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home maintenance


As a homeowner, you probably have a home maintenance checklist that reminds you to clean the gutters every season, replace the furnace filter regularly, close off water spigots before winter, and do other basic maintenance chores. Even though these quick chores are essential, some home maintenance tasks will cost you a fortune in repairs and replacements if you neglect them.  

So, be sure to prioritize these five vital home maintenance tasks to avoid a financial headache later on. 

Roof Maintenance And Repair

Roof maintenance significantly extends the life of your roof, which keeps you, your family, and all your possessions safe. But beyond this, the roof of your home also keeps the building’s structure and its value intact. 

Neglecting maintenance and repairs for this area of your home can lead to extensive property damage, which will cost a fortune. Instead of letting your property value plummet due to a dangerous and dilapidated roof, contact Yeti Roofing.

Draining The Water Heater

Unless you want to start the day with a cold shower because your water heater isn’t heating, you should make a habit of draining the water heater once a year to prepare your home for winter. Sediment gradually collects at the bottom of the heater tank, causing damage and eventual failure. 

Draining the water heater of sediment will expand its life and reduce your power bill. So, this single chore will save you quite a lot of money long term. 

Garage Door Maintenance And Repair

Irrespective of the type of garage door your home has, you must also make a habit of maintaining and repairing the door and its parts once a year. Overhead tension springs in the door mechanism will need lubricant to move smoothly on the roller tracks. Lubricating the garage door will also prevent rust and corrosion.

While lubricating the moving parts on your garage door, you must also check the door’s balance. To do this, you must disengage the opener and manually pull the door roughly halfway and then let go. If the door is balanced, it will stay halfway. Otherwise, it will fall or rise slightly. In this case, it’s best to contact a garage door repair service. 

Pest Control Measures

You might think it’s only necessary to find a pest control service when you’ve noted the signs of an infestation, but pest control is an essential home maintenance task. While pest infestations are a health concern, pests can also cause extensive property damage. 

Regularly relying on pest control services is the most practical way to effectively keep your home pest-free all year round. 

Replacing Insulation

Properly insulating your home is the most effective way to maintain indoor temperatures, thus keeping heating and cooling costs as low as possible without impacting your comfort. But because home insulation only needs to be replaced every fifteen to twenty years, it’s easy to understand why homeowners sometimes overlook this task. 

A few signs you need to replace insulation are fluctuating indoor temperatures, increasing energy bills, and an increase in household pests. 

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The transition from summer to fall is an ideal time to make home renovations. With the weather getting cooler and the desire for hygge inspiration, it’s time to make sure the interior of your home is ready for you to cozy up for winter. Making sure the exterior of your home is ready to handle the cold should be on the list as well. If you follow these five tips, your home’s interior and exterior will be ready in no time.

1. Clean the Interior

Since you’ll be spending more time inside, you want your home space to be clean and tidy. Deep clean the floors, bathrooms, and any other areas that track in a lot of dirt like the mudroom. This is also a good time to consider adding an air purification system to help create a healthier environment. In addition to cleaning the floors, you should also wash your curtains as well as any blankets you’ve pulled out for the colder months. Check your smoke detectors and replace any old light bulbs. Also, organize your pantry,
closets, and other storage areas for easy access.

2. Make Kitchen Upgrades

Fall and winter lend themselves to more time in the kitchen cooking soups and stews, plus hosting friends and family for the holidays. If you’ve been considering upgrading your kitchen, this is a good time to plan and complete this home project. With a kitchen renovation, you’ll need to plan ahead to eat meals out or with your family and prepare any safety measures. When remodeling your kitchen consider upgrading your counters, cupboards, sink, and appliances to newer energy-efficient models. To help fund a home renovation, consider using money that’s tied up in your home with a tax-deductible home equity loan. This type of loan will tend to have a lower interest rate than a personal loan option. Depending on the extent of your renovation, you may opt to change the whole layout by adding or removing elements, like an island for example. You also might want to update the backsplash, countertops, and sink style.

3. Check Home Insulation

With colder months coming, you want to make sure your doors and windows are properly sealed. This will help keep the warm air in and in turn, keep your energy costs down. Walk through your home and check all windows for gaps or areas where light is coming in. If there are spaces, you’ll need to re-seal the windows to close any exposed openings. Another step that you can take is adding a piece of window insulation film to all of your windows. Doing this can help retain 55% more heat in your home during the winter. For the doorways of your home, it’s the same idea. The best way to do this is by adding weatherstripping materials. If this isn’t an option, an inexpensive fix is adding a fabric door draft stopper.

4. Service Your Heating System

Before you have to turn up the heat, you should have a specialist come to your home to check that all components are working properly. Maintaining the longevity and quality of your HVAC system requires proper maintenance. If you can’t get a specialist out to service your system, check and replace air filters and run the unit prior to its first use. Consider utilizing a home warranty plan to help cover repair costs or replacement of your HVAC system should something go wrong. Lastly, if you don’t already have one, consider purchasing a programmable thermostat. With this, you can schedule when the heat turns on and off. This can help lower your overall energy usage and costs.

5. Prepare the Exterior for Fall and Winter months

Before the winter months, you need to check your roof. Inspect for any loose or broken shingles. Look for mold and mildew spots, moss growth, or any other signs of wear and tear. Alongside this task, clean out your gutters and remove any extra debris. If you have a chimney and fireplace, you’ll want to have it cleaned and inspected prior to using it for the season. You should also check for any hanging trees and remove any that could cause damage during a storm.

With these tips, you’ll be ready for cozy fall evenings and the holiday season. You spend a lot of time at home in the cooler months so having a space you love is important so you can enjoy a restful and happy season!

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Countless individuals find squirrels to be cute animals. The little faces and bushy tails make them fun to watch as they go about their busy lives. However, when a squirrel makes its way into the home, problems quickly ensue. The homeowner must act quickly to prevent damage to the residence, as repairing this damage can be costly. 

#1 Wood

Squirrels chew wood anywhere they find it in the home. The siding, doors, and more are at risk when a squirrel gains access to a residence. In fact, a squirrel can chew a hole four inches in diameter to access the attic. This hole then allows other animals to enter the residence while putting the house at risk for substantial damage. Call for help at Animal Control Specialists to ensure this damage is prevented or kept to a minimum. 

#2 Shingles

Wood isn’t the only thing at risk of damage. While the wood that supports the shingles may be damaged by squirrels, the shingles themselves are also at risk. If the squirrel does enough damage to the shingles, rain can lead to water damage. The homeowner needs to address the situation promptly to prevent this from happening. 

#3 Wiring

Squirrels love hiding in the attics of home. Unfortunately, this is where many homes hide the electrical wiring that powers the house. When a squirrel encounters electrical wires, it will likely chew them. In fact, the damage to wires caused by pests remains one of the biggest dangers a homeowner must be aware of. When wires are exposed, the risk of an electrical fire increases significantly, putting the home and its occupants at risk. 

#4 Plastic

People often don’t think a squirrel can damage plastic only to learn how wrong they are. Squirrels harm outdoor furniture, PVC pipes, and more if the homeowner doesn’t act when they spot them around these items. Sadly, squirrels in a home can damage water pipes. When they do, a leak develops that can do significant damage to the home in little time. 

#5 Insulation

Squirrels find insulation to be an excellent nesting material and will use the insulation in an attic to make a nest. When they trample and shred the insulation to use in the nest, the material loses its effectiveness. A homeowner will often find they need to replace the insulation to keep the home at a comfortable temperature. 

#6 Health 

When one thinks of damage squirrels can do to a home, they often think of the structure. However, squirrels may also harm the health of those who live in the home, and this danger cannot be overlooked. Individuals and pets who come into contact with rodent feces or urine may contract salmonella. In addition, squirrels carry fleas that may be transmitted to pets or introduced into the home. 

#7 Chimneys

Squirrels often explore uncharted territory. When they make their way into a chimney, they might find they cannot escape. This could lead to problems when the homeowner lights a fire in a fireplace or wood stove. The smoke may enter the residence, as it cannot move up the flue as intended. In addition, a chimney fire could occur and bring about costly damage. 

If you suspect you have unwanted visitors in your attic or anywhere in the home, call a pest control specialist immediately. Untrained individuals should not attempt to remove their unwanted guests. Leave this task to the pros and enjoy peace of mind knowing the pests have been evicted. 

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Buying a new boiler is expensive, and it’s normal to be reluctant about it. There are some cases when your current boiler can still be salvaged, even if it’s showing signs that it’s on its way out. This could give you the extra time needed to cushion the blow and do your research on which boiler type or model you should buy next. However, there are some cases when you’ll have no choice but to replace it or when repairs are not worth it. Let’s take a look at what would be the best decision based on your situation.

Think Boiler Safety

The first thing you have to do is check to see if your current unit is running safely. And, in most cases, old boilers don’t meet new safety requirements. Consult a team like to see if your boiler is safe. They will also be able to tell you if it can be repaired safely or if it needs replacing.

It’s important to remember that even after a fix, your unit could still be unsafe, and, in worst cases, you could end up exposing yourself to things like carbon monoxide. Only an engineer will be able to tell you how much life your boiler still has left in it. Only once you’re sure that the boiler is safe can you consider the option of repairing it.

Could You Make Energy Savings by Replacing?

Another thing you have to consider when repairing a boiler is whether you could be making savings by buying a more energy efficient unit. You could eventually end up recuperating the initial cost quickly when you take away the money you would’ve spent on repairs. 

Not only will a new boiler be more energy-efficient, but it will also be better at heating rooms fast. If you already have a modern and efficient unit, however, having it fixed by a registered professional could be the best option.

How Much Will It Cost to Repair?

Another thing you have to consider when having an old boiler repaired is that repairs could end up costing much more on an old unit than on a new one. That’s because some of the parts might be more expensive and harder to find. 

You should also know that there’s the possibility that something will go wrong in the immediate future. So, make sure that you assess your costs and see if replacing would make more sense from a financial standpoint.

You should repair your unit only if the procedure is simple, or if it can be done at a low cost. You also have to make sure that you’ll be able to run it for a long time without worrying about future breakdowns. If you have a new boiler, then chances are it’s still under warranty, which could not only cover you for parts but service as well.


As you can see, deciding between replacing or repairing your boiler doesn’t have to be complicated. Make sure that you look at all the factors cited above and make the right choice.

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Roofing is expensive and the labor to install it is also expensive. So, it is to every home or commercial building owner’s advantage to make each roof last as long as possible. Good roofing material quality and good installation help roofs last longer. But, there are other tips to make a roof more weather resistant and long-lasting. Choosing the right roofing company and the best roofing product for the location is a good first step.

Choose a Good Roofing Company

Choosing a good, reputable roofing company is the first step in getting a roof that will last over many years. Make sure the roofing company is licensed and insured for the community. Getting bids from two or three reputable roofing companies is also a good practice. Choose the roofing company that offers the best product, installation, and completion schedule.

The roofing company that will come in and remove the old roofing and installs the new roofing in the shortest time possible, without open roof time in between, is the best choice. No one wants to endure a rainstorm with an open roof, even if it is tarped. There are roofing companies with two teams of workers, one to remove the old roof and another crew to install the new roof. If the company overbooks and leaves days between the two crews doing their jobs, the house can suffer.Keep the roofing company information handy so if there is a bad storm or other roof damage, they can come and repair it. The same company can do periodic roof inspections and repairs to keep the roof in good condition for more years, saving the building owner money.

Weather-Proofing Roofs helped Them Last Longer

When choosing a new roof or after a new roof is installed there are 6 tips roofers list for making the roof more durable and weather resistant.

1. Choose the roofing materials that are right for the building location and weather conditions.

2. Consider installing one of the new cooler roofs. These roofs are lighter in color to reflect the sun’s heat. There are also cool roof paints or cool-colored roof tiles. All of these roofing products make the roof more resistant to heat and more energy efficient. New technology has devised formulas for shingle topping granules to reflect more heat.

3. More people are considering eco-friendly roofs or green living roofs. These roofs cut down the building’s carbon emissions and are natural insulators.

4. Make efforts to windproof the roof. This can include installing truss bracing and other efforts to make the roofless prone to wind damage. Some of these efforts include using adhesive on the roof edges, using more roofing nails, and better securing the hip and ridge parts of the roof, using improved drip edging, and more.

5. Make the roof fireproof by picking non-flammable roofing materials such as tiles, asphalt shingles, and metal roofing.

6. Avoid ice build-ups by having the roofers install a layer near the lower edges that has water-repelling properties or install de-icing cables on lower shingles, gutters, and downspouts. In addition, insulating the attic helps stop the thaw-freezing cycle that causes the ice build-up.

Roof Maintenance Helps Roofs Last Longer

Maintaining existing roofs can add years to their lives and make them better able to resist weather damage. Have older roofs inspected and repaired regularly? Trim tree branches away from the roof, and have the roof cleaned to get rid of algae and other soil build-up that might degrade the roofing material. Inspecting a roof after a storm to replace missing shingles or re-apply loose shingles is important. The attention a building owner gives their roof can save them damage and expense later.

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Buying a home for the first time can be a very stressful and time-consuming experience. Getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan and finding the right home is difficult. But what many don’t realize is that once you a home that you actually want to purchase, the real work will begin.

Without the right amount of maintenance, a home is bound to fall apart. For this reason, new homeowners need to focus on maintaining vital parts of their residence such as the roof. The following are some of the tasks a homeowner should undertake to keep their roof in good shape.

1. Keeping Tree Branches Trimmed is Important

Maintaining a high level of curb appeal is something most homeowners view as a priority. Having trees is pretty normal for homeowners in the United States. However, if these trees are not properly trimmed, they can do a lot of damage to a home’s roof.

The average homeowner will spend around $9,000 a year on maintenance and repairs. Using some of this maintenance budget to pay a professional tree service to trim the trees around a home is crucial. Allowing large and heavy branches to grow over the roof of the home is a recipe for disaster.

2. The Gutters Need to be Cleaned Regularly

A home’s roof has a number of important components. Perhaps the most important part of a roof is the gutter system attached to it. These gutters are designed to remove rainwater from both the roof and the home’s foundation.

As time goes by, these gutters will start to fill with leaves and small branches. If the gutters are full, they will be unable to do the job for which they were intended. This is why a homeowner needs to have their gutters cleaned two to four times a year. Be sure to check out to find out more about the importance of gutter maintenance.

3. Inspect the Flashing on the Roof

Most homeowners have chimneys and HVAC vents coming out of the roof. In most cases, metal flashing is installed around these areas to reduce the chance of leaks occurring. The longer this flashing is in place, the higher the chance becomes of it rusting and malfunctioning.

This is why a homeowner needs to work with a roofing professional to get their flashing inspected. If this part of the roof needs to be replaced, professionals will have no problem getting this work done. Ignoring the need for new flashing will lead to leaks and mold issues, which is why getting it replaced is so important.

4. Pay Attention to the Roof Shingles

Another important part of a home’s roof are the asphalt shingles it has. These shingles are exposed to direct sunlight for multiple hours each day. As time goes by, this exposure will start to dry out the shingles and make them brittle.

A homeowner will need to inspect their shingles regularly to see if any of them are missing. If there are shingle pieces laying in the yard after a bad storm, contacting a roofing professional to come take a look is crucial.

5. Take a Look in the Attic

The attic in a home is where unused possessions are put. This means that most homeowners don’t go in their attic very often. Taking the time to inspect an attic can help a homeowner discover roofing leaks early on. As soon as signs of leaks surface, a homeowner needs to take swift action to fix them.

Roof Maintenance is Important

Maintaining a home’s roof may be time-consuming and expensive, but it is worth the investment. With the help of a knowledgeable professional, getting a roof repaired will be easy.


Creating an efficient home for yourself and your family to live in won’t just help you to be more eco-friendly, it can also knock a fair amount of money off of your utility bills. People usually look for the easy tasks to begin with like turning the thermostat down 1 degree or putting the heating on for an hour less. However, there are some more substantial changes you could make which will help you to see real differences. 

#1 Windows and Doors

One of the most common areas people seem to neglect when they are looking for ways to save money off their utility bills is around the doors and windows. These places can cost you hundreds every year if they are not looked after and maintained properly. 

Gaps around doors and windows let the cold air in and the warm air out. You don’t want to be heating the street on a cold winter’s days. Luckily, the fix for this common problem is quite easy, and there are a number of ways you can go about it. If the holes are substantial you can fill them with quick setting cement or mortar. If they are smaller you may be able to use some silicone and a caulking gun to reseal the edges. 

Doors may be more difficult, especially if the gap is underneath. One very cost-effective solution is to buy a draft excluder. These are usually very cheap and will ensure that the warm air stays in, and the cold air stays out. 

#2 Leaky Air Ducts 

Air ducts that transfer the air around your home are usually installed in the attic so it can be difficult to know whether they are working effectively or not. People rarely check them because it’s an awkward job. Air duct specialists, Attic Projects Services suggest that some of the most common ways in which air ducts can be operating ineffectively include damage from wear and tear and poor installation. 

The knock-on effect of this damage or poor installation is that the air escapes which makes your air conditioning unit work harder. It will then overwork itself to achieve the desired temperature causing your energy bills to skyrocket.

#3 Old Lightbulbs

You may be surprised to find out that using halogen or old filament lightbulbs around your house could be costing you more money than they need to be in two different ways compared to using LED alternatives

Firstly, old filament light bulbs are very inefficient when it comes to how they consume energy. Halogen bulbs are even worse. That’s because halogen light bulbs give off heat, so a lot of the energy that should be used for light is lost as heat whereas, LED bulbs are much more energy-efficient. 

Secondly, the lifespan of LED bulbs is much greater than that of traditional filament bulbs. They are slightly more expensive to purchase, but when you compare the hours of use you get from an LED bulb compared to a filament bulb it’s well worth making the switch. 

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