

Cabinets, like floors, come in several price points. Pre-made cabinets are the least expensive, but they may not be what you want. The big-box cabinets might not withstand the moisture in a bathroom and you might have to replace them quicker than expected. Consider the materials the cabinets are made of before you make your choice, especially knowing that the cabinets will get a serious amount of use in a tough environment. 

7. Fixtures

Fixtures might not seem like they can break the budget, but they sure can add to the costs. If you are going to splurge on any fixtures, you can probably get the most out of your tub and shower fixtures. And, if you put a luxurious shower head in your bath, you will certainly consider the splurge as money well spent. 

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Creating an efficient home for yourself and your family to live in won’t just help you to be more eco-friendly, it can also knock a fair amount of money off of your utility bills. People usually look for the easy tasks to begin with like turning the thermostat down 1 degree or putting the heating on for an hour less. However, there are some more substantial changes you could make which will help you to see real differences. 

#1 Windows and Doors

One of the most common areas people seem to neglect when they are looking for ways to save money off their utility bills is around the doors and windows. These places can cost you hundreds every year if they are not looked after and maintained properly. 

Gaps around doors and windows let the cold air in and the warm air out. You don’t want to be heating the street on a cold winter’s days. Luckily, the fix for this common problem is quite easy, and there are a number of ways you can go about it. If the holes are substantial you can fill them with quick setting cement or mortar. If they are smaller you may be able to use some silicone and a caulking gun to reseal the edges. 

Doors may be more difficult, especially if the gap is underneath. One very cost-effective solution is to buy a draft excluder. These are usually very cheap and will ensure that the warm air stays in, and the cold air stays out. 

#2 Leaky Air Ducts 

Air ducts that transfer the air around your home are usually installed in the attic so it can be difficult to know whether they are working effectively or not. People rarely check them because it’s an awkward job. Air duct specialists, Attic Projects Services suggest that some of the most common ways in which air ducts can be operating ineffectively include damage from wear and tear and poor installation. 

The knock-on effect of this damage or poor installation is that the air escapes which makes your air conditioning unit work harder. It will then overwork itself to achieve the desired temperature causing your energy bills to skyrocket.

#3 Old Lightbulbs

You may be surprised to find out that using halogen or old filament lightbulbs around your house could be costing you more money than they need to be in two different ways compared to using LED alternatives

Firstly, old filament light bulbs are very inefficient when it comes to how they consume energy. Halogen bulbs are even worse. That’s because halogen light bulbs give off heat, so a lot of the energy that should be used for light is lost as heat whereas, LED bulbs are much more energy-efficient. 

Secondly, the lifespan of LED bulbs is much greater than that of traditional filament bulbs. They are slightly more expensive to purchase, but when you compare the hours of use you get from an LED bulb compared to a filament bulb it’s well worth making the switch. 

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