6 Tips for Making Your Roof More Weather Resistant


Roofing is expensive and the labor to install it is also expensive. So, it is to every home or commercial building owner’s advantage to make each roof last as long as possible. Good roofing material quality and good installation help roofs last longer. But, there are other tips to make a roof more weather resistant and long-lasting. Choosing the right roofing company and the best roofing product for the location is a good first step.

Choose a Good Roofing Company

Choosing a good, reputable roofing company is the first step in getting a roof that will last over many years. Make sure the roofing company is licensed and insured for the community. Getting bids from two or three reputable roofing companies is also a good practice. Choose the roofing company that offers the best product, installation, and completion schedule.

The roofing company that will come in and remove the old roofing and installs the new roofing in the shortest time possible, without open roof time in between, is the best choice. No one wants to endure a rainstorm with an open roof, even if it is tarped. There are roofing companies with two teams of workers, one to remove the old roof and another crew to install the new roof. If the company overbooks and leaves days between the two crews doing their jobs, the house can suffer.Keep the roofing company information handy so if there is a bad storm or other roof damage, they can come and repair it. The same company can do periodic roof inspections and repairs to keep the roof in good condition for more years, saving the building owner money.

Weather-Proofing Roofs helped Them Last Longer

When choosing a new roof or after a new roof is installed there are 6 tips roofers list for making the roof more durable and weather resistant.

1. Choose the roofing materials that are right for the building location and weather conditions.

2. Consider installing one of the new cooler roofs. These roofs are lighter in color to reflect the sun’s heat. There are also cool roof paints or cool-colored roof tiles. All of these roofing products make the roof more resistant to heat and more energy efficient. New technology has devised formulas for shingle topping granules to reflect more heat.

3. More people are considering eco-friendly roofs or green living roofs. These roofs cut down the building’s carbon emissions and are natural insulators.

4. Make efforts to windproof the roof. This can include installing truss bracing and other efforts to make the roofless prone to wind damage. Some of these efforts include using adhesive on the roof edges, using more roofing nails, and better securing the hip and ridge parts of the roof, using improved drip edging, and more.

5. Make the roof fireproof by picking non-flammable roofing materials such as tiles, asphalt shingles, and metal roofing.

6. Avoid ice build-ups by having the roofers install a layer near the lower edges that has water-repelling properties or install de-icing cables on lower shingles, gutters, and downspouts. In addition, insulating the attic helps stop the thaw-freezing cycle that causes the ice build-up.

Roof Maintenance Helps Roofs Last Longer

Maintaining existing roofs can add years to their lives and make them better able to resist weather damage. Have older roofs inspected and repaired regularly? Trim tree branches away from the roof, and have the roof cleaned to get rid of algae and other soil build-up that might degrade the roofing material. Inspecting a roof after a storm to replace missing shingles or re-apply loose shingles is important. The attention a building owner gives their roof can save them damage and expense later.