Sunday….one of my favourite days of the week! Mostly because it is the one day that I totally kick back and have a lazy day. Typically we spend Sunday as a family. The weather is a big determining factor one what we do as a family – and that’s entirely up to mother nature.
Sunny Sunday…
This Summer, we get to spend Sunday as a family by the pool. Our summers, here in Ottawa, Canada aren’t the longest so we really like to take advantage of the sunny weather when we can! The pool is a the perfect hang out on those hot days.
These are some of my sunny Sunday must-haves :
Fun Pool Floats – like this pink donut float (my daughter loves this pink one, the boys prefer it in brown but they all think it is hilarious)
Eating outdoors in the summer time is a favourite – the fresh air, the smell of the grill and enjoying the scenery (my husband loves to garden, so it’s nice to spend some time appreciating his hard work). These colourful cutlery pieces add a little extra summer fun in these bold and bright neons!
These floating drink holders are just too cute! They are perfect on those really hot days …Your drink fits right in the float – easy! You can use these in the pool, the lake and even the hot tub! I bought a set of these for our school silent auction and they were a hit!
You need to have a big, fluffy beach towel – and these ones are amazing! Lounging poolside with a book or wrapping yourself up after a dip in the water – these fun beach towels are perfect and they come in other prints, too!
I’m sure you scratching your head and wondering what this is but for me this is a life saver for days and nights outdoors. You see the mosquitoes love me… and no matter what I do the moment I step outside they are all over me. This product, the SkeeterVac, has really made my outdoor experience so much more enjoyable –
We love to play at the pool but we also like to play around in the kitchen. With a big family like mine – we often cook at home and we have recently expanded our garden this year to include more veggies! We have always had an herb garden and even for a novice gardener an herb garden is a great start and it’s so rewarding! We love fresh herbs especially basil and oregano – we add herbs to our salads, salad dressings, vinaigrette and our fresh and home made tomato sauce that we make at the end of summer.
How do you like to spend you Sunday?