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halloween decorating ideas


We love Halloween, well let’s face it we love any excuse to decorate!

Here are some of our favourite decor ideas for this spook-tacular holiday!

There are so many options ghouly-goregous, boo-tiful and vamp-tastic….find you spooky style and have fun!

We love this fireplace vignette.

It’s the right amount of spooky without terrifying your guests.  It’s festive and fun but classy at the same time.  The white and black theme isn’t too ‘Halloween’ it still has a designer look about it.


Easy and fun but also subtle.  Try these printables to make your current books look like old spell and potion books.   Perfect for a coffee table!

Creepy floral arrangement…add some spooky and inexpensive spider and snakes to an existing bouquet or opt for a fake floral arrangement and re-use this every year.  Love this for a foyer or coffee table and why not for a centerpiece at your Halloween party!

An easy DIY with foam pumpkins from any craft store and re-purpose those candle sticks ! You can really play around with this idea…orange pumpkins, glitter pumpkins, add some creepy crawlies….so many possibilities!

Instead of a planter to celebrate the fall season, why not a witch’s cauldron?

Another easy idea with many options…fill it with spooky pieces like this image or make it more child-friendly with cute pumpkins and ghosts!

Love this for a centerpiece or maybe just on the kitchen island!  Re-use old bottles meant for the recycling bin and use some great printables to transform them into spooky poisons and potions!

Simple and festive!  Love this idea for napkin rings…this could be for a dinner party or just for the kids before trick-or-treating!

If you are that house on the street that goes full out and creates a haunted house…this is for you!

This “DEAD and Breakfast” sign is amazing and perfect for the DIYer in you! Go to your local hardware store for the posts, chains and the wood for the sign, pumpkins and crows and paint to create the sign are all available at a craft store

In my house, we can’t get too scary just yet so we decorate with felt bats, trees, owl and pumpkins…very similar to this image.  It’s very family friendly and it looks great!

We love a great Halloween wreath – an easy way to be festive and participate in the holiday ! there are so many options, it could be hard to decide.

Hosting a Halloween party?

This is a great idea….give your home that creepy haunted old home look with white sheets covering the furniture (this will also help protect your furniture from spills and crumbs) add some candelabras, candle light and cobwebs and you have the look!

Get create with your vases and fill them with little skeletons, spiders, pumpkins, mice and anything else Halloween.  Add some florist moss and you’ve got a simple vignette for the fireplace, coffee table or console.  Simple yet effective!

Happy Halloween……

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