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Though it may not seem like it, solar panels can be installed very quickly. Often, homeowners expect there to be a lot more work that goes into the installation.

Before you can get your solar panels, you need to select solar panel installers. There are many different things to consider before hiring the right contractor for your home.

Let’s have a look at what you should consider before installing solar panels and working with the right company.

1. Consider Their Licensing

Any solar company that you work with should be able to provide you with credentials. They should be licensed and have employees that are licensed to work with solar panels.

For example, electrical and contractor licenses are both appropriate for a solar panel installer to have.

Being part of solar panel organizations is another great sign of a reputable company. This shows that they uphold best practices and are involved with education and learning within their industry.

These two factors combined indicate that they are probably a great company to work with.

2. What’s Their Experience?

Before starting to work with a solar company, you want to ensure that they have the proper experience. A company that has solar installation experience will know how to do the job properly and quickly.

Working with a company without experience is a huge risk, as you don’t know if they have the knowledge and skills to do it correctly. It can lead to issues during the job and issues later down the line that you may not expect.

3. Think About Pricing

With any part of your home, pricing is an important thing to take note of. You need to be sure that the solar panels fit within your budget before fully committing.

Making a budget is a great first place to start. This will ensure that you can communicate this with the company and find something that works for you.

Blue Raven Solar is an example of a company that truly goes above and beyond when trying to find a solar panel solution within the client’s budget. They can offer you the financing to make the process more affordable and stress-free. 

Working with an installer like this who cares is a great way to proceed with your installation.

4. Check The Reviews

While you should never take one review or experience to be what you’ll experience when working with a company, it is a good idea to look at them anyway. Taking the reviews of a collective group of people can help you understand what type of experience a company provides.

If many reviews mention the contractor’s cleanliness, you’re likely to have that experience as well. If there’s one bad review, don’t automatically assume the company is entirely bad. Many good reviews with one bad one may be indicative of an abnormal experience.

Select Solar Panel Installers The Right Way

When you go to select solar panel installers, you want to make sure that you do it the right way. If you don’t you may end up with a mediocre job or other undesirable outcomes.

Did you learn something about working with contractors? Please read more if you did!

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Solar panels can greatly increase the value of your home. If you are thinking about building a green home based on the principles of sustainability and energy efficiency, you need solar panels.

Installing solar panels so your home can power itself may seem like something out of a science fiction movie, but it is now a feasible and affordable reality for many homeowners.

If you invest in solar panels now, you will end up increasing the equity of your home in the long run while saving yourself money. Read on to find out more.

Invest in Solar Panels for the Long Term

Solar panels are one of those investments that pay off in droves in the long term. As soon as you get them installed, they start saving you money.

This accumulated savings over a long time is what makes them worthwhile. Solar panel costs may seem steep at first, but keep in mind that many states offer to subsidize their installation costs.

There are also some federal tax credits available to help pay for any high initial installation costs. Once you have gotten the panels installed, you only need to do a bit of maintenance on them now and again.

You also need to make sure that you keep your roof in good condition to maintain its structural integrity. Other than that, once you have your solar panel system you are good to go and ready to start saving money. 

Increase Your Home’s Value 

One of the things that prospective homebuyers love is a home with solar panels. This is because they don’t need to go through any of the efforts of getting a system installed, yet they reap all of its benefits.

This is why solar panels increase your home’s equity. If you want to make your home’s value skyrocket, think about installing some solar panels. This is even more true in states where the cost of energy is through the roof.

To determine if going solar is a smart financial choice for you, first, calculate your monthly energy bill. Next, calculate how much a solar panel system will save you. 

Don’t forget to factor in that the system will increase your home’s overall value over time as well. Keep in mind that your only major solar panel cost is a bit of maintenance over time, and the initial installation cost.

If you need help making a thorough cost-benefit analysis, contact Blue Raven Solar to get an estimate on some installation costs for your home. 

Go Solar and Save Money 

If you are looking for a worthy way to help out your financial situation you should invest in solar panels. It is one of the few investments that you can make that will also help save the planet. 

Having an opportunity that benefits you while saving the earth is rare so you should take advantage of them when they come around. Get some solar panels today for your home. Make sure to peruse our site often for other great news.


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Solar power technology has finally caught up with the promise. For decades, solar has been promoted as the future of renewable energy, but it had a lot of shortcomings that needed to be addressed before it could be adopted by the masses.

It finally has fulfilled its potential and many homeowners are jumping on board the solar wagon. However, that doesn’t mean that it is as straightforward as setting up a traditional electrical system in your home. 

To keep you from making a misstep when getting your solar power system set up, we’ve put together this list of common mistakes people make.

1 – Not understanding grid vs off grid

When you get solar, you aren’t off grid. Unless, of course, you are actually going off grid somewhere. If you will still be living in your home in a city or suburb, then you are still going to be connected to the grid. It’s actually the law in most places that you stay connected. 

There’s nothing stopping you from buying a house in the woods and setting up solar panels and battery packs and not relying on civilization at all. For the sake of this article, we will focus on when you are living in a connected house and simply want to go with renewable energy. 

You’ll actually get a better return for your investment when you go with a grid based solar system as you will be paid when you put more energy into the grid than you take out. Batteries are expensive and can make it take a long time to pay for themselves through the savings.

2 – Not understanding your energy needs

When you are in the planning stages of installing solar, finding the best electrician that understands your needs and solar power in general is essential. 

The solar panel company that you are in contact with likely has a salesman that is working with you and is eyeing his commissions while he talks you into a system. An electrician will let you know exactly what you need for the type of household you have. This way you don’t end up with too weak a system and end up relying on the grid, or too much so you overpay for a system that is more than what you need.

3 – Not shopping around for solar power options

A lot of times, when somebody decides to go solar they end up with the first company that they talk to. It isn’t like your regular energy company in that you don’t have much choice. 

So, make sure to talk to several companies to zero in on the right deal and the one that will be with you throughout your time with their panels. Customer service is very important when it comes to installing solar. If you struggle to get answers then it is time to move on. 
And be careful when it comes to being sent off to third party suppliers. Some people can save money when this is an option, but many more end up paying more and you can’t use net metering which is when you are paid for generating excess electricity for the grid.

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