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Think about what gives your life meaning, purpose, and satisfaction. It may be time with loved ones, vibrant health, intellectual growth, travel, leisure time, career accomplishments, or something else. With some planning, discipline, and occasional sacrifice, you can organize your finances and schedule around what adds the most value for you. Focus on what matters most each day to live your best life.

Wants and Needs

Evaluate your needs versus wants. Determine what is truly essential for a comfortable life versus discretionary spending that may provide little lasting satisfaction. Focus first on meeting your basic needs, such as housing, food, transportation, healthcare, and savings. Limit spending on wants until your needs are covered.


Create a budget and stick to it. A budget helps you align your spending with your priorities. Track all expenses and identify areas where you can cut back to free up more money for important goals like debt repayment, education, retirement savings, or experiences. Automate savings and bill payments so you aren’t tempted to overspend.

Housing Costs

Reduce housing costs. Housing is often one’s biggest expense. Downsize to a smaller living space, get a roommate, move to a lower-cost area, or negotiate your rent. Buying can be cheaper than renting long-term. Pay down your mortgage quickly to build equity and reduce interest costs. Look into new homes in kuna idaho to save even more.

Efficient Use of Resources

Use resources efficiently. Conserve energy, water, gasoline, and other resources through habits like turning off lights, taking quicker showers, maintaining your vehicle, and reducing waste. Install energy-efficient appliances. Take public transit, walk, or bike when possible.

Eliminate Debt

Avoid debt. When you aren’t paying on credit cards or loans each month, you can improve your quality of life. Build an emergency fund so you can avoid further debt. Only take on obligations like a fixed-rate mortgage.

Invest Wisely

Contribute enough to retirement accounts to earn any employer match. Invest extra money you have in the stock market over the long term. Let compound interest do the work to grow your wealth.

Make Smart Purchases

Buy quality products that will last rather than disposable items that need frequent replacing. Seek out discounts, price compare, and avoid impulse purchases. Rent, borrow, or share items used infrequently.

Highlight Appreciation

Focus on appreciation over depreciation. Spend money on people, experiences, and skills rather than material things that lose value over time. Cherish time with loved ones, take vacations, and learn new hobbies. Your health and relationships are worth the cost.

Simplify Life

Simplify your lifestyle. Avoid the trap of over consumption. Focus on quality over quantity in purchases. Spend time instead of money on leisure. Follow the essentialist model of eliminating the trivial many for the vital few.

Raising your standard of living is ultimately about aligning your daily choices with your values and priorities. It’s less about status, possessions, or extravagance, and more about living intentionally to get the most out of each moment. Think about what gives your life meaning, purpose, and satisfaction. Is it time with loved ones, vibrant health, intellectual growth, travel, leisure time, or career accomplishments?

With some planning, discipline, and occasional sacrifice, you can organize your finances and schedule around what adds the most value for you. This may involve downsizing expenses, budgeting effectively, spending on appreciation over depreciation, and eliminating time wasters. Focus on what matters most each day to live your best life.

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Have you heard of ‘smudging’?

I started smudging my home about 3 years ago – my husband thought that I was a bit crazy but after the first time I smudged our home he noticed a difference too!

Smudging is a common practice in feng shui and many Native Americans as well. You will also hear followers of alternative healing mention speak of this practice, too! In short, it involves burning certain herbs (I will explain more about the types of herbs , keep reading). The smoke from burning these herbs will fill the air and it helps to clear out negative energy. Don’t be intimated by the practice – it’s quite simple!

The benefits of smudging

I try to smudge my home once a month but we are a busy family and if I’m being totally honest it doesn’t happen every month. One routine I do try to stick to with this practice is – to smudge after having guests over. Why? People carry energy with them and you never know what energy they are surrounded by….so we like to clear it all out!

Photo credit: Apartment Therapy

  1. Clears out negative energy.
  2. Improves mental focus
  3. Clears the air from pollutants
  4. Relaxing effects
  5. Increased energy
  6. Improved sleep

Everytime I smudge my home we all notice a big difference. Everything in the house feels lighter. If you want to read more about the practice and it’s benefits – I found this article to be very useful – 8 Reasons You Should Try Smudging

How to smudge and what you need

There are different herbs that can be used to smudge and they all deal with different aspects that affect your home’s energy in a negative way.

Cedar is said to be calming, purifying, comforting and protect.

Juniper is clarifying, cleansing, helps with focus and centering.

Pine is for renewal, strengthening and cleansing.

Sweetgrass is for healing, purification and encourages positive energy.

Sage is for clearing negative energy and encouraging balance.

Personally I use White sage most of the time. If you are wondering about the smell when you cleanse your home with buring white sage – I don’t mind it (it smells a bit spicy, like Christmas spices).

Photo credit: Cedar Lake

You will need a bundle of dried herbs also known as a ‘smudging stick’. You will also need matches, a candle and a fireproof bowl (if you look online you will see a lot of sheels being used but any fireproof bowl is fine). Some sand – you will spave it in the fire proof bowl (I don’t always use sand, to be honest). You might also see feathers used in smudging. You don’t have to use one (I don’t) if you carry the smoking herb bundle (aka smudge stick) around the home with the fireproof bowls in the other hand (to catch any falling embers that’s just fine). I also keep my windows open while I smudge the house – this allows the negative energy to be released from the home. I’m not sure if this is how everyone practices but this is how I was taught.

So how do you smudge your home?

Start by getting out all of the supplies you need.

Next light your candle with a match – you will use the candle to light the smudge stick. It’s not a torch you want it smoldering. So once lit wave it around. Be sure to have the fireproof bowl under the smoldering smudging stick – for safety reasons and for catching embers that may fall off.

I circulate around my home – smudging room by room and waving the smudge stick around (some use a feather to circulate the smoke but I like to keep it simple). Be sure to focus on corners – it is believed that negative energy ‘sticks’ in the corners of a room. Pay attention to all rooms not just the main or mostly used rooms – laundry rooms, closets and even the garage can have stagnant energy.

So now that you have circulated around the entire home – you need to conclude the session. You will put out the smoldering sage stick in the sand in the fireproof bowl. You can keep the candle burning (I ujsually do for anothwr 30 mins or so). When it comes to smudging be sure to set aside enough time – this process shouldn’t be rushed (15-20 minutes is usually enough time – the time depends on the size of your home).

Shop – Home Smudging

Smudging Kit

Pack of 3 Smudging sticks (white sage) – this is the one that I like to use!

Smudging stick with copper bowl and sand

Smudging your home is a great way to start the new year – a clean slate, a clear energy in your home and peace of mind. I will be smudging this week and I know you will enjoy this practice too!


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‘Being thankful’ sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But often I find we get so caught up in everyday life and the stress that it can cause that we forget to be grateful for what we have in this life.  Here are some simple ways to demonstrate and give thanks

20 Ways to be Thankful….

1 – Make a new habit of starting each day with writing down 3 things that you are grateful for.

2 – Compliment others on something other than their appearance … “You are so talented” “You are so generous with your time, this school is so lucky to have you”

3 – Pay for someone else’s coffee (a friend, co-worker or stranger….) It doesn’t cost a lot of money but it is such a big gesture.

4 – Read a long bedtime story to your kids (they will love it!)

5 – Say ‘thank you’ more often (and when you say it, look the person in the eye). It is so nice to hear and it is so simple to say.

6 – Help a friend run errands. It’s so much more fun! Plus it is a great way to catch up – texting is great but face to face means so much more.

7 – Volunteer at your kid’s school (teachers love having guest readers or parents who can work with a small group of kids)

8 – Donate used clothing. Clear out that closet, you will be amazed at what you have that someone else could benefit from….Check out Dress for Success they do amazing work for women

9 – Chaperon your kid’s field trip (they will love it, the school will appreciate it and you will have fun, too)

10 – Walk outside when you can. Soak in your surroundings and appreciate the beauty before your eyes.

11 – Grab coffee with a new colleague (it’s tough being the ‘new kid’).

12 – Send someone flowers (for no reason)

13 – Like the service at your local coffee shop or a new restaurant – write a yelp or Google review. Or even better, tell the manager and be sure to mention your server by name, it feels good to give praise and receive it

14 – Your time is the greatest gift, so spend a day with someone you love. My favourite gifts for my kids is when aunts and uncles take them to the movies, to a museum, camping or a sleepover – they don’t stop talking about those experiences and amazing memories!

15 – Take out the trash… other words do someone else’s chores.  My husband typically takes out the trash and recycling but I will do it for him (especially when he’s over worked) and I know he appreciates it!

16 – Host a wine or appetizer night at home.  It could be for a group of friends or maybe just your husband – have some great conversation and maybe learn about tasting wine. Sharing food and drink is a way to bond and re-connect.

17 – Send a postcard (or handwritten letter) to someone you love or someone that could you some positive encouragement. We are so bombarded with emails, taking the time to send something handwritten shows you care and took the time.

18 – Drop off a care package or a meal for a new mom – I remember a colleague of my husband made us some casseroles to bring home after our son was born and it was the greatest gift. I will always remember her kindness

19 – Plan a fun (and surprise) date night.  This requires some planning if you want to leave the house … but it’s worth it! It’s important to have date nights as a couple (plus I believe it is so important for our kids to see us as a couple, too).

20 – Cook a meal (completely from scratch) for friends and/or family. Make your favourite dish and let others try something you love…


If we make an effort to practice being thankful everyday… you will be amazed at how it changes the world around you,


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