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home renovation mistakes


Your home needs to be a space in which you’re comfortable and happy. Sometimes, however, we get tired of seeing the same things every day. The same dull color on the wall, or sitting at the same dinner table on the same chairs. Using the same outdated fridge that your parents gave you as a wedding gift ten years ago.

Whether it’s for aesthetic reasons or to replace outdated or damaged furniture, we all need an occasional renovation. Maybe you need to add space to your house, or just remove a few items.

Big or small, a home renovation can get costly very quickly. Here are four ways you can save a little the next time you renovate.

1. Patience, Budgets, and Savings

Admittedly, that might be three things, but they all go hand in hand. A lot of folks make a big mistake by trying to rush their home renovation. Instead of taking the project step by step, they want everything done as quickly as possible.

This might mean higher contractor fees, costly mistakes, and a lot of loans and emptied credit cards. With a little patience, that doesn’t have to be the case.

First, set a budget. Make sure it’s realistic, as well as one you can meet by saving up. The goal is to avoid using loans or credit cards. Next, talk to any contractors you want to use. Mention that you’ll be paying with cash and ask for possible discounts.

Remember to approach several contractors and compare quotes. You’re not necessarily looking for the cheapest contractor, though. You want a reasonable price that includes everything you need

Pro tip: don’t pay for everything as you go. It’s a mistake that a lot of people make when they do renovations, but it’s a risky gamble, too. There are better ways to create a work schedule with your contractor.

With a little patience, planning, and smart deals, you can save money on your renovation.

2. Don’t Shy Away from Discounts

People can be extremely picky. Some will return a perfectly good piece of furniture because of a small nick, dent, or scratch. Many stores will have a discount section that contains high quality – and fully functional – just slightly damaged furniture.

It’s a bit of a gamble sometimes, but you can mitigate the risk by doing a little research. In the end, you could get expensive big-ticket furniture and appliances for a fraction of their retail price. In fact, you could get as much as 60 percent off.

If that’s not a reason to do a little discount shopping, we don’t know what is.

3. Do It Yourself

While there are a few things that you probably need a specialist for, there’s a lot you can do yourself like a plumbing renovation. For example, repainting a room is simple enough, and it can be a lot of fun as well.

Some suppliers also sell furniture that’s ready to assemble, and we’re not just talking about a few chairs or tables. You also get DIY beds, displays, and great kitchen cabinets, as shown on the Best Online Cabinet website.

All you need is a little effort, an instruction manual, and a healthy dose of motivation. That said, don’t be afraid to get the experts in when you need to. Trying to update old wiring yourself if you’re not an electrician, for example, is a recipe for disaster.

4. Declutter for Profit

When you renovate your home, the chances are that you’ll be left with several items that you don’t need anymore. But your trash might just be someone else’s treasure. Your old sofa might not work for your family anymore, but a recent college graduate might love to have that comfy second-hand couch at an affordable price.

There’s always someone who might be willing to buy your second-hand goodies, and you can comfortably sell them online.

Take Away

When you renovate your home, you don’t need to spend a small fortune or flounder in credit card debt. Just remember patience and planning, discounts, DIY, and decluttering for a profit. If you remember these tips, you can save money on your next home renovation.

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Have you been considering renovating your townhouse? Maybe you’ve already started but want to know what to do next? In this article, we are going to talk about everything you need to know about starting your home renovations.  

Form a budget: 

One of the very first things you’ll need to consider before beginning your renovations is the budget. Renovation costs can be expensive, and you’ll want to set yourself a guideline for each area and how much you can spend. For example, set aside a budget number for décor, painting, expansions, labor costs etc. Starting a project with a budget will ensure that you don’t overspend. 

Consider hiring an architect: 

If you’re looking at expanding or changing the layout of your home, you might want to consider hiring an architect. There are many different types of architect services, all of which can help with your plans. Some of these include drafting, knockdown projects, restorations and additions. They can also provide you with renovation ideas to get your house looking its best. 

Find out if you need approval: 

In most countries, permission and approval are required for particular renovations. If you are extending or making significant layout changes to your home, chances are you will need permission from a council. An architect can help ensure that everything is in place before you ask permission; however, if you feel confident, you can do this on your own.  

Determine what you can do yourself: 

If you’re quite handy yourself, you might be able to DIY some of the renovations yourself. This is a great way to save money on your improvements and can include smaller tasks such as painting or patching walls. If you think you can confidently complete some of the jobs, make a list of these things. DIY can help save you money, and you won’t need to hire someone to do it for you. 

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Renovating a home is almost always exciting – setting a budget is not! But the costs of a home renovation project of any scale can quickly get out of hand if you don’t have a plan. Many homeowners end up spending more than expected, and that can make an otherwise-satisfying renovation project something of a guilty pleasure.

However, there are some simple ways to keep remodeling costs down without sacrificing anything of value in the process. Keep the following four tips in mind, and you can make your next home renovation project as cost-effective as it is rewarding.

1. Think About the Future

Most homeowners who plan renovation projects spend plenty of time thinking about the options. In quite a few cases, normally level headed people end up getting caught up in transient, trendy design ideas that will not stand the test of time.

That is a common reason for spending too much on renovating a home. If your renovation work starts to feel dated not long after it was completed, you will be more likely to start thinking about yet another costly overhaul.

Focus more on classic, time-tested design approaches and that kind of turnover will become much less of an issue. If you engage Couple Abode for your home renovation project, for instance, you will discover that classic, enduring items and materials can provide just as much immediate gratification as the trendiest ones.

The difference, of course, is that such proven pieces and assets virtually never go out of style. In addition to being less likely to seem outdated after tastes change, classic design elements tend to work better with future updates than trendier ones.

2. Stick to a Strict Budget

There will almost always be dozens of decisions that need to be made when planning a renovation project. Even after having set a budget, it can be tempting to spend a little more here and there along the way.

Unfortunately, that tends to send costs soaring, with each new addition contributing to the problem. Being firm and disciplined about the budget you established is the only realistic way to avoid such problems.

This is not to say that there will never be any room for on-the-fly adjustment. If one renovation option that will add to the tab seems irresistible, simply find a way to pay for it by cutting costs somewhere else.

3. Pay for Everything Up Front

Homeowners often end up paying more for renovation work than they realize, typically because of interest charges and other financing-related costs. Commit to saving the money needed for a renovation job before starting and you can avoid falling into this trap.

Low-rate home equity loans and similar options can make it look as if borrowing to pay for renovation makes good financial sense. Even in such cases, though, it will often be possible to save significant amounts of money by paying cash.

4. Pitch in Yourself

Especially involved, complicated renovation plans can make it seem as if only professionals could handle any of the required work. In just about every case, though, homeowners with a bit of ambition and energy can actually make some valuable progress themselves.

It can take a bit of strategic thinking to figure out where DIY work will pay off. In some cases, simply talking with a contractor will reveal effective ways to keep costs down by pitching in.

A More Affordable Home Renovation Project

Tips like these can be used to make every dollar devoted to home renovation stretch a bit further. Homeowners who might otherwise be shocked at the costs involved often find that looking for ways to save on renovating work makes a significant difference.

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