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pest control


Pest control can be a little complex if you’re living in an apartment building. Pests like rodents don’t have to go far to get to their next food source or shelter due to the proximity of tenants. Pipes and utility cables are used by rodents like an undercover interstate. A systematic approach to getting rid of rodents is your best bet to beat mice and rats, but this can be difficult if you don’t have the full cooperation of the tenants. It takes some patience, persistence, and time, but it is possible to control rodents in apartment living. If you live in a multi-family dwelling or an apartment, there are a few things you should know about rodent control.

Maintain a Healthy Ecosystem

One of the first things a rodent exterminator will tell you is to maintain an optimal ecosystem. This includes examining the building for things that are appealing to rodents, like dense vegetation and vining plants, small holes that can serve as entry points, and the dumpster area. The dumpster area needs to be tidy and all refuse should be contained within the dumpster with the doors and lids closed. The groundskeeping needs to be kept neat and trimmed to minimize the places that rodents can hide.


Take a look around the building and your apartment unit. You’re looking for small holes that can serve as an entry point for rodents. Rodents are surprisingly flexible and can squeeze themselves into holes and cracks that are considerably smaller than their bodies. And if they find that they can’t squeeze, they will chew the opening wider in order to fit. Once you identify potential entry points, you need to seal them up as much as possible to prevent them from entering your unit. Spray foam isn’t the best sealing option, consider steel extruders and wire mesh instead because they’re more durable and less messy.


In addition to maintaining an ecosystem that’s not very rodent-friendly and taking exclusionary measures, you will also want to implement some mechanical and chemical controls, Mechanical controls include sticky traps and other trapping devices. Mechanical devices need to be strategically placed and properly baited. Chemical controls include poisons and bait, but they should be used sparingly and as a last resort as they can often kill more than just rodents. Household pets and small children could also experience adverse effects from exposure to harmful chemicals. When there are poisons present, it’s important to take exclusionary measures because rodents can enter the building and die in the walls and other areas that aren’t easily reached.

If you’re uncomfortable dealing with a rodent infestation yourself, it’s a good idea to call an exterminator to help you live a rodent-free life. Rats and mice can create a considerable amount of filth and anxiety, but they also carry disease. Rodents don’t always use the entryways we envision like a window or open door. Instead, they sneak in through cracks and holes more often. Be sure to take an integrated approach that combines multiple deterrents and that you’re persistent, and you should notice a marked improvement.

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Have you noticed a lot of unexplained insect activity in the home lately? Perhaps you have itchy red bumps on some areas of your skin, or you’ve noticed fingernail gouges in the woodwork? If so, you might have a termite infestation.

Termites are huge trouble for any property owner. In many cases, termite damage can be so extensive that you’ll need to sell the property. If you catch them early enough, though, you might be able to minimize the property damage.

But what do termite holes look like? In this article, we’ll go into detail about termite damage and show you the top signs of an infestation. Keep reading to ensure that your home is always protected.

Pencil-Eraser-Sized Holes

Termites require an entry point into the home and often create tiny pencil-eraser-sized holes in the walls or floors to gain access. These termite exit holes may not be visible at first, but over time, the termite activity will become more apparent. Termites can cause extensive damage to wood structures over time, making it essential to identify the holes as quickly as possible.

Additionally, the holes are a sign to inspect other areas of the home for further damage. It is important to have the home inspected and get termite bonds for security. If there are any signs of termite activity, ensure that issues are caught before they become more serious.

Cardboard-Like Chambers

The chambers will contain the actual termites and their colonies, as well as the food that the termites have collected and their waste. This type of termite infestation can be serious because of the damage that these tiny insects are capable of causing. A homeowner needs to be aware of the signs of termites in the home, such as cardboard-like chambers. 

This is important because termite infestations can be hard to detect until damage is noticed. If these signs are noticed, a qualified professional should be called to help investigate and determine if termites are present in the home.

Sawdust Piles 

Termites feed on wood, breaking it down and leaving behind small piles of sawdust. This sawdust can be a tell-tale sign of termites, as these insects make tiny tunnels inside the wood and use their droppings to help build their nests. These tunnels can weaken the structural integrity of the wood, leaving it vulnerable to further damage and destruction.

It’s important to look for sawdust around your home if you suspect you have termites, as this is a sure sign that they have been feeding. Early detection of termites is essential for preventing serious damage to your home and structures, so taking notice of what looks like sawdust piles is essential.

Learn About the Termite Holes Today

Termite holes in the home can cause serious problems if left untreated. Look out for small, pencil-eraser-sized holes, cardboard-like chambers, and sawdust piles.

If you suspect you have termites, contact a pest control professional immediately to come and inspect the damage. Don’t wait- get your home inspected before it’s too late!

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As a homeowner, you probably have a home maintenance checklist that reminds you to clean the gutters every season, replace the furnace filter regularly, close off water spigots before winter, and do other basic maintenance chores. Even though these quick chores are essential, some home maintenance tasks will cost you a fortune in repairs and replacements if you neglect them.  

So, be sure to prioritize these five vital home maintenance tasks to avoid a financial headache later on. 

Roof Maintenance And Repair

Roof maintenance significantly extends the life of your roof, which keeps you, your family, and all your possessions safe. But beyond this, the roof of your home also keeps the building’s structure and its value intact. 

Neglecting maintenance and repairs for this area of your home can lead to extensive property damage, which will cost a fortune. Instead of letting your property value plummet due to a dangerous and dilapidated roof, contact Yeti Roofing.

Draining The Water Heater

Unless you want to start the day with a cold shower because your water heater isn’t heating, you should make a habit of draining the water heater once a year to prepare your home for winter. Sediment gradually collects at the bottom of the heater tank, causing damage and eventual failure. 

Draining the water heater of sediment will expand its life and reduce your power bill. So, this single chore will save you quite a lot of money long term. 

Garage Door Maintenance And Repair

Irrespective of the type of garage door your home has, you must also make a habit of maintaining and repairing the door and its parts once a year. Overhead tension springs in the door mechanism will need lubricant to move smoothly on the roller tracks. Lubricating the garage door will also prevent rust and corrosion.

While lubricating the moving parts on your garage door, you must also check the door’s balance. To do this, you must disengage the opener and manually pull the door roughly halfway and then let go. If the door is balanced, it will stay halfway. Otherwise, it will fall or rise slightly. In this case, it’s best to contact a garage door repair service. 

Pest Control Measures

You might think it’s only necessary to find a pest control service when you’ve noted the signs of an infestation, but pest control is an essential home maintenance task. While pest infestations are a health concern, pests can also cause extensive property damage. 

Regularly relying on pest control services is the most practical way to effectively keep your home pest-free all year round. 

Replacing Insulation

Properly insulating your home is the most effective way to maintain indoor temperatures, thus keeping heating and cooling costs as low as possible without impacting your comfort. But because home insulation only needs to be replaced every fifteen to twenty years, it’s easy to understand why homeowners sometimes overlook this task. 

A few signs you need to replace insulation are fluctuating indoor temperatures, increasing energy bills, and an increase in household pests. 

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Experiencing a pest infestation can be an absolute nightmare for anyone, especially when considering that most infestations go unnoticed until they have already spiraled out of control. More often than not, homeowners simply don’t notice the signs of an infestation, as it’s not always that easy to tell if you have a pest problem.

Unfortunately, pest control measures are vital whether you are a homeowner or a tenant because pests can do expensive property damage and are a substantial risk to our health. But beyond that, infestations can also be downright embarrassing and repugnant, to say the least. 

So, if you’re searching for ways to ensure you never have to deal with the true horror of a full-on infestation, the best approach is to know the signs to look for. And we’ve listed them for you.

Actual Sightings

One blatant sign of an infestation is seeing the critter roaming about your property with your own eyes. This is relevant to all types of pests, from brown recluse spiders and cockroaches to rats, snakes, and everything else. 

But when it comes to creepy poisonous snakes and spiders, the risk is amplified as these pests are a significant health concern. 

Signs of brown recluse infestation include actual sightings, so if you happen to see this poisonous spider lurking in your home, you should consult a pest control service, use eucalyptus as a repellent, and fill cracks and crevices where spiders might be hiding. 

Damaged Plants

Household pests are not your only concern if you have a garden area on your property; a variety of pests can infest your yard and do extensive damage to the vegetation and property value at the same time. What’s more, some outdoor pests can even damage the exterior of your home.

So, while getting rid of weeds and maintaining the yard, be sure to check for signs of plant damage. In addition, if you happen to see pests or notice nests, you should implement pest control measures to clear your yard of pesky troublemakers. 

Dropping Or Body Parts

Household pests tend to leave two things behind as they trail through homes; dropping and body parts. Suppose you notice droppings in areas such as crawl spaces, the attic, basement, or any other room of your home where they can casually roam about without being interrupted much. In that case, you should contact exterminators right away. 

That said, the more considerable the number of droppings visible, the worse the infestation is.

Strange Odors

If your home is infested, you’ll likely be experiencing some odd smells, too. The stench of stale or rotten food is one such strange odor that is associated with pest infestations. 

Holes And Gnaw Marks

Rats and mice are the common culprits behind mysterious holes and gnaw marks in furnishings and walls of homes worldwide. These pesky critters are known-disease carriers, which makes them most unwelcome in our homes. 

Other signs of an infestation include things like damage to fabrics, strange sounds, misplaced objects, and a build-up of dirt and grime. 

And when it comes to the important task of keeping pests out, prevention measures should be installed by a professional service while keeping your home clean is another significant way to prevent welcoming troubles into your home. 

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There is nothing worse than finding a pest in the home. Whether they are cockroaches, flies, rats, spiders, or other insects, they can be a real menace to your home life. As well as disrupting your relaxation time, these pests may also carry harmful diseases. Depending on how drastic your infestation is, there are several ways to deal with pests. These can include doing it yourself or hiring a professional to deal with the problem. Even if you are hiring a professional there is plenty, you can do to manage the situation on your own. This article will give you some tips and advice when dealing with pests. 


Services offered by professionals will often cover the following: termite control, bedbug control, and cockroach control. However, they can extend their services to more hairy menaces such as rats and mice. There are many considerations to take when hiring an exterminator such as experience, certification, professionalism, reputation, and price. It is a reasonable idea to speak to many different people in your area to get a good view of what local exterminators can offer you. Of course, your choice of professional may depend on where you live. Exterminator Brooklyn services have seen increased specialty in bed bug extermination as the population continues to grow. Remember to do your research before committing to a service. 


Before an exterminator arrives, it is important to prepare as best you can for their work. Things such as providing as much access as possible can make a huge difference to the outcome of your extermination services. Removing large pieces of furniture from the corners can mean that the extermination process candela with some of the thriving areas of pests. Equally, you should ensure that your clothes and jewelry are all packed away and covered so that the chemicals don’t interfere with them. 

Additionally, you should think about clearing out your dustbins and countertops. Anywhere you store cutlery and utensils will likely need to be sprayed so it is definitely worth protecting them before the exterminator arrives. Cover the water outlet of your taps and water filter to ensure that you do not ingest any residual chemicals left by the process. You should also store all of your food in plastic containers. This will not only protect it from chemicals but stop the pests from seeking refuge within it. 

Managing the problem yourself

If you are having problems with pests, then it is likely that something in your home is attracting them and that they have a way in. To stop attracting insects, you should store food in sealed containers and clean floors meticulously. One extra way to deter pests is to set up protective measures. These can include baking soda around the floors and the bed. These dehydrate the insects. Plants like mint and rosemary can deter fleas, flies, and cockroaches. The best way to combat pests is to prevent them. 


Your home should be somewhere you can relax. There is nothing worse than feeling like your home is being invaded. By preparing your home adequately, you can prevent infestations from starting. Also, never forget that getting in a professional is nothing to be ashamed of. If It reclaims your home from the pests then it is worth it. 

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