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home makeover


We love a makeover! Don’t you? Many times small changes make a huge impact in your home. Changing some accessories, or a coat of paint can make a space feel brand new. Many people hesitate when redecorating because they think it is going to cost a lot. There are so many simple changes that can make a difference in your space.

Here is my guest bedroom – I have family and friends visiting all the time and I really wanted to spruce up my guest bedroom plus I wanted it too look and feel like the rest of my home.

My main accent colour is blue so the red and beige spare bedroom wasn’t really working anymore.  So what did I do to transform the look of my guest bedroom with only 5 pieces….

Here is a photo of my ‘old’ bedroom.  This was a colour motif from my last home but I have moved away from the warmer tones.  My current house has grey and white (as my neutrals) with accents of blue and some bright pinks pops here and there.


Beiges and warm tones weren’t really the style we were looking for anymore. By changing the wall colour and removing the red, the look is more contemporary and fresh. I started off by changing the wall colour – I had some left over white paint that was used in the main part of my house, so this kept my costs down – this room isn’t huge so the brightness of the white made my room feel bigger.

Next I replaced the red drapery for something more neutral and airy.  Nothing custom just some simple store bought panels.  That adds some softness to the room.

I kept the bed frame  (although I may get adventurous and paint the frame one day) and the white bedding – that looks so clean and it’s gender neutral.

I found an interesting lamp with a funky base to replace the more traditional looking one that was in the room.  The base has a soft and soothing aqua tone and the shade is white!

I then swapped out the red accent pillows for some black and white damask printed ones (I love print) and a cobalt blue.  I love mixing colour and print and with the simplicity of the room I could add print and colour with ease.

Lastly, I removed the red art piece and replaced it with a calming almost beachy art piece that I positioned above the bed.



I kept the expenses low – I spent around $300 and the room looks and feels great!  These small changes make a huge impact! My guests feel at home because this room looks like it’s a part of my home.

Remember makeovers and room updates don’t have to cost a fortune,


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It’s officially November and we can all see it, not just on the calendar but outside, too!  The days are shorter, the leaves have fallen off of the trees and those beautiful fall colours have turned to grey….everything is just a little dreary.  So maybe it’s time for a change, a dash of colour and some fun at home.

The easiest way to make a change to your space to liven it up is with colour.  Here are some of favourite (and easy) ideas to add some pop to your decor.

1 – Florals.

This is perfect for anyone non-committal, fresh flowers don’t last for after about 10 days – they will need replacing. Or try some silk flowers, these keep, they are low maintenance and you can bring them out when ever our home needs an extra boost! They look great in bedrooms, bathrooms, on coffee tables and more….

2 – Art.

Such an easy way to add as much or as little colour as you like.  Any style of art piece can have colour from abstract to landscapes – go with what you love.  You can use the colours in that piece as an inspiration for adding even more colour in that room, so not, it’s up to you!

3 – Area rugs.

Think of them as art on the floor.  This is a great way to make a statement in any room.  Mixing colour and pattern can really transform a room.  The options are endless!

4 – Drapery.

A fun way to add colour, pattern and texture to your space.  This can really wake up a neutral space.  Like area rugs – the choices are plentiful…

5 – Small furniture pieces.

Keep your main furniture pieces neutral but try adding an accent chair, side table or stool in a colour.  This is unique and it’s a great way to show off your personality.  We love this kitchen with orange stools – it really adds some fun to a mostly white on white space.

6 – Decor pillows.

This is probably the easiest way to give your room a colourful update.  We love to mix bold colours, patterns and complimentary colours against a neutral sofa or bed.

7 – Accent wall.

If you feel you need a bigger change, consider a painting accent wall in a fun colour or splashy wallpaper.

Colour your world – add a little or a lot …

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If you’ve ever had a room hovering at “almost there,” you know how frustrating of a situation it can be. The room doesn’t look bad, it just doesn’t quite sing. It’s missing something, and you can’t put your finger on it. You might find these six things to try helpful when a room just isn’t coming together like you thought it would!


1. Compare it to your inspiration

Whether you tried to copy a room you saw on Pinterest piece by piece, have always just wanted a room that feels like Nate Berkus designed it or looked to a piece of art for color palette inspiration, go back to that inspiration and compare. What do you have in your room that’s not in the inspiration? What don’t you have? It might be a case of you trying an extra element that’s fighting the harmony of the original inspiration, or you may have forgotten to include a vital element that makes your inspiration work.

We are all naturally drawn to symmetry and balance, so see if that is the issue. We recommend an element of pattern, colour, texture and shine in every space.


2. Try taking things out

Take out a big element. Yes, even something big like curtains or art. Now step back and look at the room again. Even if the room feels a little emptier, you might be able to see the potential of where the design needs to go . You might not be able to see what your room is missing because there’s something that doesn’t belong in there already, blocking your ability to see the room’s potential. 

A lot of interior decor is trial and error so it’s normal to not get it perfect the first time.  Often you need to play around to see what you are ‘feeling’ for the space.


3. Focus in on a spot, corner or wall that you do love

Why do you feel like that spot is working? What is it that you love? Take what’s working and spread it out around the room a little more. Maybe it’s a color you only used a touch of that could be maximized more in the space. Maybe it’s a style of furniture you played around with on a small scale that the room could use more of.

See what adding more of what you love in the room does to the feel of it. Take inspiration from what you love even if it is right in front of your nose!


4. Shake up your style

Grab something from another part of the home, from a friend’s home or find a free thing — just make it something that seems surprising to add to the space. As we’ve mentioned before, sometimes bringing something that you think obviously doesn’t go can produce one of two equally favorable outcomes: either it surprises the heck out of you by working in the space, or it points you in the right direction to go in by being so mismatched!

Can’t find an item that catches your eye? Grab a scarf in an unexpected colour (or grab a few) maybe the room needs a real pop.  Do something interesting – display your most prized and beautiful pieces (even shoes or jewelry)



5. Take a picture (or two or three)

And then leave the room you’re trying to figure out. Like, go to a coffee shop or somewhere else. Look at the photos you took on your phone and scroll through them. Look at the photos on a small scale; small thumbnails that let you see the whole space.

Put some mental distance between the fact that this is a room you live in and see every day and instead view it like a room you’d be spotting on a blog somewhere. And then immediately listen to your gut on what you think the room might need (or need taken out).


6. Doodle

Those pictures you took earlier? Print them out if you can (or turn to a digital photo manipulating tool) and start doodling. Drawing patterns. Drawing furniture pieces. Squares where you think more art could go.

Doodle stuff you wouldn’t do in your right mind with actual items. That you can’t do financially. Play. And when you hit on something that feels like it clicks, figure out how to make it work on your budget and in your space!

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