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feng shui


Feng shui was al the rage in the ’90s yet these days nobody really takes it into consideration when organizing the home or decorating.

This is a shame as it is a really good way to keep your mind clear while keeping a tidy and well-organized home.

Clutter and even a poorly planned furniture arrangement can kill your mood. That is what feng shui is all about. When there is no flow to your home and you see stuff everywhere that it doesn’t belong, it can make you stressed. Depressed even.

In this article, I will go over some ways to bring feng shui back when decluttering your home.

Clear your mind and your clutter

We’ve already gone over the benefits of decluttering your home.  Getting organized enough to tidy up and find the right place for everything is an emotional experience. 

It may take some time to get in the right mindset to tackle the project. Find some time to do some yoga or meditation before beginning. Try to put yourself in the right frame of mind before getting started.

Doing so will ensure that you do it right the first time and are not just sweeping stuff under the rug.

Start with the closets

It may make sense to begin with all the clutter that is visible. My opinion is to get your closets organized and spacious. Having this space will make it easier to find room for your more obvious clutter.

Start your closet organizing by finding the right hangers. Hangers made from wood take up a lot of space so use them for your heavier items. Then, use slimmer hangers like wire or plastic for your lighter clothes.

Identify the problem areas

Your living room may be just fine and not need much organizing. Your guest bedroom, on the other hand, has become a repository where everything ends up.

Knowing where to focus your attention will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Open some windows to let in fresh air so it feels pleasant. Light some incense or fire up an essential oil dispenser to put you in a calm place.

Remove things that don’t belong in that space

The first thing when using feng shui to tidy up is to acknowledge what each space’s purpose is. For example, your bedroom is your oasis. It is where you rest and recharge and find intimacy with your loved one. There shouldn’t be exercise weights in there, or anything related to work. 

The front entrance to your home is one of the most important when trying to use feng shui. It shouldn’t have anything that interrupts the flow as you enter the space. Try to put coats and shoes in a closet that is out of the way. Mail shouldn’t be left out on a table for all to see. Find a drawer to put it in as you enter.

By clearing anything not related to the purpose of the space, you can reclaim it.

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