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People spend a lot of time in the bathroom – bathing, getting ready for the day or for bedtime, and meeting personal needs. So, this room should be a pleasant place to spend time in, it should be convenient, and it should offer privacy. If a person likes to soak in a tub, the bathroom should have a soaking tub. If a family member likes to take showers, there should be a nice shower. Homeowners are no longer settling for a small crowded bathroom that is inconvenient to use. They want more.

Is It Time to Renovate The Bathroom?

Because a bathroom renovation requires planning, effort, time, and financial outlay, it is a project that homeowners are reluctant to take on. But, home bathroom renovations are a good investment if they are done correctly. Homeowners may renovate their bathrooms for seven or more reasons. The bathroom that the buyer walked through when purchasing a home might have seemed OK, but after living in the home for some time, that same bathroom might not be adequately meeting the family’s needs.

Bathroom Renovations Can be Costly

The family may be interested in adding Cast Iron Bathtubs and other popular features. But, is it time to renovate? A serious bathroom renovation can cost from $12,000 to as much as $90,000. Some families do a lot of the work themselves to save money and some bathrooms get low-cost renovations such as a new bathtub or a simple paint job. This renovation project requires some licensed, professional help including electricians, plumbers, building contractors, and ceramic tile or natural stone installers.

Seven Common Reasons to Renovate Bathrooms

In addition to just hating everything about the family bathroom, there are practical reasons for taking on this renovation project. The reasons families renovate bathrooms include:

1. Make the bathroom function better with a better layout and more storage. Get rid of leaking toilets and faucets. Install a water-saving showerhead that functions better and makes showering more enjoyable. Add lighting above the vanities and other dark corners of the bathroom. Add a double vanity where there was only one sink. Add towel bars so everyone has adequate space for their towels.

2. Solve ongoing plumbing issues in an outdated bathroom by renovating the bathroom. Plumbing and electrical issues can be addressed during a renovation when licensed professionals are employed. Problems with drainage and water pressure are often caused by plumbing mistakes or old plumbing that needs modernizing.

3. Add value to the home with a bathroom renovation that meets modern bathroom standards for home buyers. The homeowner will spend anywhere from a few thousand to as much as $90,000 on a bathroom renovation so it should increase the value of the home and make it easier to sell the house when the time comes. A good bathroom renovation can have as much as a 50% return on investment for the homeowner.

The most important improvements to add value include updating worn-out items, getting new modern bathroom fixtures, and making the bathroom more functional. Take the time to visit home improvement centers with model bathrooms to learn what colors and finishes are popular now.

4. Improve the energy efficiency of the bathroom with new low flush toilets and water-saving shower units. Every aspect of an old, outdated bathroom can be wasting either water or electricity. New heating and lighting fixtures can save energy and improve bathroom comfort. Water is costing more and more, so using water-saving toilets and faucets is important.

5. Add a whole new bathroom where one is most needed. If the family home has only one bathroom to serve both parents and children, a new bathroom might be considered a necessity. Finding the budget and space to add a new bathroom could be a challenge. A master bathroom added adjoining the master bedroom would be a good investment. If the bedroom is large or has a guest bedroom next-door, space could be taken from both areas to add a master bathroom. Adding a whole new bathroom will require the services of a building contractor specializing in bathroom renovations.

This is because the new bathroom must be hooked up to the home’s existing electrical and plumbing systems. This requirement will limit where the bathroom can be located and may affect the size of the finished bathroom.

6. A renovated bathroom can better meet the family member’s needs including more storage. Even with a small renovation budget, homeowners can get the best return for their investment by concentrating on projects such as replacing the bathroom vanity, sinks, faucets, and countertop. Natural stone countertops are a good investment and are durable and easy to clean.

The bathroom flooring can be replaced with ceramic tile, good-quality vinyl, or natural stone tiles to be waterproof and durable while looking stylish. The new floor can also have radiant heating under it for added comfort in cold climates.

The tub and shower features can be combined or separate depending on the size of the bathroom and the budget. Especially in master bathrooms, a walk-in shower is a good investment. The tub should be a nice deep soaker tub if there is space for one.

7. Add beauty and style to the bathroom with a facelift that meets modern design and decor standards. Don’t use colors and decor items that will soon go out of style. Instead, go for a more timeless style and color scheme that will be enjoyable to live with for years to come. Add spots of bright color with towels and shower curtains that can be changed at will.

Keeping Costs Down

A homeowner can keep costs down by shopping for materials carefully and taking advantage of sales and closeout pricing. If the budget is limited, go for standard shower features and skip the heated floor feature. Go for quality, energy-efficient products with a timeless look. Don’t buy cheap products, take the time to find good-quality products at sale or clearance prices.

The effort and money invested in a renovated or new bathroom will pay for itself every day the family uses the room in its new, improved form.


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Slatwall panels can really make an impact in a retail space. Making the most of brick-and-mortar retail space is always a key to success. Retailers who do a better job than others of displaying their products tend to sell more and earn more loyalty from their customers.

Deciding how to equip and appoint a retail location can end up being one of the most important steps of all. This is particularly true of assets that are used to make products visible and accessible to customers.

Slatwall-style panels quite often end up being perfect for a given space. There are four excellent reasons to consider adding this type of panel to your own retail store.

Photo credit: Sarah Joy Blog

1.Slatwall panels are Rugged

Some types of product displays are not very well suited to handling the rigors of retail. That can leave a stand or set of shelves wearing down a lot more quickly than would be hoped.

High-quality slatwall panels, though, are made from particularly rugged materials like medium density fiberboard, or MDF. As a carefully engineered material that is both strong and resistant to wear, MDF thrives in areas with heavy traffic.

That often makes MDF-based panels and displays perfect for even the busiest of retail stores. The slatwall design also leverages the strengths of MDF especially effectively, making problems like chipping, cracking, and scratching much less of an issue.

Installing high-quality slatwall sections at appropriate parts of a store will allow a retailer to do away with plenty of related concerns. Ruggedness is almost always welcome in retail, and the best slatwall-style display panels feature lots of it.

Photo credit: AAA Dispays

2. They are Versatile

There are plenty of types of shelving and other display-focused assets that excel at showcasing very specific types of products. The slatwall design does so, as well, but it is also very versatile.

Generally speaking, unadorned slatwall sections work best for direct-display purposes when products require plenty of frontal exposure. There are many types of accessories, though, that can be added to pieces of slatwall to make them better-suited to other kinds of items.

In fact, a single expanse of slatwall can just as well display products of several markedly different kinds. When another display will be positioned in front of a section of slatwall, the latter can still serve as an attractive backdrop that is not distracting.

All of these features help make slatwall-style panels especially versatile. That will make them excellent additions to almost any retail store, whatever the particulars.

3. They are Attractive

Slatwall sections feature a clean, classic look that never seems out of place. Although most are not especially prepossessing, customization options can also render slatwall boards as eye-catching as could be desired.

Even when the goal is to make sure that display-related assets never command much attention, attractiveness will still normally be desirable. Many retailers find that their wall displays end up being some of the most appealing.

Photo credit: Xylea Wood

4. They are Affordable

Overly expensive displays and other assets can make it impractical to launch a retail store. Retailers intent on upgrading can just as well find that certain options have to be ruled out on account of pricing.

Fortunately, even top-quality slatwall sections are extremely affordable, particularly when their other strengths are taken into account. Retailers with any sort of budget almost always find it easy to justify in financial terms the installation of slatwall-style panels.

Slatwall panels are An Excellent Addition to Almost Any Store

While there are occasional cases where other options will fit a store better, retailers regularly find that these panels suit their needs very well. For the four reasons above and others, you would probably do well to consider adding them to your own store.

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Remodelling bathrooms and kitchens usually add to the value of a home. But, before you decide to go all-out on a bathroom remodel, take time to investigate where your investment dollars should go. Bathroom renovations are expensive for several reasons and if you put your money in the wrong places, you could actually lose out when you decide to sell your home. 

Take time to calculate in advance so you have the impact you want on your bathroom remodelling expenses. These seven factors can affect the budget and design of your bathroom remodel. 

1. Plumbing

This can be an incredibly expensive part of any bathroom remodel, especially if you plan to move fixtures. To keep the costs low, keep the footprint of your bathroom the same. Otherwise, you might need to have more than plumbing work was done as contractors might have to install new pipes and move electrical components. 

2. Electrical

Like plumbing, if anything needs to be moved, you will have to pay for it. However, if you simply replace light fixtures and switch plates, electrical costs should stay affordable. If your electrical needs simply involve replacing fixtures, you might be able to do that work yourself – just don’t forget to shut down electricity at the panel. 

3. Finishes

Finishes can also increase your bathroom remodel or they can keep everything affordable. These include items like backsplash tile, countertops, faucets, and other items that bring style to the room. Countertops, especially solid surface or natural stone, are not cheap. Some tiles are extremely expensive. When it comes to finishes, the best ones are the classic ones that stand up over time. 

4. Flooring

Baths do not usually have the excessive square footage to fill, but some of the options can make it seem like you’re filling a massive space. There are plenty of choices for flooring and ways to increase costs. If you are looking for budget-friendly choices, there are several options available, like ceramic tile and attractive vinyl.

5. Amenities

Amenities are what turn a basic bath into a home spa. Items like jet tubs, towel warmers, heat lamps, and heated floors can add up quickly. No bath needs amenities, but they are sure are nice if you can afford them.

6. Cabinets

Cabinets, like floors, come in several price points. Pre-made cabinets are the least expensive, but they may not be what you want. The big-box cabinets might not withstand the moisture in a bathroom and you might have to replace them quicker than expected. Consider the materials the cabinets are made of before you make your choice, especially knowing that the cabinets will get a serious amount of use in a tough environment. 

7. Fixtures

Fixtures might not seem like they can break the budget, but they sure can add to the costs. If you are going to splurge on any fixtures, you can probably get the most out of your tub and shower fixtures. And, if you put a luxurious shower head in your bath, you will certainly consider the splurge as money well spent. 

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While open houses seem pretty casual, savvy buyers know that checking out a home isn’t just about aesthetics or a quick view. In today’s hot market, you might not get another look before making an offer. If you’re seriously interested in a home, get a feel for the things you can’t change: the neighborhood & ongoing home maintenance needs. You should also get critical details such as when offers are due.

If you aren’t totally sure about how the open-house process works, you aren’t alone. Sometimes home buyers visit an open house to window shop instead of taking full advantage of the opportunity to get important details about the home. When you visit an open house, you should have several questions prepared for the seller’s agent and you should have already conducted some research, too. You want to leave this process feeling that you have enough information to make a well-informed decision.

Here’s what you need to know about the open-house process:

Open house etiquette

It may not be a fashion show, but it’s important to leave a good impression on the listing agent. Bringing your business casual A-game will help you look like a serious buyer. Don’t rush – make sure you get a chance to visit each room and get a feel for the look and smell of the place. Be courteous to the agent and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

What to look for at an Open House

If allowed, you should take pictures of the inside and outside of the house. On the interior of the home, you should be looking for uneven floors, water stains, signs of cracks in the ceilings or walls, and mold. On the exterior, you’ll want to see if there’s any damage to outer walls, or if the roof has any tiles missing. If you can easily spot damage to the home, then it might not be worth your time. it’s important to consider that there may be repairs you’ll need to factor into your budget if you decide to make an offer on the home.

How to take the pulse of the competition

Are other prospective home buyers at the open house? How serious do they seem about the process? Are they asking questions? Do they have a checklist? Be on the lookout when you enter the home. These are potential home buyers who might also make an offer on the property.

Make sure you are memorable

You want to try and ensure that the agent remembers you. Building a good relationship with the agent can be key if you decide to make an offer on the home. Tell a short story about yourself, or ask the agent about their family or how they got started in the real estate business. Make a genuine effort to get to know them in the short period of time you spend at the home. Agents are people too, and people remember those who make an effort.

Know which questions to ask

By now, you know that an open house isn’t just a casual gathering of interested buyers, sellers and real estate agents. It is a major opportunity for you to feel out the home while also getting critical information.

You are probably still wondering what to ask at an open house. You should have several questions prepared, as the open house might be the only chance you get to ask them. If the home is a hot commodity, then other potential buyers might be looking to put in an offer soon. You want to get as much information as possible during the open house so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not you want to go forward with an offer of your own.

Here is a helpful checklist of questions to get answered on your open house tour:

  1. How many offers have been made?

You should always ask the real estate agent if any offers have already been made. If there are multiple offers on the home, it could indicate that the property might sell quickly. If there aren’t any offers yet, then the opposite might be true. Real estate agents hope that multiple offers will push up the sales price of the home. Keep your budget in mind — even if you love the home, you don’t want to get into a bidding war with other prospective buyers if the result is an unaffordable price.

  1. Why are the sellers moving?

The sellers could be moving because one of the owners got a new job across the country. Or they could be moving because the home’s maintenance is unaffordable and the repairs are getting more burdensome. Always make sure to ask the real estate agent why the sellers are moving. If they give a strange or off-putting reason, take note. The last thing you want to do is move into a house the owners sold because of bad neighbors, rising crime or failing schools.

  1. How long has the property been on the market? Why?

Learning how long a property has been on the market will allow you to make a knowledgeable offer. Make sure to ask the agent, but also verify their claim with a listing service. It could have been on the market for a while because a previous buyer’s financing didn’t come through. Or maybe the property just went on the market this month and there are plenty of suitors. The context will provide you with useful information that gives you a better idea of how fast you’ll need to take action and how competitive the offer process might be.

  1. When was the house built? Has it ever gotten any updates?

You want to make sure that you know when the home was built and if there have been any updates or renovations. Check on key features of the home, such as the roof, piping or electrical wiring. If you are purchasing an older home and there have been no recent updates of these features, you should be wary — you might have to make those repairs at significant cost in the near future.

  1. What are the costs of utilities?

Too often, utilities are an afterthought in the home-buying process. But this is a property you are thinking about living in, and that means you’ll need lights, running water, heat, air conditioning and working sewer pipes. Ask the agent if he or she knows a ballpark of what utilities cost. You don’t want to get further into the process just to find out that the utilities on the property will have a significantly adverse effect on your budget.

  1. How eager is the seller to sell the property? Is it an urgent sale or can it happen at any time?

Just as it is important to know why the seller is moving, it is also important to know how eager they are to sell and what their timeline looks like. If the seller needs to offload the house in a hurry, then perhaps they might be willing to consider a lower offer. But if the seller isn’t motivated, then the process might not move very quickly.

  1. What are the neighbors like? Have there ever been any issues?

You aren’t just buying a property. You are also going to be spending the majority of your time in a new neighborhood. Even if you like the property, do you really want to live in a neighborhood you don’t feel comfortable in? Ask the real estate agent about the neighbors and make sure there haven’t been any issues. You’ll also want to check online and look at the local shops and eateries. Visit a few and see if they match your lifestyle and meet your needs.

  1. What/where are the schools? How are they rated?

Schools are a huge issue for home buyers. You can check how the local school district is rated online, but nothing beats asking people in person. How do they feel the local schools are serving the students? Even if kids aren’t in your near future, the quality of your school district will eventually impact your home’s resell value.

  1. What other homes should you check out in the neighborhood? Why?

Real estate agents aren’t just selling one home. There are likely other sellers in the area that they represent as well. If you aren’t totally sold on the home you are visiting during the open house, ask the agent if there are any other homes nearby that you should check out. You’d be surprised how often buyers find helpful information this way.

This article originally appeared on OpenListings.


Stores and restaurants know how to make people want to buy: the right presentation sparks imagination and desire. It’s why the front of a restaurant shows a set table in candlelight, and why store windows use eye-catching design elements and little scenes as background. These tricks create emotional connection between customers and things for sale.


Home staging works the same way, making a house for sale visually attractive and sparking the buyers’ imaginations. It’s especially important in the rooms where daily life happens, such as living rooms and other shared spaces. The goal is prospective buyers saying, “We could host everyone for the holidays so easily here!” or “Imagine relaxing in front of this fireplace. The dogs would love it, too!” There are some basic good ideas to follow in your living room staging, but also specific tricks to make it look its best.

Three “big picture” (and budget conscious) ideas to keep in mind are:


  • Declutter: You need an open, spacious look, so emphasize the house’s features and lifestyle with minimal décor. Surfaces should be clean, shelves partially filled, and furniture kept to a few pieces. Accessories should make a statement, not fill space.
  • Depersonalize: A buyer cannot imagine living there if all they see is someone else’s life. Along with the clutter, remove personal things, such as photos and collections, from view.
  • Deep-Clean: Never underestimate sparkling cleanliness as a great first impression. Cleaning companies often have special services for home sales, but you can also DIY. Dust everything, from ceiling to floor. Scrub walls and windows. Polish wood. Vacuum all fabric. Get every corner, every cranny, very clean.


Once this “canvas” is ready, here are three secret home staging tips for a beautiful look that will appeal.

Budget friendly tips:

First, use color effectively. For walls and furniture, neutrals bring comfortable simplicity without risk. But you do not have to paint stark white; there are many attractive neutral shades available. Brighter color should be limited to accessories, such as a signature piece of art or an arrangement of throw pillows. Use “pops” of color to direct attention, add visual appeal, and insert that bit of “wow” factor. Plants and flowers have the same effect and add life.


Second, create vignettes, or small staged scenes, to display lifestyle so that buyers want to sit right down in your living room! Pick areas close to windows, lighting, or great features, then arrange furniture and other items to suggest wonderful experiences. For example, the corner where the bookshelves meet the window becomes a reading nook with an easy chair. A teacup and pretty book on a tray can finish the vignette. The fireplace area can invite cozy conversation or relaxation with sofa and chairs. Or anchor seating around a view, or just a lovely table with a vase of flowers and some interesting objects. Keep decoration restrained, with impersonal grouped items in odd numbers.


Third, remember there are professionals to help. First-timers may be unsure how to place furniture or which accessories are best; often, we can’t see our own possessions the way an objective outsider can. Home stagers can offer advice, check your work after you DIY, or do the staging for you. They have the experience, talent, and supplies for perfect staging. Ask your realtor for trusted recommendations, or explore stagers’ sites online.

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Rounding up our most popular posts from 2017…

Thank you so much for joining us this year on our design, decorating and home staging adventures – the one year anniversary of this ‘new’ blog is coming up and to celebrate we are doing so with a round up of our most popular posts of the past year. We love and appreciate all of your comments, likes and feedback! We hope that our projects have inspired you in some way and we look forward to sharing even more in this coming year!

Here’s our 10 most popular posts from 2017

10. In July, we joined the $100 room challenge…Kristi designed a homework station just before her children headed back to school.  The final results were super cute and we are so happy you liked them, too. Week 4: $100 Room challenge – Homework Station

9. In June, a project we had been working on since February was finally coming to a close. After all of the interior and exterior colour and material selections it was time to style this model townhome.  The look was clean and fresh with lots of great textures and neutrals. a mix of modern and industrial – the final results were fabulous. Take the tour…Home Tour: Stittsville Walk


8. Home staging is a MUST (but if you have been reading our blog at all, you already know that). There are some simple ‘props’ that you can use to spruce up the look of your home and make it more attractive.  We love to share home staging tips with you! 6 Best Props to Stage Your Home


7. What we are seeing every year is these new ‘hybrid’ styles of interior decor that are emerging each and every year.  Scandinavian design has come back into fashion in a huge way but Industrial is still here – so what happened? The birth of Scandi-Industrial and it is a very popular look.  Let us explain this ‘new’ look. What is Scandi-Industrial Home Decor Style? 


6. Why is Farmhouse style so popular? Another look that was huge in 2017 and continues to be popular is Farmhouse style.  We are both big fans but we still are able to put our own spin on the farmhouse look.  If you ever wondered why this look was so popular – we did too!

5. We love home decor – it’s our passion but for some they just want a place that looks great and they don’t know quite where to start – that’s where we come in with our tips on what every living room needs….10 Things Every Living Room Needs


4. The kitchen is the heart of any home so it has to look good! We love the classic feel and the versatility of the white shaker kitchen – you can give this staple a farmhouse feel or a contemporary look it all depends on what you pair it with.  Why the White Shaker Kitchen will Never be Out!


3. Millennial Pink had a big moment in 2017 and we sure loved it! Maddie certainly did – she certainly embraced the trend in her own home and we had to share some of our favourite rooms and decor pieces that celebrated the year of millennial pink. Millennial Pink Inspiration

2. You know that red and black checkered plaid that everyone seems to be rocking these days? Did you know it is called ‘Buffalo Check’? We love this winter inspired print in clothing but also in the home…make those cold and snowy winter days at home more inviting with this plaid. Decorating with Buffalo Check


and the number one post from 2017….The 8 Biggest Home Staging Mistakes to Avoid …home staging is a MUST (as you all know) but there are times when we can forget the basics of home staging and presentation. If you are selling your home – be sure to avoid these mistakes!

We hope you enjoy the little trip down memory lane with us and we will have even more to share in the up coming year. Cheers!

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I have to confess that I am in love! I’m in love with chunky knit blankets … I have loved them since they really started to emerge in current home decor.  I love being cozy and snuggling up with a blanket (as I am writing this post I have one of my many throw blankets on my lap …)

Photo credit :

Do you love chunky knit blankets?

I know in terms of trends I am a ‘little late to the party’ but to be honest I don’t consider knit anything to be a trend – I think there will also be a place for these fabulous knitted creations but yes, they are having a bit of a moment right now.

I have to share some of my favourite home decor looks with chunky blankets

Chunky Blankets in the Living room

Photo credit: My Modern Met

This white living room with black and grey accent is so clean and crisp – and this over sized chunky blanket adds so much texture to the room.

Photo credit : All Free Knitting

This big stitch oatmeal chunky knit blanket draped over this sofa is perfect for cuddling and snuggling plus it makes this contemporary tufted sofa look softer.

Photo credit : My Domaine

The chunk knit blanket was seen a lot this year in millennial pink – two trends working hand in hand.  The corner of this living room space is so fresh and feminine in millennial pink, clean lines and the over sized knitted throw is balanced and beautiful!

Chunky Blankets in the Bedroom

Photo credit:

There’s no better to place to snuggle than in your bedroom – add a chunky knitted blanket and you may never want to get out of bed again!

Photo credit: Decoratio

Again that classic combination of soft grey and millennial pink – so soft and soothing especially in a bedroom.

Where can you get a chunky knit blanket?

If you are crafty – there are some great arm knitting tutorials that show you how to make such a cozy and chunky knitted throw blanket.  This is one tutorial that I found easy to follow – here

I’m a knitter and my goal is to knit one of these myself – I found this step by step knitting tutorial for one of these chunky blankets on – I can’t wait to make my own!

Not crafty? That’s OK…

You can purchase one!

Here are some of my favourites, found on

This beautiful blue blanket is a stunning colour with this chunky knitted texture is available on Amazon.

This white handmade chunky blanket by wool + sea is stunning and available on amazon.

Do you these chunky knit blankets as much as I do??


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A summer wreath is a great way to add a fresh look and some curb appeal to your home.  In the summer the gardens are in bloom and the colours are so bright and fresh.  I love a summer wreath because it adds just a bit some of the summer florals that I love!  If you are selling your home, a summer wreath is an easy (and affordable) way to add an inviting feel to your home.

Photo credit:

This boxwood wreath is a bright pop of green and this wreath would also work well for spring and summer

Selecting a Summer Wreath

When it comes to selecting a summer wreath – you have a lot of options – there are so many florals, colours and greenery that work for summer decor. I suggest a wreath in colours and tones that coordinate and compliment your exterior landscaping – so take a look at your planters and flower beds – that way the wreath and your landscaping plan all work together.

Photo credit :

This floral wreath with a mix of flowers and greenery has a main colour of coral and white and soft blue as accent colours – so in this case your flowers beds and planters should have a combination of these hues.

Multi-season wreath

If the idea of a new wreath for each season seems like too big of a commitment or you don’t have enough storage opt for a neutral or multi-season wreath.  Neutral tones work all year long as do simple greenery wreaths.

Photo credit :

This year round wreath is a beautiful blend of neutral and great texture and  the “L” adds a personalized touch.

Some favourite Summer Wreaths:

Summer wreaths are just another way to add some curb appeal to your home – whether you are selling or you just want to create a welcoming atmosphere, a wreath is a perfect accessory!

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“I have a small table in my front hall.  It’s great for mail and keys but it’s a bit messy!  I want my front entry to look welcoming and neat – any ideas how to make my entry table look stylish?”


An entry table in the front hall is a very functional piece.  You are right it is perfect for mail and keys but it can become a bit of a dumping ground.  A lot of that is habit  so you need to train yourself (and others) to put things like backpacks and other items elsewhere i.e a closet, office or bedroom.


But we also believe that if your space is beautiful (by your definition) than you will be more motivated to keep it that way.


The front entry table sets the tone for your home and can also be an inviting first impression for guests.


Styling your front entry table is all about using the space in a beautiful and practical way. 

Here are some musts:


1 – Light

– many front entries have an overhead light fixture but in our opinion you can never have too much light.  Plus having a table lamp on the entry table (assuming you have a wall outlet for it) is handy if you arrive home late or leave early and don’t want to wake the whole house with bright overhead lighting.  When it comes to table lamps you have some many choices – find one that suits and flows with the look of your home. How many lamps should you have? We say one is usually sufficient especially if it is a small space with a small table but if you have a long table in a large entry, 2 table lamps is a nice balance.


2- Mirrors

– we love mirrors at the front entry – they play two roles, 1: a great way to take a final look at hair, make up etc…before you head out to wherever you are off too; 2: it allows light to bounce around the room making a smaller and tighter space like an entry feel larger.  If you already have a mirrored surface, like mirrored closet bi-fold doors, opt for an art piece instead.


3 – Storage

– part of the front entry is storage, so make it pretty! A bowl on the table is perfect for keys or loose change, it keeps it all contained, easy to access but also hidden (so the surface looks neat).  We also love a basket for two under the entry table – this is ideal for mitts, hats in cooler weather but also summer gear like hats and sunscreen.  Have a dog? Hide their leashes etc. in a basket. Again easy access but neat!


4 – Seating

– this is a nice addition if you have the space.  Under the entry table is a great spot to tuck away a small bench, cube ottoman…  Pull it out when guests neat a spot to sit and put on their shoes.  This is also another way to add to your decor – you can have one with some print, colour and/or texture.


5 –  Decor

– we’ve covered the necessities of the front hall table and now it’s time to add your personal style! There are many decor items that you can add to the table to add your touch – framed photos, flowers or a plant, or just a decorative item.  Be sure to have room for the necessary pieces and then layer your decor.  The amount of decor depends on the amount of space you have.  We like to vary the heights and shapes and stick with odd numbers.  Keep in mind if your entry table is more functional or decorative (some people have a second entry that is more functional and keep the front entry more beautiful)



Also if you are selling your home, remember that your potential buyers will also be walking in the front door.  A styled front entry sends a great message and sets the tone.  So be sure to pay attention to your front entry!


“My house is hitting the real estate market very soon.  I know we have a great house on the inside but right now in this early spring weather, it’s not looking great.  What can we do to increase our curb appeal when our gardens aren’t in bloom?”


You are so right!

Depending on where you live this time of year isn’t the prettiest.  The good news is there are simple things that you can do to show off your great outdoor space. But your home is on the market now and you don’t want to wait until the gardens are in full bloom.


The gardens aren’t quite in bloom yet and the garden centers are gearing up for the season but in some areas it is still a bit early for planting.  But the grass is green, so use what you have and make the best of it.  So start with giving your yards (front and back) a good raking.  There is always some dead leaves and branches on the ground – just getting those off the grass will give the exterior a clean look.  Depending on your area you grass might be a bit on the long side.  So give it a mow and you will notice how much neater everything looks.


Flowers are a great way to add a splash of colour but because you are selling you might not want to make a huge investment in flowers this spring season plus it is still a bit early for planting.  A great alternative is planters at the front of the house and if you have a great deck space, some planters at the back are a nice touch too. So in these early spring days which flowers can handle this fresher weather? Potted Pansies are a great option – they are sturdy and colourful and if you take care of them, they will last all summer.  A bit of height is a good idea when creating your planters – in the spring we love forsythia – the pop of yellow draws the eye in!


Remember these 3 words when creating a planter:

Spill, Fill and Thrill


– in other works, have some greenery or flowers that hang over the edge of the planter, have some plants and flowers that fill the majority of the pot (of medium height) and some height – the image below is a great example of a spring planter.


Create a welcoming vignette at the front door – this is the buyers first impression of the home so make it count! If you have a porch put out a bench with a pillow for a pop of colour.  Try a wreath on the front door.

Just because it isn’t summer yet doesn’t mean you can’t set the scene for buyers.  So pull out and dust off that patio furniture – maybe this is a bit early than usual but remember you are show casing your home for buyers so you want them to see how they would enjoy summer BBQs and get togethers outside.  So place the furniture like you would if you were entertaining so have a dining area and a seating area. Roll out the BBQ and take off the cover.  Now that the furniture is set up and clean, make it pretty with some outdoor pillows and maybe even an outdoor rug – it creates a welcoming scene for buyers.



Want to take it to the next level?

For the photos you can set the dining table or at the seating area, set up a tray with a pitcher  – this will help make that emotional connection with the potential buyers who are looking online.

If you have a pool, make sure to have it open and running.  A pool always looks better (and photographs better) when it is blue and beautiful!

If you have incredible gardens or a beautiful flowering tree look through your photos and see if you have some beautiful ‘full bloom’ summer photos to share with your agent – these would be great to show buyers as well.

Other curb appeal factors to look into:

– check all exterior lighting are the bulbs in working order ?
– brush away any cobwebs or other debris that may have collected over the winter
– check the mailbox, is it rusted or loosely affixed to the house?
– does your doorbell work?
– how is the paint on the front door?
– how is the roof?
– sweep the walkways, driveway, porch and decks

Buyers are looking to buy their new home not your old one – so take the time to set the scene and get it sold quickly!

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