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home organizing

“I have a mudroom in my house that I feel is underused. Sure, we come in and use it as the main entrance but I just feel it needs some organization. What are some tips for making a mudroom organized and functional?”
Having a functional mudroom can make the day to day hustle and bustle so much more manageable. If you are lucky enough to have a mudroom in your home, don’t let it go unused! A mudroom is a fantastic way to keep outerwear, books, shoes, mittens (depending on the season) tucked away so that it isn’t taking over your front entry. Of course, this blog will also show you how to make your mudroom both functional AND stylish.

1. Incorporate Storage

Depending on how much space you have, adding some cabinets or shelving will drastically increase the function of the space. If you have the space to add a “hall tree” (shelves, a bench and a place in the bottom to store shoes) you
will see the function of the space increase instantly. If you have kids, you definitely need the extra storage. Having a cabinet or shelf gives you places to store hats, mitts, scarves and all the extras kids need.

2. Add Hooks

Adding something as simple as hooks for coats will change your life. No more Jackets on the banister or laying on the floor for someone to trip on. Having a few hooks takes all the clutter away and stores it neatly.

3. Add Baskets

Adding baskets is a great place for hiding extra items such as winter clothes, the dogs leashes, extra keys etc. This is also a great place to add some colour or pattern! Adding baskets is an inexpensive way to add functionality.

4. Door Mats

Depending on the type of flooring you have, it may or may not be the most durable. Nevertheless, adding mats is another great way to pretty up your space. It also is a good spot for wiping your feet as you come in the door
instead of tracking the outdoors throughout the house. Get a mat that is easy to vacuum and not too expensive, chances are this may change with the seasons.

Don’t be afraid to use colour and pattern. Most mudrooms are not in the center of the home so it’s a great place to be bold! Typically the mudroom is not the prettiest area of your home so bring colour to the walls or shelves and use a colourful rug, baskets and art!

Part of keeping your ‘mudroom’ functional, is actually using these tools. So add name tags over hooks to keep the kids understanding where their things go. Adding their own specific area is a fun way for them to learn to clean up after themselves, and it saves you the trouble of always picking up book bags, coats and shoes!

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