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home office organizing


The office is a great help in getting into the right mindset for working. You go in, sit at your desk, and you’re away!

But this can change when you need to work from home. All of a sudden you don’t have the right surroundings or environment to get your head in work-mode. Before you know it, you’re watching Game of Thrones, reading the news and completely forgetting about work.

So, to help you avoid this, here are five really effective ways to get into the right mindset when working from home.

1. Remove all distractions

Just like at the office, you need to get rid of all distractions and things that will tempt you to do something else. This means turning off the television and putting your phone on silent.

The temptation to get up and do something else can be very strong. So, to help you with this, it is recommended that you block out a certain amount of time for work, and then work for that amount of time and no more.

You can also:

  • Close all your social media accounts (except for work related ones).
  • Turn off the TV.
  • Tell family members your working hours.

2. Set up a dedicated workspace

If you can set up a dedicated workspace at home, then do it! Even if you can’t, try and make your home office as clean, tidy and presentable as possible. This will help you to feel like you’ve really got something to work with, and will give you a real boost of motivation.

It will also be beneficial if you can work from the same place every day. This will help you build a routine, which makes it easier to achieve the right mindset for work

But if you do have to work from other areas around the house, try to keep one thing consistent. You might find it helpful to wear your work clothes, sit in the same chair, or even listen to a radio show every day.

3. Get the correct equipment and furniture

As well as working from the same place every day, it’s also really important to have the correct equipment and furniture for your work space. If you are able to, invest in similar furnishings and equipment that you would use in your office. This will really get you in the working mindset and will motivate you to do more.

Some of the furniture you will need include:

  • A decent desk – if you can afford it, a desk with adjustable height can really improve your productivity. Stand up reading desks, for example, are really good for letting you move around easily and keep you fit!
  • A comfortable chair – use this chair when you need to relax, and make sure it’s somewhere where you can sit for a long time without feeling uncomfortable.
  • A small coffee table – this is great for putting your notes, laptop and other things on.
  • A few shelves – these are great for storing stationary, resources, and other things you might need.

Make sure your work area is clean, tidy and clutter-free. This will make it easier to be in the right mindset for working. Invest in some storage solutions for your desk, and try and make a nice, comfortable space for you to work in.

4. Background noise can be helpful

Background noise can be a good thing. If you are working from home, try and play some kind of calming music in the background. This will help to block out any noise from the rest of the household. You can also try the radio, or even the TV if you’re working late at night.

However, make sure the music, radio or TV is not distracting or loud enough to take your attention from your work. You can use headphones, or put the radio or TV on in another room.

5. Use the right lighting

The right lighting can really help you to get into the right mindset for work. Remove any lamps or other light sources that might distract you. Try using daylight instead. You might find it helpful to open the blinds, or even open the windows.

Using daylight is really good for your concentration. It also helps you to feel like you’re at the office, and will give you a sense of normality. If you find it hard to concentrate with daylight, then try using a desk lamp.

By using the right lighting, you will feel like you’re at the office; this might even give you a sense of normality.

To Sum Up…

Working from home is a great way to make extra money, but it’s not easy. You need to be in the right mindset to be able to work, and to make sure you get the job done.

So, make sure you remove all distractions, use the right equipment, have the right furniture, and make sure the lighting is right. All of this will help you to be in the right mindset for working and get the job done.

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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of employees were asked to start working from home to lower their risk of acquiring the disease. Although many welcomed this idea, a lot of workers were also hesitant about trying out this new arrangement.

This is because working from home comes with its own set of challenges that people new to this arrangement may find difficult to handle.

Focusing on your work, for one, might be challenging since you are surrounded by more sources of distraction, such as the TV, your kids, or pets.

When working in the comforts of your home, you will also encounter challenges in staying organized, managing your time, communicating, and collaborating with others.

Leading interior fit out companies say that working in a well-designed home office can help you overcome these common telecommuting obstacles. With the right workspace, you can stay productive and motivated even if you are in your personal haven.

Creating the Perfect Workspace in Your Home

Below are some tips for designing a home office that will help you stay productive and efficient even if you are not in your regular workplace:

Although having a laptop and wireless connection means you can work anywhere, such as your bedroom or living room, these areas are not the best places to concentrate on your tasks.

1. Choose the right area in your home to set up your office

An unused bedroom is the perfect place for you to create your home office. In the absence of one, choose an area in any room spacious enough to hold a desk, chair, cabinets, or shelves. However, make sure you partition off this workspace using screens or folding dividers.

Additionally, try to select an area with or near a window since doing so will elevate your workspace.

 2. Set your desk near a window

There are several advantages to be had from working next to or near a window.

With natural light illuminating your home office, you will minimize your use of electricity to brighten up the room. You will only need to turn on the lights at night if you need to work overtime.

Sunlight also helps boost your mood, which you may need before you start working and while you are in the thick of things. Additionally, seeing natural scenery such as trees, shrubs, flowers, and even the blue sky can also build your morale and give you the positive energy you need to power through your tasks.  

Lastly, one window can drastically change the way your home office looks and feels. It makes the space look bigger than it actually is and appears more relaxing and conducive for working.

However, no matter how beautiful the view is outside your window, avoid placing your desk directly in front of it. If you do, you will subject your eyes to glare. You may also get easily distracted from your tasks at hand, which can cause you to take longer than usual to complete your work.

3. Ensure that the room can be outfitted for productivity

Your home office needs more than a window, partitions, and furniture. You also have to ensure that this room enables you to do your job as usual.

This means making sure that your work area has sufficient sockets. It should have enough to allow you to plug in and use your computer or laptop, printer, and router or Internet device simultaneously.

Also, check if you can place the phone lines and Internet devices in this room. By doing so, you can call anyone and answer the phone quickly. If you are having difficulties with your wireless connection, you can troubleshoot it immediately since the router is near you.

4. Prioritize comfort

Since you will be spending at least eight hours in your home office five times a day for the next several months, or even permanently, it is important that you are comfortable here.

Start by investing in an ergonomic chair. If your budget is not enough, pick one that offers sufficient support for the natural curve of your spine.

Next, adjust your chair so that when you are seated, the desk will be around the height of your elbow. This will allow your forearms to rest parallel to the floor.

Investing in a standing desk is also a smart idea if you want to have an ergonomic workspace. Studies show that spending more time standing up instead of sitting down offers various health benefits. These include an increase in muscle activity while working, which improves blood circulation

Using a standing desk also reduces back pain and helps keep the hips from becoming tight.

The layout of your home office will increase your level of comfort and productivity in your home office as well. As such, think carefully about how you will organize the cables, your headset, printer, filing cabinets, and shelves.

5. Invest in good-quality furniture

Aside from considering the comfort and ergonomic qualities of your home office furniture, you have to think about their durability and longevity. You need to have fixtures that will last a long time since there is no telling when you will go back to your normal work environment.

When shopping for home office furniture, look for ones that are sturdy and made of good quality materials. If you have a significant budget for setting up your workspace, consider investing in bespoke pieces.

Companies that specialize in interior fit-out services have experts who can build customized desks, chairs, and storage solutions that meet your requirements. The contractors will also take into consideration your home office space to ensure the fixtures are perfect for your workspace.

If you are having a hard time designing and setting up your home office, an interior fit-out company can do everything for you to ensure that you have a comfortable and conducive workspace that supports your productivity.

6. Decorate your home office

Lastly, your comfort, mood, and productivity in your workspace will be affected by your surroundings. As such, put some thought into its interior design.

Consider installing wallpaper to make your room stand out and look more interesting and stylish. Hang a few wall decors as well, such as a tapestry, framed paintings or photos, and shelves.

Don’t forget to put some accessories on your desk to showcase your style and prevent the room from looking too “office-y.”

Place a few potted plants inside your home office as well. Aside from making the room more appealing, these natural features can also enhance your mood and productivity.

Even when the pandemic is over, there is a chance that telecommuting will be around for a long time. Be prepared for this possibility by creating the perfect workspace in your home.


Rachel Hennessey manages the Pools and Landscaping Division of Hennessey LLC. She also works on Tender and Pre-Qualification and brings in new business to the company’s Construction, Interiors and Civils Division.


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