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chores for kids


It’s a good idea to get the kids to help out with the domestic tasks, and there are plenty of reasons why this makes sense. It teaches them a sense of responsibility; it can be a way of them earning pocket money and achieving a sense of fiscal responsibility. When allocating tasks, it is essential to consider the age and maturity of the child so that each job is not too simple, but is also achievable.

Here are five examples of domestic tasks that you can get the kids to do.


Unless you have a dishwasher, one task that can often be delayed is the washing up after dinner. It’s not surprising, as preparing a meal adequately is a tiring task, and then you have to get through family dinner time. Which, if your house is anything like ours, is a bit of a rammy! So, it is great to involve the kids in the domestic tasks surrounding this, which will make them more appreciative.


Running the old vacuum round is one of those tasks that is not actually that taxing; however, it seems to be a real nightmare to find the time to do for some reason. This makes it perfect for a childhood chore; it is not difficult, and you make the place seem nicer at the end.

Mowing the Lawn

Mowing is a great one, as it does not need doing daily, or even weekly, depending on the type of grass growing in the lawn. You can get the young ones out and doing something on a beautiful sunny day. For the older kids, there are other associated tasks such as fertilizing and treating the lawn areas.


It has been a long-standing tradition when you have kids of varying ages to have older kids look after the younger ones if you, as parents, need a hard-earned night out. One of the significant discussions is often at what age is appropriate to let a child babysit. It is a very fluid decision, as there is no legally mandated age in most jurisdictions, it is up to the parent to make a decision and assessment of the maturity of the child involved. There are other issues, such as should they be paid? Or is it wise to allow siblings to watch each other if there is likely to be arguments? Maybe you could get your teen to watch friends younger ones, and they could return the favor.

Washing the Car

Washing the car is another task that anyone can do. But can anyone do it correctly? If done quickly and sloppily, it can leave marks and streaks across the bodywork that can be harder to get out than a simple wash. It is essential to teach a youngster the correct way to wash and rinse a vehicle to get the best finish, and if you use it, how to apply wax and shine it up possibly.


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