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Proper drainage is more than just a feature in commercial flat roofing systems – it’s a necessity.

Why? It extends the roof’s lifespan and prevents costly damage. These are just a few of the many reasons, though.

Below, we will discuss why proper drainage is essential for commercial flat roofing systems. Let’s get started.

Preventing Water Damage

Water damage can be a big problem for any building. In commercial flat roofing systems, it can be especially harmful. This is because the water has no place to go on a flat roof.

If the drainage isn’t working well, water can pool up. This can lead to leaks and damage to the roof material.

Also, this water can freeze in colder climates and cause even more problems. Proper drainage helps to keep water moving off the roof. It reduces the chances of water damage and saves you from expensive repairs.

Extending Roof Lifespan

Good drainage goes hand in hand with a longer life for your roof. Water sitting on the roof for too long can speed up wear and tear. It might cause the roof materials to crack or split.

This forces you to replace them sooner than expected. But water doesn’t stay on the roof with proper drainage – it flows off quickly.

This means the materials last longer, and the roof does too. Be sure to talk about this with your commercial roofers to ensure the longevity of your roof. 

Minimizing Structural Stress

Excess water can add a lot of weight to a flat roof. This can be a problem as it strains the building’s structure. Over time, this may lead to a sagging roof or, worse, a roof collapse.

This is another reason why good drainage matters. It keeps the weight of the water down. It helps the roof – and the building – stay strong and sturdy.

Good drainage makes your flat roof less likely to sag or collapse from too much water. It helps keep your building safe and sound.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Good drainage doesn’t just protect your roof – it can also make your building more energy efficient. Water collecting on your roof can cause the building to heat up.

This is because water absorbs heat from the sun. If the water stays on the roof, it can make your building hotter. This can increase the need for air conditioning, which uses much energy.

But when your roof has proper drainage, the water doesn’t stay. It flows off, taking the heat with it. This can help to keep your building cool and reduce your energy costs.

Mitigating Mold Risks

Mold loves moisture. So, if water is pooling on your flat roof, it’s the perfect breeding ground for mold. This can be a big problem as mold can cause health issues for building occupants.

Proper water management keeps the roof dry and prevents any potential mold growth. It helps to maintain a healthy environment for everyone in the building.

Proper Drainage and Commercial Flat Roofing Systems

Proper drainage is an essential aspect of maintaining a commercial flat roofing system. It protects the integrity of the roof and ensures the safety and stability of the entire building.

Protect your investment and ensure the longevity of your flat roof with regular maintenance and proper drainage. Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Take action now and schedule an inspection today!

Check out our other posts for more helpful guides and tips!

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Handrails are an effective health and safety feature to have on your commercial property. Depending on the unique architecture of your building, handrails may even be mandatory by law.

Whether you’ve recently moved to a new property or you’re updating your existing building, there are several reasons why you should consider investing in top-quality commercial handrails. We’ve discussed these reasons below.

1. Improved Safety for Employees and Visitors

Building codes specify the need for handrails in many commercial buildings because they significantly enhance safety and security. Handrails provide a sturdy anchor for your employees and guests to hold onto as they walk down corridors, ascend or descend stairways, or enter and exit your building.

Increasing safety in your business place reduces the incidence of falls and injuries. Fewer injuries mean a reduced the risk of personal injury claims, which can be costly to resolve. Failure to comply with building codes can also lead to costly expenses in the form of fines

    2. Increased Accessibility and ADA Compliance

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all business owners have to ensure that your property is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Handrails make your property more accessible for people with limited mobility and balance or physical disabilities.

    3. Better Aesthetics

    Handrails don’t need to look like eyesores on your property! Modern handrails will look aesthetically pleasing and blend seamlessly into your building’s existing interior design.

      You can customize the size, style, color, and finish of your handrails according to your needs and preferences. For example, you can choose to align them with your brand colors, keep them neutral, have them sleek and glossy, or clean and matte.

      There is also the option of adding lighting to your handrails to customize them further. With LED strips or intermittent bulbs along the length of the rail, you can keep darker areas of your property well-lit to increase visibility and safety.

      4. Evacuation During Emergencies

      If there is an emergency on your property, such as a fire, handrails can be an essential navigation feature that leads people to safety. Inserting illuminated handrails near fire exits can provide a quick and easy method of identification so your employees and visitors can evacuate the building to safety.

      Handrails also offer additional support in times of panic, when a high volume of people will be trying to leave your property at the same time and through the same exits.

      Better Customer Experience

      The customer experience is an essential component of business success, so it’s not something you should ignore if you want to make a name for yourself in the industry and build a strong and loyal customer base.

      Installing sturdy handrails in areas where customers walk can improve the overall consumer experience. A better experience in your store or office means a higher chance of repeat customers, higher customer satisfaction, and increased word-of-mouth marketing.

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