This is my first time participating in the $100 Room Makeover Challenge! This amazing challenge is hosted by Erin of LemonLavenderandLaundry.com If you have not heard of this – neither had I until about 24 hours ago … so here’s what it is …
The $100 Room makeover Challenge
A bunch of bloggers take on one room in their own home and in one month’s time and with only $100 – they transform the room and share their weekly progress. Curious to learn more and check out some of the rooms that have participated in the past? Click here
Why am I participating in this $100 Room makeover challenge?
Well, I love to try new things and I do like to challenge myself – when we decorate and stage we often are on tight budgets but I never really have the chance to make changes in my own home – you know the story of the Cobbler’s children, right? Well same goes for interior decorators and home stagers (and probably most other professionals) – we are so busy with projects outside of our own home and our own homes are a bit forgotten…
I also really need to start focusing on certain areas of my home to make them more user-friendly and functional. As my children are getting older and bigger – our lifestyle needs are changing and so, our home needs to adapt – with this challenge I can give myself a deadline and a budget (and I get to share my progress and results with you and other bloggers – there’s the accountability).
So which ‘room’ did I choose?
Technically – the space I chose is not a room but it is a trouble area in my home that I feel I can do more with – I have this ‘nook’ area off of my kitchen and between my laundry room that is becoming an awful catch-all for random ‘stuff’….crafts, sports equipment, library books and more….I had my kids actually sort through it before I knew about this challenge so this photo actually makes the space look like less of a disaster.
I have decided to turn this space into a designated ‘homework center’ or ‘kids office space’. My 2 older children are getting regular homework to complete and they need a space to work. they still need help from Mom and Dad so sending them to their bedrooms isn’t the best area for homework right now – this area is close to the kitchen (so easy access to Mom and / or Dad) but also separate enough that it is quiet enough for them to focus.
Goals for the challenge:
- De-clutter and find new ‘homes’ for our stuff – this area is becoming a dumping ground for all sorts of kid stuff – we do have a mudroom area and they have bedrooms so I really need to systematize that and probably get rid of some stuff
- Find a desk and chair that will fit in this nook – this nook is only 22″ deep so I will need to find something narrow enough that it doesn’t take over but still a good size for the kids to work at (and fit a lap top computer)
- Storage for the homework space to keep papers, pencils and other materials organized in this shared homework space (since it is a shared work space – I need some storage for the kids to keep their things but also supplies like paper, pencils, etc…)
- Add some light (we don’t have a plug for a table lamp – so for now I may have to either add brighter bulbs to the existing overhead fixture or see if I can purchase something that will add more light)
- Make it pretty! (I will have to get creative but I’m thinking of re-purposing some old frames and framing the kids art and/ or photos)
I’m excited for this challenge – it gives me a deadline to complete a project that my kids really need once school starts and I know the summer will fly by before I realize it. Wish me luck and stay tuned and of course, let me know if you have any ideas….three more weeks to go!
Erin- Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry
I love organized homework stations… wish I had one in our house. I cannot wait to see what you do with this space. So happy to have you joining in the challenge!
24 . 07 . 2017kikiinteriors@rogers.com
Thanks – I’m having fun and this is a space my 3 kiddos really need – although not a dedicated room – you can do a lot with nooks and corners in great locations!
24 . 07 . 2017