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Commercial and government buildings are often built with steel and concrete. In all the designing and construction planning, the necessary stairway may not get enough attention. They may be kind of an afterthought. But, in multi-story buildings, the staircase has a vital importance to building users for moving from one floor to another safely.

Take the Time To Design A Good Stairway System

Every building owner should make a point of asking the architect, designer, and construction company to give special consideration to stairways in the new building. A stairway with bad design can not be easily corrected after the building is completed. This is one construction element that must be done correctly the first time. Consider getting help from in the design, engineering, and construction of concrete and steel commercial buildings.

Avoid 5 Stairway Building Mistakes

At the beginning of the building design and engineering process, the stairways must be given the attention they deserve to avoid badly functioning staircases in the finished building. Ripping out a poorly designed concrete and steel staircase and redoing it would be a major structural renovation project costing thousands of dollars.

1.A stairway with steps that are too narrow or too tall will be unsafe for many people to climb. The height plus depth of each stair should equal 18 inches to be comfortable for most users. Incorrect height or depth will present unnatural footing leading to mobility problems and tripping or falling hazards. It might be tempting to make the stairway too narrow to save space, but this can make people uncomfortable using the stairway. The treads must have proper nosings for safety.

2. A stairway that is too steep with the wrong angle of stair treads risks the user’s health, comfort, and safety. The correct 30 degree angle can be altered in planning a stairway in cramped space to up to 45 degrees, but this change is not healthy. Allow sufficient space for a proper stairway when planning the building. Resorting to this steep angle in a cramped stairway space may lead to headroom issues.

3. A stairway that is not well lit can cause liability issues. People need good lighting in a stairway to safely travel up and down without tripping or falling. The stairway should include windows, skylights, and sufficient light fixtures.

4. Ventilation in stairways is important to keep the air fresh and the stairway the same temperature as the rest of the building. Windows that open for ventilation are one solution. Having enough doors off points along the way contributes to ventilation. Building owners should also consider having an HVAC system serving the stairways in the building.

5. Handrails of the correct type and height are important in any starway for safety. Children and older people may lean on them for support, so they need to be strong enough to carry that weight. Even though the local building codes may only call for railings on one side of a stairway, consider having handrails on both sides.

Allow Enough Space in the Building Design

There are national and local building codes for stairways that must be followed. Complying with these codes helps avoid mistakes such as the architect drawing the wrong width of stairs or drawing the treads too small. Another mistake is to make the landings too small in the planning stage. The building design might not show handrails or allow enough space for them.These mistakes can be avoided with careful coordination between the architect and the structural engineer. Design flaws must be discovered early when they can be corrected before any construction begins.


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It was just a few short months ago when it was nearly impossible to find toilet paper. Between supply chains being disrupted and people hoarding supplies, it was a real challenge to keep your posterior hygiene on point.

Now, Europeans didn’t have that problem because they have something that many Americans are confused by. The bidet!

To the mind of many Americans, it just seems gross to use one. Whereas, Europeans think it’s gross to not. The reality is that a bidet is very useful to have especially if there are issues again with getting toilet paper.

If you’re already planning a bathroom remodel and have your sink picked out, then you can take advantage and also pick a bidet.

In this article, I will go over the ins and outs of what bidets are all about.

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Installation is easy

If you are already thinking of remodeling the bathroom, then you can take advantage of the water connection being exposed and add a bidet while you’re at it. Browsing a site like Elite Renovations & Design can give you some great ideas for the remodel, but contact a plumber to ask about putting in a bidet that matches your bathroom style. There are a lot of different models so you can find the style you like without a problem.

Some are like sinks that you fill up with soapy water and then do your business, but that is more hands on than a lot of Americans are used to. There are some that shoot jets up as you sit on it that make it more of a hands-off process.The best types of bidets as far as using and ease of installation are the toilet bidet combos however. These are luxurious with heated seats, adjustable jets that set to your preferred temperature and even self cleaning. The best part is it looks like a normal toilet but has the bidet as part of the seat.

They are sanitary

A lot of people have problems with toilet paper and don’t even realize it. They can cause urinary tract infections or develop sensitivity when wiping. Bidets have a reputation as being unsanitary, but the opposite is actually true.

Wiping is more unsanitary and bidets are far more hygienic. The kinds that use jets of water allow you to get very clean without ever using your hands in the process. Something that can’t happen when you use toilet paper.

A bidet is eco friendly

Toilet paper is very unfriendly to the environment. From the trees used to make it to the manufacturing process, to shipping it, it is not at all environmentally friendly. Even if you use recycled toilet paper, you aren’t doing the environment any favors.And since many people are now turning to using “flushable wipes” that are not actually flushable or biodegradable, you can get a squeaky-clean bottom that wipes offer without any of the damage to your plumbing or to the environment.


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Backed up sewerage lines can cause thousands of dollars of damage before you even know you have a big problem on your hands. Aging private and municipal sewerage lines are prone to damage. We will outline some of the tell-tale signs that you have a sewerage problem below and hopefully save you time and money in the process. If common fixes do not help solve your problem, then it is more than likely that you have a much more serious problem that cannot be fixed without professional help.

Blockages and Back Ups

It is pretty safe to say the lowest drain will usually be the one to give you problems. If your problem is isolated to that drain, then the fix is a lot simpler and often is just a case of unblocking that specific pipe. If the back up or blockage affects all your plumbing, then it is more than likely a problem with your main sewerage line. If you are experiencing problems even with regular drain cleaning the there is possibly underlying issues like tree root intrusion or cracked pipes that are letting soil in. This kind of problem requires closer inspection by professionals, there are just some plumbing jobs that you should not try yourself.

Strong Odour

You should almost never be able to smell sewerage in your house or in your yard. The sewer lines should be airtight so if there is a smell it is safe to say there is a problem.

Extra Green Grass

Leaking sewerage will act as a fertilizer to plants and vegetation so if yours are looking a little too healthy for no reason then it could be that they are getting a nutrient boost courtesy of your faulty sewer line.

Unexplained Indentations

Cracked or badly broken sewer lines lead to consistently saturated ground which creates soil erosion over time which can cause a collapse of concrete pavers or an indentation in your lawn. A licensed plumber for sewer line repair in Peabody, MA can detect your specific problem and repair it or suggest a complete sewer line replacement.

Cracked Foundations

Prolonged and untreated leaks may cause a void to develop under the foundation of your home. This void causes settlement and could result in needing to call in a foundation repair specialist as soon as possible to prevent further damage and possible sinkholes.

Pest Prevalence

If you have noticed a sudden increase in the amount of vermin and critters crawling around, this is often a tell-tale sign of sewer problems. Whilst these pests are normally contained to sewers, when there is a crack in the pipes rats and cockroaches can squeeze through even the tiniest of gaps and take up residence in your home. These pests are disease-ridden and are not safe to have around children or pets.

Mold or Mildew

Damaged main line inside your home’s walls can be catastrophic to your way of living. A simple crack in the sewer line is enough to let water leak into your home and cause mold growth overtime which can be an incredible danger to your health and the health of your loved ones.The most important thing to take away from this light read is to not take shortcuts when it comes to sewerage problems, this will often end up costing you so much more in the long term.

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The right investments are key to improving your home’s value. If you are considering selling your home like millions of Americans do each and every year, you likely want to get the most money possible for it. However, if you simply attach a high asking price for the home without warrant, you will struggle to sell. The home will likely sit on the market far longer than the average amount of time and you will see few interested buyers.

In order to get more money for your home, you need to improve it. There are several renovations and other changes that you can do to take your home to the next level. But which of these are truly worth the investment of both time and money?  With that in mind, this guide is going to look at a few investments that can help to increase the value of your home.

Add a Security System

When people are buying a home, they want a place that they can feel safe and comfortable in. As a result, adding a security system to your home is a worthy investment that can help make your home more valuable. These systems secure the home and everything inside of it. Some include cameras and most can instantly contact the authorities once set off. These systems aim to prevent burglaries and other types of crime, and also minimize the damages if they do occur.

Many security systems also have smart home capabilities. They can control things like the lights and temperature throughout your home. Of course, be sure to know how the system works so you can use it yourself and tell interested buyers about it and the many benefits it has. The internet is full of resources to help, such as this informative article that explains all you need to know about alarm codes for these systems.

Boost The Energy Efficiency of the Home

Another way to make your home more valuable is to make it more energy efficient. Not only does making your home more efficient save the planet and appeal to the millennial audience, but a more efficient home can also be more affordable in terms of monthly utilities.

There are a few different things you can do to boost the energy efficiency of your home. This includes using LED light bulbs, getting new and efficient appliances, reducing your usage, and upgrading your windows. Sure, there are some costs associated with making the switch, but these will often pay for themselves quicker than you think.

Give the Bathroom a Small Makeover

The bathroom is without a doubt one of the most used rooms in most homes. Whether we are showering, getting ready or doing a range of other things, the bathroom is a place we will visit more than a couple times a day. As a result, updating it can increase the value of your home and make it more desirable.

While some people will go out and spend a fortune upgrading every single part of their bathroom, this often isn’t needed. A few small changes such as new floor tile, a new light fixture and a new vanity top can often be enough to give the room a whole new look. Going with fairly neutral colors is often a good idea, as people can add their own touches with things like art and the shower curtain they choose.

Redesign the Kitchen

Another room that sees a lot of traffic on any given day is the kitchen. Not only is it the place where we eat and prepare food, but the kitchen is often a place of gathering, where families spend time together. Many call it the heart of a home, and we would have to agree. In many cases, kitchen redesigns or renovations are quite expensive.

A lot can be changed, and the bill can be run up quickly. Thankfully, an updated kitchen can dramatically increase the value of your home, so the higher costs of this renovation compared to other rooms can often be worth it. However, there are still ways to save. These range from handling the demolition yourself, to using recycled materials, to shopping around for the right contractor.

Don’t Forget About the Yard

While focusing on the inside of the home is a good idea, it is important not to disregard the outside. Many home buyers love outdoor space and a nice yard can often be enough to convince people to buy your home. Not only that, many people are willing to pay more for a home with a well-kept and landscaped yard.

This is especially true in warmer areas of the country, where the outdoor space can be enjoyed all year round. There are many ways to easily and relatively affordably upgrade your yard to boost the value of your home. This could be adding a deck, ensuring your fences are in good shape, adding a garden, and keeping the grass and foliage in check.

In conclusion, any of the investments mentioned can have a positive impact on the value of your home. This will help you fetch the most money possible when it eventually becomes time to sell.

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Your home is your castle, so it’s understandable when you want to invest in the best heating and cooling equipment. However, you still need to contend with uncomfortable interiors if you do not have the best insulation.

Multiple insulation alternatives exist, and you should choose one that suits your home, the materials, and the climate in your area. Most people to assume that they are well-equipped to pick and install their property’s insulation. This is a costly mistake that could raise energy expenses and create uncomfortable interiors.

Unfortunately, most people opt to remove their non-functioning wall and roof insulation without expert help. Often they spread the insulation material indoors, and then they may need additional cleaning procedures to get rid of the material. Sometimes the best way to save money is to get expert help, but would you recognize the signs that your home needs new insulation materials?

The following are indications that it is time for the removal and replacement of your insulation. 

Lingering Unpleasant Odors

At times even the most thorough indoor cleaning does not get rid of an unpleasant odor. Some insulation material could become moldy with heat and moisture. Other than spray foam insulation, most insulation materials are not waterproof and will absorb some amount of water.

Ground moisture and extreme humidity contribute to the formation of mold and mildew on your home’s walls and attic. Checking your insulated spaces without damaging the insulation may not be doable, and you may need someone who has the proper safety equipment to do so.

Worsening Allergies

Even doctors will be baffled by the persistent flare-ups of allergic conditions among the occupants of your home. This can be attributed to the mold spores that will spread in your interiors when neglected. It also arises from the tendency of some insulation materials to accumulate dust over time. The removal of your insulation, its replacement, and the air sealing are the ideal steps for keeping allergies at bay.

Water Damage

Wet floors, dark or brown splotches across your ceiling, and peeling paint on any surface are common signs of water leaks. Ineffective insulation will indirectly contribute to significant water damage. If for instance, your water pipes are not well insulated, freezing water may cause them to burst or spring leaks that contribute to your property’s water damage. And with sufficient damage, it may be time to get a new roof, too.

Household Pests

Pests will feed on old insulation materials. Though fiberglass is effective, inexpensive and popular, rodents love tearing it apart. The holes created in your insulation by the rodents

form the perfect entry spot for other insects and dangerous animals like snakes. Air sealing your property can avert the invasion of your home by pests to some degree, but it is not completely secure.

These are not the only signs of damaged or ineffective insulation. They could also be signs of something else, and most homeowners could waste their money on unnecessary services and high medical bills before realizing their insulation is the primary cause of their issues. Your best choice is to have your insulation installed and maintained by professionals so you know when to remove and replace insulation.

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Home improvements are necessary. Whether you’re thinking of selling your home or just looking to clean it up, completing some basic home improvements can significantly increase its value. Not only will you be able to make a better sale, but you can take pride in all of your accomplishments. In this article, we’ll look at six home improvements that you can make to increase your house’s value. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading! 

Follow these 6 Home Improvements to increase your home’s value…

Paint, paint and more paint…

Yep, you guessed it! One of the easiest ways to maximize your house’s value is to give everything a fresh coat of paint. From the doors and walls to your front porch, it really can make a huge difference. Try and stick with neutral colors, as it gives any potential buyers freedom to make changes. It’s also best to hire a professional if you want everything done correctly, as they can make sure the right paint and techniques are used. Check out these exterior house paint color ideas for some inspiration! 

Change up the landscape 

Your garden and landscape are just as important as your home itself, so it’s a good idea to hire a professional to help clean things up. A Home Improvement Contractor can ensure that everything looks its best, and you don’t have to worry about the stress of doing it yourself. Try and keep things looking clean and tidy, but don’t be afraid to add in some gorgeous greenery. It really can make a difference!  

Install extra storage 

Nobody can ever get enough storage, so if you’re looking for another way to upgrade your home’s value, see where you can add in some extra cupboards. Even something as simple as installing a coat rack or kitchen hanger rack could make buyers even more interested. Have a look at these indoor storage ideas to help get you started.  

Replace your heating and cooling systems 

If your house was built more than a few years ago, chances are the heating and cooling systems has seen better days. Replacing it can significantly increase your home’s value, and you’ll quickly earn it back when your sale goes through. Try getting a reverse cycle air-conditioner so that everything is in the one unit. They are easy to use, efficient, and can also save you money on power. 

Fix the little things 

Do you have small odd jobs around the home that you never got around to? It could be a paint chip in your bedroom wall or a brick that needs replacing? Fixing all the little things plays an important part in selling your home. Potential buyers always look at what needs fixing, and the less there is, the more interested they will be. There are many DIY fixes for things around the house online; you just need to do some research.  

Go green 

Lastly, one of the best ways to increase your home’s value is to go green and make your home more eco-friendly. For example, installing solar power panels reduces your energy bill, and you can even put power back into the grid. You could also consider installing low flow faucets to save water. The options are endless, and while it might cost a little to set everything up, it will undoubtedly be worth it. 

And that’s it! Even by just completing a few of these improvements, you’ll be able to get a better price offer on your home. Just remember always to hire professionals for any difficult job, and try and think about your home from a buyer’s point of view. Trust us when we say it can really help! Good luck. 


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Solar power technology has finally caught up with the promise. For decades, solar has been promoted as the future of renewable energy, but it had a lot of shortcomings that needed to be addressed before it could be adopted by the masses.

It finally has fulfilled its potential and many homeowners are jumping on board the solar wagon. However, that doesn’t mean that it is as straightforward as setting up a traditional electrical system in your home. 

To keep you from making a misstep when getting your solar power system set up, we’ve put together this list of common mistakes people make.

1 – Not understanding grid vs off grid

When you get solar, you aren’t off grid. Unless, of course, you are actually going off grid somewhere. If you will still be living in your home in a city or suburb, then you are still going to be connected to the grid. It’s actually the law in most places that you stay connected. 

There’s nothing stopping you from buying a house in the woods and setting up solar panels and battery packs and not relying on civilization at all. For the sake of this article, we will focus on when you are living in a connected house and simply want to go with renewable energy. 

You’ll actually get a better return for your investment when you go with a grid based solar system as you will be paid when you put more energy into the grid than you take out. Batteries are expensive and can make it take a long time to pay for themselves through the savings.

2 – Not understanding your energy needs

When you are in the planning stages of installing solar, finding the best electrician that understands your needs and solar power in general is essential. 

The solar panel company that you are in contact with likely has a salesman that is working with you and is eyeing his commissions while he talks you into a system. An electrician will let you know exactly what you need for the type of household you have. This way you don’t end up with too weak a system and end up relying on the grid, or too much so you overpay for a system that is more than what you need.

3 – Not shopping around for solar power options

A lot of times, when somebody decides to go solar they end up with the first company that they talk to. It isn’t like your regular energy company in that you don’t have much choice. 

So, make sure to talk to several companies to zero in on the right deal and the one that will be with you throughout your time with their panels. Customer service is very important when it comes to installing solar. If you struggle to get answers then it is time to move on. 
And be careful when it comes to being sent off to third party suppliers. Some people can save money when this is an option, but many more end up paying more and you can’t use net metering which is when you are paid for generating excess electricity for the grid.

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Sick of dealing with power outages or have appliances and devices that can’t be placed at risk of turning off without a moment’s notice? Buying a home battery storage system is the best solution. Homeowners often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of options out there. Read on to find eight home battery storage buying tips that can help make the decision easier.

1. Determine Power Needs First

It’s important to take the household’s power needs into account when sizing a home battery backup system. To do this, homeowners must estimate the power consumption of all their essential devices and appliances in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Homeowners working on a budget should keep in mind that many power-hungry devices such as air conditioners are not strictly necessary and can be turned off in the event of a power outage.

2. Consider Installing Solar Panels

Homeowners whose houses are tied to the grid can install a battery backup system without solar panels, but it will only provide power for a short period of time. Installing solar panels to power the battery bank will allow residents to access power even if the grid goes out for days at a time. Solar systems with battery banks can still be hooked into the grid. If they produce surplus power, homeowners can sell it to power companies to make back some of their investments.

3. Look Into Tax Credits

Homeowners who choose to install both battery banks and solar arrays may be eligible for a tax credit through the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) program. Only batteries that are charged using solar panels exclusively are eligible for the tax credit, so those who choose to use grid-tied systems may not be able to get it.

4. Choose the Right Battery Configuration

There are two types of battery configurations that are common in residential homes. They are known as critical load backup systems and self-consumption systems. While critical load systems only run vital devices during grid failures, self-consumption systems are designed to operate during peak utility hours even if the grid is working as intended. They can help to reduce high energy bills but require a larger upfront investment.

5. Learn the Difference Between AC and DC Coupled Battery Systems

Homeowners who want to install solar arrays to charge their battery banks need to learn the difference between AC coupled and DC coupled battery systems. To put it in its simplest terms, the main difference is that DC-coupled systems are more efficient since they don’t require as many power conversions. However, they also require a larger upfront investment.

6. Hire a Professional Installation Technician

Whether homeowners plan to tie their battery banks into the grid or use solar panels to power them, they should always hire professional installation technicians. Working with electricity can be dangerous.

7. Buy the Right Inverter

Inverters are designed to convert the DC power produced by batteries into AC power. Make sure to buy an inverter large enough to power all essential devices and appliances.

8. Keep Batteries Safe

Batteries should be stored indoors but away from living areas. Ensure that they are kept dry and at above freezing temperatures to avoid problems with premature failure.

The Bottom Line…

Installing a battery bank is the best thing homeowners can do to increase their energy independence. Whether they choose to install full solar systems or just store power from the grid for emergency applications, it’s worth the investment.

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Most home renovations have been halted due to the global crisis, even the the most organized and best-laid plans are on hold – and this might include your home renovation projects. Perhaps, your home was in mid-renovation when COVID-19 hit and stay-at-home measures were declared by the government.

Now that the government is enabling a few projects to re-start again, it pays to still be safe. If you are planning to resume renovations, real estate development professionals and home renovators recommend keeping the following in mind:

Proper Hygiene and Sanitation

All workers on the site should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. Install handwashing stations at each corner of the renovation site so that running water is available for all the workers. Also, provide them with hand sanitizer and/or alcohol.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Masks, in accordance with the Department of Health’s guidelines, must be work at all times by all workers. Workers can use cloth coverings depending on their job. They must also use eye protection and gloves. The type of gloves used depends on the task being completed. If the task to be finished doesn’t need gloves, workers can use latex or nitrile gloves.

Build a Temporary Plastic Wall

Restricting airflow is one of the best ways to keep dust (aka the real enemy) away from your home. Don’t settle for loose plastic curtains; create airtight barriers made from plastic and seal them with tape. You can also use a heavy plastic with an adhesive-backed zipper for easy exit and entry when the project resumes.

Social Distancing

Workers on the site must maintain at least six feet of distance at all times. If they can’t perform social distancing, they increase the risk of transmission. You might have to reduce the number of workers reporting to the site if this is the case.

Also, a COVID-19 safety supervisor should be present to ensure everyone is practicing social distancing and proper safety precautions.

Close Air Vents and Replace the Filters

Maintain air quality by getting a handle on the workings of your cooling and heating system. If your renovation area has return vents, shut down the system in favor of portable air-conditioning units and heaters to prevent transferring dust and debris in the area. Otherwise, keep your area’s air vents closed and replace your filters regularly to keep the clean air flowing.

Other Things to Consider during Home renovations at this time…

See your contractor’s COVID-19 plan. Make sure that the workers follow the plan and are aware of the protocols. Most professional contractors already have safety protocols even before the pandemic.

If you are planning a new project, clear it with the local government first to ensure that you have the permit to start a new renovation.

Continuing your home renovations during COVID-19 is possible – as long as you maintain and practice safety protocols. Work closely with your contractor to ensure all workers follow safety measures and still keep your project deadlines on time. Maintain regular communication too so that you are always in the know on your project’s development.

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Roofs are houses’ primary lines of defense against the elements. They help keep out the wind, rain, heat, and cold while contributing to a home’s energy efficiency. Though roofing materials are designed to withstand high winds, hail, extreme temperatures, moisture, and other hazards, constant exposure tends to take its toll after a while. Over time, even the toughest and most enduring roof will need to be replaced.

Exploring the Roofing Materials Market

Numerous roofing materials are on the market at present, each of which has its own distinct set of benefits and disadvantages. You can visit Dennis & Sons Contracting to learn more about the options at your disposal. Some of the most popular alternatives are clay tiles, metal, wood shakes, and asphalt shingles. Each of these materials can last 25 years or more under ideal conditions. Ongoing maintenance and prompt repairs can greatly extend their lifespans, but time and harsh weather are still significant issues.

Signs You May Need a New Roof

Sometimes, it’s difficult to determine whether roof damage has become a problem. This is especially true if you’re on the ground looking for damage on top of the house. That being said, knowing some of the common warning signs can help prevent losses and save you a great deal of money in the long run.

1. Soaring Energy Bills

Your energy bills should be fairly consistent from one month to the next with the exception of certain seasonal upticks or downturns. If you notice your power bills are creeping upward or indoor temperatures just aren’t staying as comfortable as they once did, this could certainly be an indication that your roof isn’t doing its job. The roof is supposed to keep out heat and cold, but aging materials and structural damage have the opposite effect.

2. Moisture and Mold Growth

Roofing materials should keep moisture outside where it belongs, but they sometimes fail to do so. At the same time, poor ventilation could cause condensation to form inside your attic. Consider going into the attic and looking for signs of moisture, such as dark stains on the wood and insulation, rusty nails, and mold and mildew growth. Any of these issues could mean the roof is leaking and needs to be repaired or replaced.

3. Gaps in the Roof

While you’re in the attic looking for moisture damage, you might want to look for other signs of problems. One of these could be light coming through the roof. You shouldn’t be able to see sunlight shining through the roofing materials. If you do, exterior damage is definitely present.

4. Granules on the Ground

Asphalt shingles are covered with small granules made of crushed rocks and other particles. Those granules should stay on the shingles, but they don’t always follow the rules. If you notice stray granules in your gutters’ downspouts or other areas around the house, it may be time to have the shingles replaced.

5. Missing Roof Materials

Roofing materials don’t generally fall off on their own, but severe storms and high winds can cause them to come loose. If you happen to notice some of the shingles, shakes, or tiles are missing from your roof, it’s time for extensive repairs.

6. Damaged Flashings

If you feel comfortable climbing up on the roof for a closer look, be sure to check out the flashings around the chimney, vents, skylights, and other features. These are the seals that help keep out moisture. Cracks, gaps, and signs of weathering mean they need to be repaired or replaced.

7. Time

Whether you notice warning signs of damage or not, it’s a good idea to have your roof inspected at regular intervals. Experts recommend having an inspection carried out every five years for roofs that are ten years old or less. If your roof is older than that or you’re not sure how long it has been in place, be sure to schedule an inspection as soon as possible.

Bottom Line

When it comes to your roof, it’s best not to take chances. Staying on top of minor damage can reduce the need for more extensive and costly repairs in the future. Some signs of damage are only obvious to a professional eye, but others are often easy to spot without ever going up on the roof. Watch for problems, and be sure to have the roof inspected on a regular basis. If you see signs of damage or just want a little extra peace of mind, don’t hesitate to reach out for further assistance.

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