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Countless individuals find squirrels to be cute animals. The little faces and bushy tails make them fun to watch as they go about their busy lives. However, when a squirrel makes its way into the home, problems quickly ensue. The homeowner must act quickly to prevent damage to the residence, as repairing this damage can be costly. 

#1 Wood

Squirrels chew wood anywhere they find it in the home. The siding, doors, and more are at risk when a squirrel gains access to a residence. In fact, a squirrel can chew a hole four inches in diameter to access the attic. This hole then allows other animals to enter the residence while putting the house at risk for substantial damage. Call for help at Animal Control Specialists to ensure this damage is prevented or kept to a minimum. 

#2 Shingles

Wood isn’t the only thing at risk of damage. While the wood that supports the shingles may be damaged by squirrels, the shingles themselves are also at risk. If the squirrel does enough damage to the shingles, rain can lead to water damage. The homeowner needs to address the situation promptly to prevent this from happening. 

#3 Wiring

Squirrels love hiding in the attics of home. Unfortunately, this is where many homes hide the electrical wiring that powers the house. When a squirrel encounters electrical wires, it will likely chew them. In fact, the damage to wires caused by pests remains one of the biggest dangers a homeowner must be aware of. When wires are exposed, the risk of an electrical fire increases significantly, putting the home and its occupants at risk. 

#4 Plastic

People often don’t think a squirrel can damage plastic only to learn how wrong they are. Squirrels harm outdoor furniture, PVC pipes, and more if the homeowner doesn’t act when they spot them around these items. Sadly, squirrels in a home can damage water pipes. When they do, a leak develops that can do significant damage to the home in little time. 

#5 Insulation

Squirrels find insulation to be an excellent nesting material and will use the insulation in an attic to make a nest. When they trample and shred the insulation to use in the nest, the material loses its effectiveness. A homeowner will often find they need to replace the insulation to keep the home at a comfortable temperature. 

#6 Health 

When one thinks of damage squirrels can do to a home, they often think of the structure. However, squirrels may also harm the health of those who live in the home, and this danger cannot be overlooked. Individuals and pets who come into contact with rodent feces or urine may contract salmonella. In addition, squirrels carry fleas that may be transmitted to pets or introduced into the home. 

#7 Chimneys

Squirrels often explore uncharted territory. When they make their way into a chimney, they might find they cannot escape. This could lead to problems when the homeowner lights a fire in a fireplace or wood stove. The smoke may enter the residence, as it cannot move up the flue as intended. In addition, a chimney fire could occur and bring about costly damage. 

If you suspect you have unwanted visitors in your attic or anywhere in the home, call a pest control specialist immediately. Untrained individuals should not attempt to remove their unwanted guests. Leave this task to the pros and enjoy peace of mind knowing the pests have been evicted. 

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Ideally, pet owners should consider other flooring options for their home other than carpets. Carpets and pets do not go well, generally. Why waste a good carpet or rug when you know that dogs and cats will most likely scratch the heck out of it? Even with your best puppy training skills, animals will still do what they do -scratching, biting, and peeing over stuff. But we understand that sometimes you must have carpeted floors and you just have to make adjustments to make it co-exist with your pets.

Carpets will definitely accumulate pet hair, absorb stains, and retain odors, but these can be dealt with if you know how to take care of fabrics from the mercy of your pets.

Here are some tips on taking care of your carpet as a pet owner:

#1 Choose Stain-resistant Fabric

This is the least you can do if you insist on having carpeted floors even with pets inside the house. Stain-resistant fabrics are usually more expensive than ordinary ones, but the toughness of the fabric makes this carpeting last for a very long time, thanks to protective layers inserted into the fibers. You can vacuum, spill, and steam-clean all you want with this fabric and it will still come out looking good even after a while.

#2 Apply Scotchgard on Non-stain Resistant Carpets

Scotchgard is a line of water-repellent products that protect fabrics from spills, stains, and other liquids. If your carpet is not stain-resistant, you should consider putting these protective guards on the fabric. It’s better to have this done professionally to make sure that every inch of the carpet gets treated. If you do this yourself, you might miss a spot, which leads to those spots still vulnerable to stains. You may have to repeat the process after a while and if you intend to keep your carpet for a long while.

#3 Learn How to Take Care of Pet Urine

No matter how good you are at puppy training, your adorable pooch can still have accidents and pee on your carpets. The key here is to act immediately when your pet urinates on the fabric. The quicker you get to it, the better the chances of removing the stains.

A classic trick is to press an old terrycloth towel over the stain to remove as much moisture as possible. This is not enough though, because you also have to clean the spot with a mixture of warm water and liquid dishwashing detergent. Several drops of this will do and then you have to rinse the area with water and towel. Next, you blot the surface with vinegar and water mixture. The smell will discourage your pet from soiling this spot again.

#4 Use Tiles or Hardwood For Your Home Entrance

Keep your dog’s muddy paws from soiling your carpets by putting tile or hardwood at the entrance of your home. Your dog will walk through this first and his paws will be clean by the time he steps on the carpet. You can also place a towel near the entrance so you can easily wipe your dog’s paws off before letting him enter the house.

#5 Trim Your Pet’s Nails

Scratches are another common problem you have to deal with in relation to pets, especially with cats. Your kitty can use your carpet as a scratching post. Numerous scratches will eventually make the fabric unravel and ruin your carpet after a while. Nip this problem in the bud by trimming and filing your pet’s nails.

#6 Sprinkle Carpet Powder

Spread the powder over the carpeting and allow it to remain on the fabric according to the time indicated on the product’s package. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly afterward and go over the length of the fabric twice.

#7 Vacuum Your Carpet Twice A Week

This removes not only shedding but dander as well. Running the vacuum over the carpet at least twice a week should accomplish this. Remember to move the furniture if necessary in order to vacuum hard-to-reach areas. Hair and dander can travel and spread underneath furniture.

#8 Have Your Carpet Steam-cleaned At Least Once a Month

This will clean your carpet thoroughly and will remove all hair, dander, and saliva squeezed into the fabric. Only mild cleaners should be used in order not to ruin the structure of the carpet file.

Carpets do require high maintenance, whether you are living with pets or not. Having your furry friends indoors means you have to put in extra work in keeping carpets clean and tight. It’s important to keep this in mind just in case you are choosing which flooring options to put in your home.

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