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“How can I make my home look summer-y? The cold weather is finally gone but my home still looks kind of winter-y”


Yes, the weather is absolutely beautiful these days and it looks like those chilly days are behind us (at least for a few months).  It’s nice to celebrate the changing of the seasons and if you live in an area like ours, the changes in weather are pretty drastic! We love to have the inside of our homes light and airy like the summer weather so here are some ideas that we use at home.

1 – Flowers

– bring in some beauty of the spring/summer season.  If you have a lovely garden cut some of your own flowers, if you don’t have a garden to pick from the local Farmer’s markets have tons of beautiful flowers this time of year.  We love the see arrangements on coffee tables, dining tables and even bedrooms.



2- Pillows and throws

– chances are if you live in a colder climate (like us) your pillows and throws (on your bed and sofa) you colour motif is likely deep and dark, so for the warmer seasons lighten it up!  Can this get expensive? Sure.  But if you are smart you can do this on a budget.  Try pillow covers instead of all new pillows.  This way you can keep the inserts, change the covers seasonally and send the off-season covers to be professionally cleaned.  Tuck away your off-season pillows and throws in a closet or a trunk during these warm months.  If you stick with a spring/summer colour scheme and a fall/winter scheme you will get a lot of use of your accent decor pieces. For spring summer, we love a pop of yellow.  Yellow works with blue, green, orange, pink ….. plus it is so sunny and bright!



3 – Drapery and window coverings

– we aren’t  suggesting a new set of window dressings is mandatory but if you have heavy drapery such as velvet or a really dark colour, you might want to consider a lighter option during the spring/summer months – this will completely transform the look of your home.  And much like the idea with the pillow covers, take the cold season drapery to be cleaned. If you aren’t open to 2 sets of drapery, pull back the curtains and pull up the blinds and let the light in! this will brighten up the room.


4 – Fireplace

– the fireplace is a focal point in your room no matter the season.  In those cold winter and crisp fall months, it is easy to style the fireplace but what to do in the warm months? The fireplace likely won’t be in use but it is a big piece of your room.  Style it with some softer textures and tones. You have lots of options but we suggest adding elements that work with your spring/summer colour scheme and adding some botanical pieces (that could be floral arrangements or a seasonal art piece).  We love the image below because it has that summer ease – the plants are a great touch and that mirror in the fireplace is such a great idea.  The garden stool adds a pop of colour but is also another seating option when needed.


5 – Texture

– in the warmer months we all love to get outside, so to make your home decor more ‘summer-y’ bring the outdoors in!  Yes, we already mentioned flowers but there are other outdoor elements that you can bring inside.  Think about natural textures like wood, rattan and sisal – they add that soft and natural factor but also a warmth.  These are great options if you lean towards neutrals, in terms of your decor palette.  The richness of these textures adds a sophistication to any space.



You can create a welcoming entry in the summer by adding a summer themed wreath and planters.  Maybe even a bench with some outdoor pillows – this will create a warm and inviting vignette for family and friends!


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One of the best things about summer is entertaining outdoors.  We have been cooped up all winter and even on those cooler spring days and evenings – so it is a welcome change to get outside in the warm weather.


Summer nights are perfect for having friends over for a BBQ and some drinks but they are also great for quiet nights in as a family or couple. Summer nights are the best! Just because you are outdoors doesn’t means that you are limited to basic patio furniture – there are so many options! You can add decorative touches to make your outdoor living space even more comfortable and inviting.


Here are some of our favourite summer outdoor living decorating ideas:



We love the look of lanterns! We even like them for the indoors.  But lanterns are a great way to add some candle light or soft lighting to your space.  Keeping open flames like a candle in a lantern keeps it safe, too.  We like lanterns on the ground but try them on a table top (think dining under the stars) or hung up – they look great every way.



Outdoor rug:

A rug? Outside? Yes!  It is a great look – it adds some colour and possibly some print and pulls the outdoor living space together. It makes the outdoor area look and feel cozy.  Make sure the rug you get is designed for ‘outdoor use’. An outdoor rug is made of materials that can stand the weather (sun and rain).  An outdoor rug also has a nice ‘foot feel’ – meaning when you stand on it, it feels good on bare feet unlike a concrete, cement or even wood surface, which can all be a bit rough.




Like the rug – this is a great ‘indoor’ comfort that can be brought outside – just be sure to have pillows in an outdoor safe fabric. There are tons of colour and print options.  Pillows not only add even more comfort to your outdoor seating space but they add some style, too.  Be sure to have an overall colour theme (which includes your rug as well).  Just like decorating the indoors you want consistency with your style. See the image below – the pop of colour is red and orange -so bright and fun even the table top lanterns coordinate with the colour theme.



Small furniture:

Sure, you have your main pieces for furniture likely a seating area and a dining area but what about small pieces of furniture like coffee tables and side tables? You will want those for surface space.  The garden stool is also a great option if you need some last minute extra seating – they are a perfect multi-purpose piece.  We also look how a garden stool adds some colour and some texture – plus they are easy to clean and in the cooler months – you can use them indoors!


Bar cart:

Outdoor entertaining like indoor entertaining needs serving space.  Since you likely won’t have an outdoor kitchen (and if you do have one – you are so lucky!) you need some kind of serving space for food and drink.  We love bar carts (for inside too) for the outdoors.  You don’t have to sacrifice table space (or at least too much table space) when hosting. It’s a perfect piece for serving light snacks and drinks – if you host huge parties and have the space, consider getting 2 carts – one designated for drinks and the other for snacks.




Who says outdoor furniture can’t be comfortable?! Hoe about some outdoor bean bag chairs? We love the fun patterns, the easy maintenance and the absolute comfort.  Perfect for summer afternoon naps or eating for kids. We are seeing ‘bean bag’ seating more and more in resort spas because it is so comfortable and comfort is king!


In the warm summer months, enjoy the outdoors in comfort and with a touch of style!

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“I want to have a cohesive look in my home – my entire home.  How can I do that without being boring?”


Most people like the look and feel of a home with flow and cohesiveness.  There are a number of tricks and tips to  help you achieve a cohesive space but the easiest way to create a cohesive or fluid look in your whole home is through colour.


Creating a colour palette or colour concept for your entire home will make your decorating choices much easier but also you will connect each room to the next, so even if the style varies a bit in each room you still have a common thread pulling it all together.


Think about the magazine images and model homes that you have seen (and likely fallen in love with) …sure, they are full of beautiful and brand new furniture but one of the big reasons why they feel so good is the colour choices.


We can’t all live in a ‘model home’ that’s not realistic but we can take inspiration from these showstoppers.  Here’s how: by using a limited number of colours and using them in different ways in each space to create a fluid and cohesive home.


Let’s get started:

1.  The colors you use in your home are completely up to you.  

Do what makes you feel fabulous cause no one ever gets sick of that right? So you don’t have to paint your entire home white or beige – pick a colour that you like.  It could be grey, green, beige, taupe, blues even bolder choices like yellow or purple.


2. Stick to 3-5 colors for your color palette.  

For those of you who love color, this may feel limiting, but I promise you will still end up with a colorful home.  For those of you with a fear of color, go with more muted shades of color so that you add color into your life without it being too in your face.

We personally recommend a neutral in that palette if you want some bolder colour, for instance if you want some yellow we like mixing in a neutral like grey.  But you don’t have to.


3. We are not talking about redoing your entire home tomorrow

– that may not be in your budget and that’s OK.  We are talking about setting up a color plan so that over time it will guide your decorating decisions and eventually you will have a beautiful home that is totally you and flows nicely from one room to another.

So be sure to write your plan down somewhere and include the names, brands and formula codes of the paint colours you have selected.


Starting with your favorite color means that you won’t be getting sick of it any time soon.  Now I’m not saying that if your favorite color is cobalt blue to go paint all of your walls that color, but you can most definitely use it as a starting point. Use that bold blue as your inspiration.


Remember your ‘colour plan’ isn’t just about paint, it is about creating a cohesive look using colour – so think about your paint but also think about furniture, accessories, rugs and more.

See the image below – that bold cobalt blue is part of the decor scheme using accessories.  Only you can determine the amount of bold colour you can handle or want in your space.


Still not sure on which colour direction to head in because you like all colour?

Think about the feeling you want to create at home. Do you want your home to feel calm and spa like? Or lively with lots of contrast?

Or how about uber modern?  Color will help achieve the feeling you want.


So, in summary, here’s how to get the perfect colour concept for your entire home.


1. Pick a white.

Not all whites are the same, they have various undertones.  So put your white paint swatches up against your main space elements like flooring, cabinetry, and the furniture that you will be using/keeping.  If you know what kind of palette you want – cool or warm, look at your whites.  If a white looks a bit blue-ih or grey-ish, that’s a cool white.  If your white looks warmer even with a touch of yellow, that’s a warm tone.  You can choose either – it’s up to you but you want those undertones to be consistent throughout your colour palette.


2. Pick a neutral.

This will be the main colour in the home, some called it the ‘field’ colour. This will be the colour that really connects all of the rooms.  Now using the term neutral doesn’t mean you need to pick beige or beige – you can get more creative with greys, taupes, even soft greens, yellows or blues. you will see a lot of this colour in your space – which is why we recommend something softer and more subtle, many of us tire of deep and bold tones after a while.


3. Pick a saturated colour.

Because you have neutral tone so far this is where you can get a little more adventurous, if you like; and you can choose any colour you like!  If colour isn’t your thing, we suggest opting for a deeper neutral like a charcoal grey or perhaps a deep brown.  Keep in mind this colour may not necessarily be on your walls – it might be used as an accent (remember the bedroom image above with the cobalt blue accents).  If you really want this colour on a wall, an accent wall would work.


Typically for smaller and more open concept spaces, like a condo-apartment we recommend stopping at 2-3 paint colours and the rest be used for accent colours – so for accessories, bedding, art etc…

This room is playing with various neutral – really only 3.  White, tan and charcoal. This is an easy neutral palette but the mix of timeless neutrals and adding some texture – see the wood framed mirror, the glass end table and pops of gold- they follow the colour palette plan and create this very sophisticated space.  Neutral doesn’t mean boring. 

4 and 5. Pick accent colours.

You have lots of choices depending on the look and feel you want.  These colours will be used in decorative accents and they will compliment the above 3 colours – so everything works nicely together to get you that designer look and feel.

If you want a calmer feel and a monochromatic look – add some neutrals in various shades.  If you want more ‘pop’ add some complimentary colours, so if you have blue already think about adding some orange and/or yellow to really make things bright and fun.

Take a look at the image above, there is a 5 tone palette – with a white, a neutral and 3 pops of colour.  The soft aqua is the main colourful element and the blush and coral and secondary.  there are some various tones in this image but they all work together to create a cohesive look because there is a plan.

So now that you have your palette or colour concept what do you do next?

Use these colours as your guide which means it is all about using the colors (or variations of the colors) you chose differently in each room. Remember this is just your guide.  Going up or down a shade or 2 to make it work in the space you are doing is great.  The idea is to stick to your palette as a guide. So when you are shopping for some art and accessories keep the palette in mind but don’t panic if you don’t have exact matches.


When you plan ahead instead of ‘making it up as you go along’ – you really see the difference and you get that designer look. But it’s never too late, so work with what you’ve got and pull it together using these tips!

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Most of us love the idea of a big open concept space – it offers us to many possibilities and our living area feels so huge but it can be a big challenge to figure out how to decorate and use all of that open space. In a more traditional style home, we have a lot of walls and those wall provide definition for each room – a designated living room, dining room or office – it is simple to visualize and to furnish.  Big open spaces, although lovely, they present challenges for many home owners because everything is so open!

So here are some great tips to tackle the challenges:

1 – Fluidity –

In an open-concept home it’s even more important to make sure that all the elements work together and the space looks cohesive. So stick to a paint colour concept throughout the open space.

If you want to introduce a new colour, try it in a room with doors – like bedrooms and/or bathrooms.  One colour throughout keeps the open space feeling. Same goes for the floors – keep it consistent (like the paint) to keep that flow which maintains that spacious feel and look.

2 – Definition –

Some times open is just too open so how do you tackle that? Use rugs to define the rooms.  An area rug in a living room pulls the furniture together creating a focused room that’s perfect for conversation but it still keeps that open look and feel. The area rug is also a great way to add some texture and colour.

The image below is a great example of an open floor plan with consistent floors and paint – see how the area rug helps designate the living room and pulls it all together – it’s perfect!

3 – Furniture Arrangement –

When it comes to placing your furniture many of us use walls as our guide – the TV goes on the wall and so does the back of the sofa, right? But if you don’t have any walls what do you do?

You need to place the furniture so that you can create conversation spaces and entertaining spaces and dining spaces, so floating arrangements are key.  A floating arrangement means that the sofa or any of the furniture is not anchored to a wall – so it is floating.  A sofa table is a great way to add a ‘wall’ and help anchor the sofa so that it doesn’t look lost.

4 –  Lighting –

Just like the paint and floors stay consistent with your style and finishes of lighting.  If you have brushed nickle – use brushed nickle throughout (at least for your  fixtures – you can introduce a few other finishes in your lamps but not too many)

Have a plan when it comes to the fixtures you want to use : hang one big light fixture over each designated area; for example,install a chandelier directly over the dining room table, an overhead ceiling fan with a light kit over the living room, and pendant lighting in the kitchen. Then, go back through and add recessed lights or smaller fixtures throughout the three spaces for a complete lighting design,centering some of these over the walkways you created with your furniture placement.

The light fixtures you choose will have a large impact on whether the overall space is cohesive or disjointed, so take your time choosing the style, finish, size and placement of each.

5 – Accessories –

These little details really add some personality and pull it all together. The small touches you choose for accessories should set each space up as a stunning room on its own, as well as tie all three together so that they coexist beautifully.

Arrange the same style of accent pieces throughout the home; for example, if you’re partial to organic elements such as stones, landscape art and wooden decor, use similar items in each room. Center a low glass bowl of smooth river stones on the dining room table, add a water feature to the corner of the living room and arrange wooden bowls to hold fruit on the kitchen counters. You don’t have to match the pieces, and it’s preferable that you don’t, but keep the elements the same.

It’s easy to get lost in open spaces but I hope these tips are helpful and useful for decorating and planning your open concept space!


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“I love my dog. She’s my world but I need some ideas to make my home stylish yet still pet friendly.”


We love pets but yes, they can cramp your style and put some limits on your decor choices but you can live in style with pets.  Work with your lifestyle not against it and it will all come together beautifully


But there are ways to live in style with your furry little friends – the right pieces, materials and a bit of creativity can get you the look you crave.


1- Ditch the blankets (the multiple blankets) that you use to cover your sofa and chairs to keep the pet hair off! Instead opt for pet friendly fabrics. Leather is a good choice for homeowners with pets. It is durable
and easy to clean. Most grades will only be affected by pet scratches. If you are uncomfortable buying leather, buy pleather. It is cruelty-free, cost-effective, and pleasing to the eye. Have you heard of Crypton? It is an upholstery fabric made to fit your lifestyle. Soft, durable, and resistant to both stains and odors, Crypton Home fabric is available in a wide array of textures and vibrant colors. The image below is a Pottery barn sofa upholstered in Crypton Home Fabric.


2 – Skip wall-to-wall carpet.  Carpet is like a pet hair magnet, so either opt out or be prepared to vacuum regularly  Want the look of carpet – choose an area rug – it’s less time consuming to clean and you can always bring outside to air out (and shake out). If you must have carpet choose a low pile. It’s easier to clean if there’s an accident. And avoid continuous loop carpet because a pet toenail can unravel it by catching a single woven loop.

3 – Put washable fabrics on your bed.  If you have a pet, cat or dog, chances are they make their way into your bed at some point. Protect your mattress from the inevitable by covering it with a thick pad. Use cotton bed sheets, preferably in a medium color or a pattern that can hide the pet hair and stains between washings. For bedspreads, duvet covers work well because you can take them off and wash them regularly. Delicate-looking mattress coverlets are surprisingly durable; their tight quilting resists pet toenail snags and repeated washings.

 4 – Animal space near the entry.  If you have a pet that goes outside take that into consideration – it’s a part of your lifestyle so what do you have at your entry? Think about your flooring – easy to clean and scratch resistant are key.  Hooks and/or storage for leashes and other dog belongings. A basket with park toys and/or winter apparel.

5 – Match your colours to your pet’s fur.  Use your pet as a source of inspiration when choosing colors for your room. Paint a concrete floor the same shade of gray as your cat. Cover your sofa in a honey microfiber that matches your golden retriever. This isn’t just an aesthetic shout-out to your pet; it’s also a practical choice because the hair they leave behind won’t be as visible. Put a white floor in a house with a black Lab, you’re going to have black ‘tumbleweeds’ everywhere.

6 – Furniture options that include your pet. Our pets are a part of our home; they are family so it is important that they are welcome in our home with some space of their own.  Some easy ways to make ‘fluffy’ feel at home…

Beside table that does double duty. Place a comfy dog bed or pillow inside and your bestie has their own bed right beside you. Have some fun and get your furry friend a bed in a coordinating colour – so cute!

The front entry is a high traffic area, especially for dog owners.  So have a pet station by the front door.  We love this converted front entry console furniture piece.  It works for everyone – so storage, some decor, and even a spot to lie in.  Plus it looks great too!

Think of small customization changes you can make.   The kitchen island is a great spot for dog bowls and some storage.  We love these built in dog bowls – they are tucked away and that means they don’t get in the way.  You can add a drawer (perfect spot for storing treats, medication, grooming tools and documents) or have an open shelf – it’s a bit more decorative but still useful.


Pets add so much love to our lives so be sure to take them into consideration when you are designing and decorating your space. Another simple tip keep your dog or cat clean will help your house stay cleaner, longer. Trimmed nails won’t scratch floors or upholstery. Regularly brushing and bathing removes loose hair before it ends up on your floor, your bed, your throw pillows, and your curtains. Furniture and rugs will last longer if they don’t need to be washed as often.


Think of it this way – It’s easier to clean your dog than your upholstery, and it’s usually more fun!


Yes, you can live in style with your furry little friends – there’s no need to give up – you just need to make the right picks so you can all live together in comfort and style!
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“I love the look of a ‘floating sofa’ but I don’t like how the back of my sofa looks – what can I do?”


This is a great question! 

We LOVE the look of a floating sofa arrangement too but yes, the backs of most sofas aren’t exactly spectacular but you have lots of options.


This is where we recommend a sofa table also known as a console table.  We know you are probably thinking that the idea of a sofa table is a bit formal and stuffy but no – sofa tables come in all styles – there is something for everyone.  A sofa table is a great way to enhance your style with some colour and/or texture. You can decorate it how ever you like and even use the space for some storage.


A sofa table can also be useful for some extra light (if you have outlet/plug access) in a case where end tables won’t work but it could also offer some extra storage for multiple things.  Think about your space, your style and your needs when it comes time to select your sofa table and don’t be afraid to get a little creative – just because something isn’t labeled as a ;sofa table’ doesn’t means it can’t be used as one.


Here are some of favourite ideas for sofa tables:

Think about adding some colour. 

We love this pop of yellow in this country chic living room.  It hides the back of this sofa but it isn’t too heavy.  the styling of decor items like the candles, the bird cage, books and plant soften the surface.  We also love the idea of the tray underneath the the sofa table – this is a great idea for some extra storage.



Think sleek and contemporary. 

This wrap around low shelving piece gives this living room some extra storage, some shelving for decor and it works in this more contemporary space – plus is hides the back of that sofa.  This is a great storage saving idea if you are short on space.



Think about size and your space. 

Sofa tables are typically 20-32″ shorter in length than the sofa and usually 1-3″ shorter than the height of the sofa but if you have a larger or long room you might want to consider something bigger like this image above.  This is a kitchen table that has been re-purposed in this living room. 

We love the over size lush fern flanked by two glass candle holders.  The large rattan baskets underneath are perfect storage for books, board games or extra blankets.



Think practical. 

Do you work in your living room or family room? Try adding an attractive desk as your sofa table – it’s a great way to keep an eye on the kids and still get some seat work done.  This hides the back of the sofa but it is also practical for a busy lifestyle. 

We also love a chic chair as the seat with this desk instead of a typical desk chair – it looks great and it is useful (plus this is a great idea if you are short on space and need a work space at home)



Think storage. 

Try using a sideboard, dresser or chest of drawers as your sofa table – be sure to measure the depth of the storage piece but we love the extra storage a piece like this offers.  It is perfect for storing multiple things – extra dining room items, DVDs, board games, books and even think about having a liquor cabinet as your sofa table. 

We also love the surface space that a sofa table offers – if you like to entertain you can use this as a serving space for certain items or just as a great flat surface for guests to sit down their drinks



Think extra seating. 

If you love to entertain the sofa table is a great spot to store some extra seating (like stools or ottomans)and the sofa table is perfect for snacks and drinks – think Super Bowl parties, big movie nights, playoffs (any sport) or season finale nights – if you entertain a lot, you might want to keep high back seating like the image above but if you only need it on occasion, you might want to opt for something that can be tucked cleanly underneath (see the image below)


The sofa table isn’t an ‘old fashioned’ piece – there are so many options and style to suite every decor. 

It really completes the look of a floating sofa and they offer a lot of practical storage and surface options, too – find a piece that suits you and your lifestyle,

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Navy blue is a classic and lately it has been trending in both fashion and home decor.  Navy is a great option is you want depth but aren’t willing to go as deep and dark as black.  Navy is a great way to stay timeless in your decor but you can also make your space look fresh using pops of navy.

We love working with Navy blue because of the possibilities, here are our 11 favourite ways to decorate with navy

1.  Try a NAVY sofa.

We always recommend a neutral toned sofa so why not navy? Navy is a classic tone and it works with all colours.  If you like the idea of a darker sofa, navy is a great option.  Add some texture with pillows and a throw blanket, mix some pattern and print and we love the modern floor lamp in gold finish – it all works so beautifully together and it has a cool style in classic tones.

2. NAVY in the bedroom.

Doesn’t this bedroom look crisp and clean? The contrast of the white and navy is so fresh and still warm.  Navy can have a glamorous vibe too, it doesn’t have to be nautical.  Look at the shape of the headboard and finished in navy velvet very chic and then paired with glass lamps and the geo print shams and duvet with just a pop of orange – it’s perfect!

3.  Accent wall in NAVY.

Accent walls are still ‘a thing’ but we are seeing them more in deeper and darker neutrals.  We actually did a commercial office and painted some accent walls in Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore – it’s amazing!! We love the classic colour yet the bold statement it makes on the wall.  Add an over sized piece of art and instant chic!

4. One furniture piece in NAVY.

Since navy is a neutral it works with everything, so if you are on the hunt for a new furniture piece why not look for something in navy? This navy tufted over sized ottoman is the life of the party in this soft neutral room.  We love it’s function but also how it pops in the space (to bridge it all together, a few pillows with some navy would be perfect)

5. NAVY kitchen.

The kitchen is the heart of the home so make sure it looks it’s best!  Try using navy to freshen up those kitchen cabinets.  We love the navy blue lower cabinets in this kitchen – again a great alternative to black or espresso stain.  It looks amazing with the oversized stainless steel pulls and against the white – the whole kitchen looks so bright. Colour in the kitchen can be a risk but not in a classic colour like navy.

6. Pattern drapery in NAVY.

We love patterned drapery it has such a ‘designer’ look and it’s like art framing your windows.  We love this fresh look – the pattern isn’t too busy and the contrast isn’t too harsh.  It adds some fun to the room but it still feels classic.

7.  NAVY blue wallpaper.

A wallpaper accent wall is a great way to make a statement.  But we are also loving all walls in wallpaper in a small space like a powder room.  It’s fun and if you get bored it’s an easy room to update and switch up but if you have fabulous wallpaper why would you want to? This navy and white zebra print wallpaper is not for the faint at heart but for those who love to be noticed this is for you! We love it but caution this isn’t for everyone!

8. NAVY blue Boys Bedroom.

I know we sound like a broken record but with navy as a classic it just doesn’t age.  So it is a great option for a boys’ bedroom – it is a neutral tone that he can grow up with even as his tastes change. we are big fans of light colours on bedroom walls but we do love this room – the navy with nail head bed looks great with the white and beige bedding but it would also look great with Kelly Green or Candy Apple Red, too.  So it is a great piece in a classic colour.  We also love the navy and white rugby stripe rug, so fresh! The pops of orange and the natural wood tones in the room make it stylish and perfect for a boy!

9. NAVY on the floor.

We are huge fans of a pattern rug – it’s like art on the floor.  We do love colour but we know that many are hesitant to invest in colour and pattern for their floor coverings, so a navy pattern rug is a great compromise.  We absolutely love how this navy trellis pattern gives life to this soft neutral room.  We also love using a glass coffee table on a pattern rug – you get to see more of it! The rug colour and print is echoed with an accent lumbar pillow in same tones but slightly different pattern – but it’s all chic!!

10. NAVY and the unexpected.

We started to see the mix of navy and pastels last year but mainly on the racks and runways – unexpected colour combos with navy blue.  We have all seen the typical combos – navy and white, navy and red, navy and yellow, navy and gold but what about navy and mint green, navy and soft pink (rose quartz, maybe?), navy and lilac but one of our favourite combos right now is navy and coral – it’s bold and bright but fun and still warm, we love it!

11. NAVY accent pieces.

Anytime you are introducing the idea of colour to your space, start slow…starting with accents is the easiest way and most affordable way to know if you are ready to commit.  So have an ‘audition’ and introduce some small accent pieces like pillows, candles, art, table lamps and just decor accent to the space and let it all sink it.  If you like it and want more see the list above…..

For even more navy blue inspiration – check out our Pinterest Board – Navy Blue Inspiration

Navy is becoming one of our go-to’ s in home decor – it works every time and we love it in every way!

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“I know grey is trending but I can’t change all of the beige (tiles, paint and furniture) in my home.  How can I make my beige house look modern and current?”

You are right grey is still the hottest neutral right now but don’t get down on your beige.  It is still a classic and the good news is  – it works with everything.  We are actually working on a model condo suite and we are repurposing furniture from a former model and we are working with beige.  This hue is beautiful and it has a really nice warmth to it – so even if it is not trending doesn’t mean you need to toss out your beige! Think of your beige home as a perfect canvas for just about anything you want to do to make it look more current. 

Here are some ideas to give your neutral space and instant lift!

1 – Beige and Grey –

OK so grey is hot but you can’t re-do the whole house.  Since beige is a neutral it works will all other neutrals so why not add a bit of grey? Take a look at this image below.  The neutral walls and furniture but that area rug in a cool charcoal makes this room stand out. It really keeps this room from looking washed out.

2 – Beige and Black.

Yes, black is another neutral but adding black to an all soft neutral space gives it instant glamour and sophistication.  We love the pops of black in this beige bedroom. And if you look closely you will notice the bedside table is a glossy charcoal grey – adding these dark neutrals really make the room pop with some contrast

3 – Add Texture.

A beige on beige room can be boring but not if you add texture.  Mixing different textures in one space can make it very visually interesting. This room isn’t bold or bright but it is far from boring.  This neutral tone on tone room has some different textures – the solid glass coffee table, the macrame wall hanging, the cow hide rug ;and the velvet and silk textures on the sofa – give this room some depth and sophistication.

4 – Add some colour.

Beige is a beautiful blank canvas so have some fun! Add some bold pops of colour and some pattern, too. This gives any room some life.  Because beige is a neutral you can opt for any colour and as many as you like.

5 –  Add some animal print.

Pairing a neutral like beige with any animal print adds a luxurious touch.  Any animal print will work – leopard, cheetah, zebra even cow. We love the classic glamour of an animal print – think area rug, pillows, accent chair or ottomans.

6 –  Add print.

Many think this neutral shade can be boring but add a little print and you are back to life. We love these chocolate and cream print pillows they add some real pop to the room.  The natural elements in this room also play with the natural tone of beige – the sisal rug, the decorative wood sculpture and the greenery add an organic factor to the space.  Simple yet chic.

Creating a modern or current looking room is about the actual pieces, how they are arranged or placed in the room – so don’t get caught up in which colours are ‘hot’ and ‘trending’


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“I love the relaxed feel of the beach and I want to bring a beachy look into my space but I don’t want my home to look over the top (cheesy). How can I decorate with a theme and not go overboard? “

A theme is a great source of inspiration when it comes to home decor.  But you are right, of you aren’t careful you can get carried away and the theme can take over.


If you love the beach – this is a great start – you know what you want and like!

So think about the elements of the beach – soft and tonal colours, natural materials, easy fabrics, casual and relaxed are what you will want to see in the space, so look for pieces that have those features.  You don’t necessarily need ‘beach’ items like shells, photos of the beach or nautical pieces but a few carefully selected items of this ilk can really solidify your theme.

Here’s an example of a coastal inspired living room with the theme kept to a minimum.

Notice the soft tones, a few coral accents (the table and on the throw pillows), nautical stripes and a few touches of blue.  Overall this space has some beach-y elements but the theme isn’t super obvious.


Here’s another example of a beach inspired living room.

We see some natural wood pieces like the show stopping chandelier and the coffee table. We also see some white washed rattan accents.  there are some pops of soft blue like the sea and some beach glass accessories, too.


Here’s the other side of that space, the dining area, we see a few more beach inspired pieces like the hurricane lanterns, the sea foam upholstered chairs and some sea shell decor on the built-in.

Here’s another example of a subtle beach theme in a bedroom.

Again we do not see obvious beach decor but the inspiration is definitely there.  Notice the sisal area rug it adds that natural texture.  The mix of soft and easy textures on the bed and the colour tones are natural beach hues.


What really makes this room not scream ‘beach theme’ is the choice of prints in the throw pillows and drapery – the prints are quite traditional (trellis and floral) but in those tones.  So again you get this timeless looking space.  The canopy bed is so romantic something you would expect to see at luxurious beach resort.

If you are concerned about the longevity of the theme, keep the main elements neutral like paint, flooring, drapery and furniture – you can add in art, pillows and other accessories that embrace the theme.

When you want to decorate with a theme in mind you don’t have to be too literal. Think about your chosen theme and why it has inspired you- what are the elements you love about this theme and take it from there. If you do that, you will have a look that you love and a look that will last (a timeless look).

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We love what mirrors can do for a room – they can brighten and make a room appear larger all at once!


When it comes to decorating with mirrors, the mirror itself works with any style but you have an endless selection of frames – mirrors, thin, thick, lacquered,  colourful, aged, wood – you name it.  So when you are looking for a mirror you want to pay attention to the frame so that it works with the room style of decor.


We see mirrors in the usual spots – bathrooms and front entry ways are the most common places for mirrors but what about over sized mirrors?

We see them in the home decor stores and some of them are just humongous – ever wonder who buys them and where they go??


We have some great ideas on how to decorate with over sized mirrors and some of these ideas might really surprise you. Yes, you can decorate with an over sized mirror!


1 – The Bedroom is an obvious choice for a mirror

– it’s where you get ready to start the day and you likely want to know how you look in your #OOTD. An over sized mirror can really help with that last look but it also adds a touch of glam and sophistication to your bedroom plus it helps make it look bigger and brighter.



Other ideas for large mirrors in the bedroom try them flanking the bed and behind your night stand.

It’s like an instant face lift for your bedroom!

2- The front entry is another obvious choice …

but you usually don’t see an over sized or full length mirror at the front entry and if you do it’s usually in the form of a bi-fold door.  But this over sized mirror is so chic! We love the high shine simple frame – so clean! But we love it paired with the glass console in front of it. Mirrors are a great back drop for furniture.

This is a great idea for a tight or small entry!



3- The dining room

– Can be a dark room and in some newer designs a smaller space.  We love the idea of mirrors in a dining room (it works so well wit candle light at a dinner party or dinner for 2).  We see these full length mirrors all the time, often on the inside door of a closet but we love this idea of hanging them in triplicate. It looks so much more expensive!

So simple and effective and on a low budget – we are sold!

This is a great idea if your home is on the resale market – it fills up the wall space, makes the room brighter and bigger, too.



4- The Living Room

-is a great space for a mirror because it usually has a lot of wall space options.  Above the sofa is a great choice so is above the mantle but if you have an awkward wall a mirror is a great idea – it almost makes that weird wall disappear.

The image below is a great example of an odd wall space and we love this shabby chic window frame with mirrors it really suits the cottage country decor in the room.



Here’s another great over sized mirror placement idea.  Behind the sofa – wow, does this ever make an impact!



5- The bathroom

…is a definite spot where you will find a mirror no shock there but try an over sized mirror above your vanity. But take a look at this image, yes there’s a double sink vanity so the room has some size but if we put two mirrors above the vanity this room would look so much smaller.



Other ways to use mirrors – add them to your gallery wall, or make a gallery wall of just mirrors or think about adding some mirrored furniture to your space.


Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the most stylish of them all? You are!

How do you like to use mirrors in your home?

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