It’s week 3 of my room challenge and I have made a lot of progress and a few changes along the process… I am really seeing how useful this new space is going to be for my kids (and the whole family) and I also really happy to hear how excited the kids are, too!
Room challenge progress:
So far in this challenge, I have managed to stay on budget but I did luck into some great pieces like the desk from my parent’s old student rental. The desk fits beautifully in the space plus it’s metal so it is durable and very easy to clean. I also had a chair (that we used as a ‘time-out’ chair) that will be used with the desk.
I installed the buddy hooks for the back pack area – the package came with 3, so one for each child. They were easy to install. I installed them at a height that all of the kids can reach with ease. The next step is for me to add some photo frames (one for each child) and hang them above their hook!
I found these wood frames at Michael’s (for $1.50 each) – the frames will be painted and then I will add their photos!
I added the wheels to the storage piece that fits perfectly under the desk and I labeled 3 of the drawers – one drawer for each child – the 4th drawer (the top drawer) is for shared items like scissors, glue sticks and more…
I wanted to add some colour to the space and the kids art pieces are perfect – it’s their space after all and they love seeing their work on display plus this fits in the budget, too! I have some painted canvases that we did as a craft here at home and a mask my son made at school (I was looking for a place to hang this). I figured the best way to display their pieces is in a gallery wall display. I like to plan my gallery walls by laying and playing with the arrangement on the floor first.
These clip board I’m going to add to the gallery wall and I’m going to use them as an easy way to display assignments (any subject) that they worked hard on and that they are proud of – the clip board makes it easy to change this up regularly. I’m hoping a third clipboard will fit….
See my progress for week 1 and week 2
Room challenge budget:
4 drawer storage piece $32.95
Buddy Hooks $20.00
3 wood photo frames $4.50
2 clip boards $10.00
Spent so far …………………………$67.45
With my remaining funds – I’m hoping to find some small storage for the desk surface for pencils and other everyday homework materials and tools.
I’m so happy to have stuck with this challenge – it’s making space of an area that is perfectly located and it is going to be a well used space and I’m really happy that my kids are excited too! check in next week for the final room reveal!!
Erin- Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry
Loving all your organization ideas for this space. Those hooks are great! Excited to see your reveal!
27 . 07 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thank you! I’m so excited to show off my room reveal! Just finished the work yesterday…writing the blog post soon….
27 . 07 . 2017Ryan
I love this idea! Very neat idea putting the photos of the kids above the hooks – so cute. I think the personalization will subconsciously make them hang up their bookbags too! I’ll have to remember that when my baby gets of that age. Great post!
28 . 07 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks, Ryan! I know when my kids were in kindergarten they did this – it helped the kids remember which cubby spot was there’s and kids LOVE looking at photos of themselves! I’m really hoping they hang up their stuff – we may need to practice the routine once school starts! Thanks for reading!
28 . 07 . 2017Meredith @ The Palette Muse
I love those buddy hooks! I was just at the Container Store the other day and saw something similar. So whimsical and perfect for a kids’ area!
31 . 07 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
For sure! I wanted the space to be kid friendly but also look like a kids space – I figured that way they would be more inclined to use it!
31 . 07 . 2017Erin - Elizabeth Joan Designs
I love that you are putting the kids photos in the frames! What a cute idea! I’m excited to see everything come together!
01 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thank you! My kids like seeing themselves in photos, lol!
01 . 08 . 2017