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what is hygge



When it comes to home style, it can be difficult to stand out. How do you keep up with the times while maintaining an evergreen abode? The answer to this question comes from just across the pond.

Take a note from Northern Europe, which boasts some of the happiest countries in the world, and dip your toe into hygge. Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) is a Danish lifestyle and decor technique that values coziness and taking advantage of the little moments.

From comfy sofas to interior home colors, there are plenty of ways to add a little hygge to your home. Use these tips and tricks to make sure your home is operating at its highest level of coziness.

Hygge rule #1 :Follow the 3 C’s: Cool, Calm and Collected (Colors)

If you’re considering bringing hygge to your living room, the easiest way to make the most distinguishing change is through paint color. Paint interiors should be neutral and calm with some subtle pops of color.

Grays, taupes and whites are timeless while green, blue and soft purples tie in overarching themes of tranquility.

Hygge rule #2 : Add a Little Ambiance

Quick lighting fixes are an amazing way to change your home decor simply and affordably and often an area of interiors that is overlooked. Versatility is a quality that lighting, more than anything else, can take advantage of.

When considering hygge, light your living room in soft hues with warm tones. Industrial lighting can add an extra element of minimalism to your space while still making things interesting. Don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit. Floor, table and even hanging lamps provide plenty of possibilities.

Hygge Rule #3 : Organize Your Life

Whether or not you believe in the common folklore of Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow, spring is still right around the corner. And that means it’s time to get things organized for the rest of the year.

Make spring cleaning easier with simple improvements to your living room such as built in bookshelves or temporary storage pieces. Ottomans and unique baskets are a great place to stash extra blankets and throw pillows while keeping clutter at bay.

Consider purchasing a small desk or end table to incorporate into your living space to hold little odds and ends. Knick knacks tend to pile up so make sure you stay on top of organization with regular cleaning sessions where you can decide to keep or toss random hardware. Hygge is all about appreciating what you have so now is the perfect time to declutter.

Hygge rule #4 : Get Snuggled Up

The main goal of hygge for your living room is comfort. Make sure your space is as cozy as it can be by decorating with plenty of soft pillows, blankets and rugs.

Combine simplicity and comfort with modern and affordable sofas that tie in all of the elements of your home. Grab your favorite cuddle buddy (human or four legged) for the ultimate snuggle sesh. You may never want to leave the couch.


For my bio: Guest Blogger – Jennifer. Jennifer is a furniture fanatic that loves learning anything and everything about new trends in home decor. She is constantly experimenting with new small space interior ideas in her apartment. When she’s not participating in hygge, Jennifer enjoys hitting the ski slopes for a full day of winter activity. 


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