Room reveal time! It is now week 4 of this amazing challenge to makeover 1 room with only $100 and I am so excited to show you the results of the room reveal.
Let’s take a look back…..
Remember my extra wide hallway space that was a dumping group for all things kid related?
…and these before photos are showing off the space after I had my kids do a bit of a clean up. so not the best use of this space.
As my kids are getting older and 3 of the 4 are in school – they are coming home with projects and homework … the kitchen table was an OK area to do the work but my 2 older children in particular were quite distracted by the goings on in the family room with their 2 younger brothers. So that is what motivated me to create a homework station. This challenge popped up at the perfect time as I really wanted to have this space all set up before back to school.
Let’s take a look at the progress….
I knew this space would be perfect – we don’t need a massive ‘office’ for the kids and I wanted them to still be close by that we could check in on them and they could ask for help. This little nook space is located between my kitchen and laundry room.
It started with a total removal of everything that was in the space and everything was re-homed to a better spot in the house (baseball bats don’t need to be stored by the kitchen)
I then asked around (starting with family) to see if anyone had anything ‘hanging’ around that they wanted to get rid of — I lucked out with a desk.
The desk fits beautifully in the space and it is metal so it is easy to clean (white may not be the ideal colour for kids but if it gets really dirty and cannot be cleaned….it should be easy enough to spray paint)
I purchased the plastic 4 drawer chest at staples (it was about 1/3 of my budget but it is such an important item). It comes with wheels so it is easy to slide in and out as my kids need items from the drawers. I designated (using labels) one drawer per child and the top drawer is for shared items like scissors, erasers, pencil sharpener….)
I soon realized that I had some additional wall space in that nook area and that could be used for back packs! The kids back packs end up in various locations of the house and we need a system….so wall mounted hooks were need. I found some great ‘Buddy Hooks’ on Wayfair and I could have opted for something more typical but I thought these were really fun (and my kids love them, too!) That’s $20 added to my budget – so 1/2 already spent!
I wanted the space to have some colour and also demonstrate that it was a kids’ space – we have tons of kids’ art all over the house and some just stored in bins. So I spent some time with the kids going through some of their favourites…we found some colourful canvases, a papier mache mask my son had made plus a bunch of other items…..I wanted to be able to show off all of their work but there’s isn’t enough wall space for that – so I thought about adding these clipboards to the gallery wall and this way we could switch up their art and work throughout the year!
I like to plan out my gallery walls on the floor first instead of just ‘winging’ it!
These clipboards were about $5.00 each…
See the full details of this homework station transformation…
Time for the room reveal….
I’m so happy with how this turned out! My kids are really excited, too – my daughter jumped right it to use the space as soon as I announced that it was done!
Here are the buddy hooks – in the back pack area – one hook for each child and I added a photo frame with a school photo – so they knew whose hook was whose….
The final budget…
4 drawer chest from Staples                               $32.95
Buddy hooks                                                                        $20.00
2 clip boards                                                                    $10.00
3 wood photo frames                                               $4.50
desk                                                                                    came from my parents
chair with pillow                                                              was already in my home just in another room
art                                                                                       already had
kids’ school photos                                                          already had
pencils, crayons – holder                                             already had
2 file holders                                                                  $9.99 each
wall mount copper baskets                                            $20.00 (on clearance)
Total:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $107.43
So I’m slightly over budget….but the extra $7.43 I can live with for a space this useful and that looks this great!
A few more photos of the room reveal….
This new homework station is going to be really useful for us and the challenge really helped me stay on track with time and budget….I’m really looking forward to the next challenge coming up in September.
Let me know what you think of this homework station,
Meredith @ The Palette Muse
What a great use of that corner space! I love the little touches you added, like those adorable hooks, and the system for hanging kids’ artwork. It looks great, and must be so useful now!
31 . 07 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thank you, Meredith! Yes – the kids are using the hooks (yay, no more backpacks on the floor) and my daughter is really liking the quiet space to work – the boys will come around 😉
31 . 07 . 2017Elizabeth Jones
So glad to finally see your space! there is nothing like displaying your childrens art, it is always the cutest and most sentimental. Take a breath now and enjoy your new space! Great job!!
31 . 07 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks, Elizabeth – it looks great, feels great too – such a great feeling of accomplishment!
31 . 07 . 2017Liz
What a great use of space! I love how everything came together. The desk was a perfect fit!
01 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thank you – yes, that desk was such a great ‘find’
01 . 08 . 2017Erin- Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry
What a great space as the kids head back to school. I love that your daughter is already breaking it in. It looks so nice and organized. Thank you for joining the challenge this month. Happy to hear you’ll be joining again in Sept.!
01 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks, Erin! The space turned out better than i thought it would (my husband said that to me just last night, too) and it makes me happy to see how the kids have reacted! Excited for September’s challenge – deciding on my room!
01 . 08 . 2017Kristen
What a great space for your kids! It is so functional now! I like the backpack hooks 🙂
01 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks, Kristen! So far it is working out very well…backpacks off of my floor (victory!!)
01 . 08 . 2017Kelly
YOu Made great use of this space! I love the hooks and I love how your daughter loved it too! $7 over is really no big deal if they use it!
01 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks, Kelly! Oh ya – I think the use of this room for homework and the backpacks – the $7 over age I can live with!
01 . 08 . 2017Morgan
What a wOndErfUl use of this little Nook! So bright and Cheerful! And what a great scOre on the free Desk! How perfect!!
02 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks so much Morgan! you never know what you will luck into – it’s amazing what people have hanging around ….thanks for stopping by!
02 . 08 . 2017Tracy
It looks great!! Going $7 over was totally worth it!
05 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks! Yes, i can live with the extra $7 – I know we will get so much use of this area 🙂
07 . 08 . 2017Kathy
Wow! yOu used that little space so well. It’s super cute!
18 . 08 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks, Kathy! I knew this nook could serves us much better than being just a ‘catch-all’ of random things….
18 . 08 . 2017