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window cleaners


One of the most neglected areas in our home or business is our windows. Sometimes our windows are costing us money in the form of costly heating bills. They also need to be cleaned occasionally. We take them for granted usually because you don’t always see how dirty they are.

When they do get cleaned, the results are dramatic and we wonder how we didn’t notice how dirty they had been.

Many people dread washing their windows as it can be a chore. With some helpful tips, cleaning windows doesn’t have to be painful.

In this article, I will go over some ways to make cleaning your windows easier.

1 – Hire a professional

There are several reasons why you should just pay somebody to clean your windows. I am of the belief that some things should be left to professionals so I can concentrate on other things that are more suited to my talents.

If you are not able to move around well, due to age or injury, then you would do well to just have somebody come by and clean your windows for you.

Likewise if it is unsafe for you to clean them yourself. If you have multiple floors and don’t have windows that lean in so you can wash them from the inside, then a professional is the way to go. There is surely a company in your area like Brian’s Window Service that will give you an estimate so you know what you’re dealing with. 

2 – Analyse your water

How easy or difficult your windows are to clean is heavily dependant on your water. If you have hard water, then many of the minerals will leave a residue on your windows. You may find them looking worse after you’ve washed them.

Do a test for hardness and heavy metals to see just what kind of water you are dealing with. You’ll need to use specialized cleaning products formulated for hard water. Vinegar is also very effective against hard water streaking on windows.

Alternatively, you can always get a whole house filter to remove the minerals so you never have to worry about your water quality.

3 – Don’t use newspaper

It is a given that newspaper is the ultimate tool for cleaning glass. The only problem is that they actually leave them dirtier.

On one hand, the ink gets dissolved by the cleaning product and then leaves a residue all over your windows. On the other, the fibers also get left all over, too. You’ll spend as much time trying to remove the fibers as you did cleaning the dirt from them.

Instead, use a microfiber or lint free cloth. 

4 – Clean when it is cool or cloudy

If it is sunny then the glass of your windows is hot. When you use the cleaning product it will dry before it has a chance to actually clean. And this is how streaks happen.

Make sure it is a cool day, or better, that there is some cloud cover so your windows are not hot.

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