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Your yard shouldn’t just be a part of your home that you leave alone to do its own thing. There’s untapped potential there that you can modify to create a yard that will become a well-loved part of your home. Here are some ideas you can apply if you want something from your yard.

1. Add a pergola for charm and shade

Image by Toprak Kılıç from Pixabay

One of the most charming additions to your yard that can open it up as a great place to hang out would be a pergola or a pavilion.

What’s great about a pergola is that it turns a part of your yard into a specified area for lounging in. It creates that visual boundary that makes it inviting for you to hang out in your yard. Also, it adds shade without removing the sun’s rays since hanging out in the yard is the point.

You can get the help of pergola builders in Sydney to help get not only a customized pergola based on the layout of your home but also a quote. That way, you’ll know whether your custom pergola is realistic or within your budget.

Also, pergolas are a significant part of your yard that you can use to decorate. You can add vines to it or lights when you want to.

2. Create an ambiance with outdoor lighting

Photo by Arcwind on Unsplash

You may not only want to hang outside your yard when the sun is out. So, having some outdoor lighting in it can be a huge help.

With outdoor lighting, you can make your yard a more inviting place to hang out, even during the evenings. This choice is even better if you live in a city where the stars aren’t quite visible. The outdoor lighting will serve as the stars on the ground that you can admire and stare at quietly as the sun sets.

With outdoor lighting, you can even start organizing some dinners with friends and family in your yard since you can use the outdoor lighting to emphasize pathways while creating a romantic or quiet ambiance.

3. Design a comfortable seating arrangement

Your yard won’t be a great place to lounge in if it doesn’t come with places where someone would be able to lounge in the first place. So, you should ensure that you have some comfortable seating arrangements in your yard.

At the main lounging area, you can invest in comfortable lounge chairs and sofas that withstand the elements. Ensure that the cushions and fabrics you use for your outdoor lounging area are water-resistant and can withstand the sun. That way, your fabrics don’t fade out after a few usages.

Don’t forget to add tables, both small and large, on there. Also, sprinkle some benches throughout the parts of your yard that may not be in the main outdoor lounge area.

4. Add a serene water fountain

Photo by Robin Jonathan Deutsch on Unsplash

Having some water fixtures in your outdoor area creates an even more inviting atmosphere to hang out in whenever you want. You can transform your yard into a more magical space with just some moving water, and you can do that with the help of a water fountain in your yard.

With a water fountain, you’ll have a relaxing view in your yard that you can admire and a centerpiece to decorate your yard.

Just be mindful of the water fountain’s noise; some fountains can be pretty noisy. However, some fountains have a quieter sound, like those with a more pouring style rather than a splashing style.

5. Hang a hammock for ultimate leisure

Photo by Steph Q on Unsplash

Nothing says leisure more than lying around in a hammock with the sun above and a cool breeze making the leaves of trees sway in the wind. If you have a tree or a solid foundation, you should hang a hammock somewhere. Ideally, it should be somewhere with a shade so you don’t burn yourself under it.

If you plan on having a hammock in your yard, ensure the ground beneath the hammock will be soft. Sometimes, you can get into a tangle, and the hammock can cause you to fall. You wouldn’t want to land on rough gravel and hurt yourself, so having grass or anything soft under can help avoid that.

6. Install a fire pit for warmth and atmosphere

We’ve mentioned adding outdoor lights to make your yard more inviting, even in low-light situations or in the evening. If you will be hanging out in the yard, consider adding a fire pit to that cozy environment in the evenings.

Nothing will make people want to hang around on a cool evening more than a warm fire pit to huddle around together. Think of all the smores you could be making with a fire pit. 

One thing to note is that your fire pit shouldn’t be near any flammable structures or structures. The fire pit embers might bounce out of the pit and cause a fire. So, be mindful of your seating placement and plants or shrubs.

7. Opt for organic textures in outdoor decor

Consider adding organic textures for decor to create a serene atmosphere in your yard. For example, using rattan in outdoor furniture can add to the naturalistic, peaceful atmosphere.

Other examples would be using a tree stump, some bamboo, ropes, twines, feathers, and all sorts of natural elements that can be used for decoration without feeling out of place amongst the outdoors.

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When you have an outdoor living area, it is usually your little oasis at home. It is a place to unwind and enjoy the summer season. Whether it is an outdoor kitchen, gazebo, or even just a balcony for your apartment, you want to be able to use it when you want and get the most out of it. 

This means that you should strive to make the space as comfortable as possible. Sometimes the elements will be working against you meaning it could be too hot, too cold, or too wet to be able to use the space the way you intended. In this article, we will cover a few basic tips to enjoying your outdoor space to the fullest.

1 –  Pest control

Unfortunately, when we spend time outside, we are in the realm of nature and its creatures. You’ll end up having to share the space with some unwanted pests. 

Prevention is often the best strategy when dealing with pests. This includes landscaping tactics such as avoiding stagnant water that can attract mosquitoes and maintaining a clean, clutter-free yard to deter pests from nesting. 

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your outdoor area, proper handling of food and trash, and the strategic use of pest-repellent plants and essential oils can help you deter unwanted critters.

It’s not uncommon to experience a pest bite when spending time outdoors but don’t let it ruin your experience. For instance, knowing how to treat no see um bites on humans can help alleviate itching and prevent infections. 

2 – Add a water element

Something as simple as adding a water fountain to your outdoor area can have a huge effect on the space. For starters, the running water creates a calming and cozy effect. Not only that, but if you do have a lot of bugs in the area, the birds that are attracted to the water will take care of them. 

Some of the popular options include birdbaths, fountains, ponds, water walls, and swimming pools. Remember, the feature should integrate seamlessly with the rest of your outdoor design.

Make sure to keep a regular maintenance schedule to ensure that the water is always clean and doesn’t end up attracting pests like mosquitoes

3 – Shelter and shade

Rain and the sun’s harsh rays can spoil your attempt to relax in your outdoor space. However, when you set it up correctly, you can use the space in just about any kind of weather. 

The key is to cover the area with something to block the sun or shield you from the rain. There are a lot of options to consider with each having benefits and drawbacks depending on your situation. 

Options range from simple umbrellas and retractable awnings to more permanent structures like gazebos, pergolas, or even fully roofed outdoor rooms. Some structures can be equipped with detachable sides or curtains to provide a shield against the wind and cold so you can use the space all year round.

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