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As a homeowner, you probably have a home maintenance checklist that reminds you to clean the gutters every season, replace the furnace filter regularly, close off water spigots before winter, and do other basic maintenance chores. Even though these quick chores are essential, some home maintenance tasks will cost you a fortune in repairs and replacements if you neglect them.  

So, be sure to prioritize these five vital home maintenance tasks to avoid a financial headache later on. 

Roof Maintenance And Repair

Roof maintenance significantly extends the life of your roof, which keeps you, your family, and all your possessions safe. But beyond this, the roof of your home also keeps the building’s structure and its value intact. 

Neglecting maintenance and repairs for this area of your home can lead to extensive property damage, which will cost a fortune. Instead of letting your property value plummet due to a dangerous and dilapidated roof, contact Yeti Roofing.

Draining The Water Heater

Unless you want to start the day with a cold shower because your water heater isn’t heating, you should make a habit of draining the water heater once a year to prepare your home for winter. Sediment gradually collects at the bottom of the heater tank, causing damage and eventual failure. 

Draining the water heater of sediment will expand its life and reduce your power bill. So, this single chore will save you quite a lot of money long term. 

Garage Door Maintenance And Repair

Irrespective of the type of garage door your home has, you must also make a habit of maintaining and repairing the door and its parts once a year. Overhead tension springs in the door mechanism will need lubricant to move smoothly on the roller tracks. Lubricating the garage door will also prevent rust and corrosion.

While lubricating the moving parts on your garage door, you must also check the door’s balance. To do this, you must disengage the opener and manually pull the door roughly halfway and then let go. If the door is balanced, it will stay halfway. Otherwise, it will fall or rise slightly. In this case, it’s best to contact a garage door repair service. 

Pest Control Measures

You might think it’s only necessary to find a pest control service when you’ve noted the signs of an infestation, but pest control is an essential home maintenance task. While pest infestations are a health concern, pests can also cause extensive property damage. 

Regularly relying on pest control services is the most practical way to effectively keep your home pest-free all year round. 

Replacing Insulation

Properly insulating your home is the most effective way to maintain indoor temperatures, thus keeping heating and cooling costs as low as possible without impacting your comfort. But because home insulation only needs to be replaced every fifteen to twenty years, it’s easy to understand why homeowners sometimes overlook this task. 

A few signs you need to replace insulation are fluctuating indoor temperatures, increasing energy bills, and an increase in household pests. 

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Are you tired of stepping into a freezing garage during winter or sweltering in the summer heat while trying to complete your latest DIY project? Did you know that insulating your garage could not only improve your comfort but also save you money on energy bills? It’s time to transform your garage into a cozy and energy-efficient space with these four effective insulation methods.

Not only will you enjoy a more pleasant environment when you insulate your garage, but you’ll also notice significant savings on your energy bills. With a few tips you can say goodbye to temperature extremes and hello to a garage that works for you. In this article, we will reveal several ways that you can iunsulate your garage for energy efficiency.

1 – The garage door

Insulating the garage door is a crucial aspect of creating an energy-efficient and comfortable garage space. One popular and cost-effective option is to use garage door insulation kits, which are designed specifically for this purpose. 

These kits often include foam panels, reflective foil, or fiberglass batts that can be easily installed on the interior side of the door. While these insulation kits are affordable and relatively simple to install, they may not provide the maximum insulation possible for your garage door.

For a more comprehensive solution, consider calling Asmara Garage Door Repair to install an insulated garage door. These doors are typically constructed from steel or aluminum and have built-in insulation, such as polyurethane or polystyrene. Insulated garage doors offer higher R-values, making them more energy-efficient and effective in maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the garage. 

2 – The garage walls

Insulating garage walls is the first step towards creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient space. There are two common methods for insulating garage walls: batt insulation and rigid foam insulation. Batt insulation is made from either fiberglass or mineral wool, and it’s widely used due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. However, one of the drawbacks of batt insulation is the potential for gaps and air leakage, which can compromise its insulating properties. 

Rigid foam insulation is moisture resistant and can be easily cut to fit your garage walls. However, it’s important to note that rigid foam insulation tends to be more expensive than batt insulation.

3 – The garage ceiling

Two popular methods for insulating garage ceilings are blown-in insulation and spray foam insulation. Blown-in insulation is made from cellulose, fiberglass, or mineral wool, and it’s an excellent choice for filling gaps and voids in the garage ceiling. This insulation type is particularly suitable for existing structures, as it can be easily installed with specialized equipment. However, it’s important to note that blown-in insulation usually requires professional installation.

Another effective option for insulating garage ceilings is spray foam insulation, which comes in two forms: open-cell and closed-cell polyurethane foam. Spray foam offers air sealing and moisture resistance, making it an ideal choice for areas prone to condensation or air leaks. While spray foam insulation has numerous benefits, it can be more expensive than other insulation types and typically requires professional installation.

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Home insulation is essential for keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It can help reduce energy bills, improve air quality, and protect your home from damage due to moisture and temperature extremes. But with an old and outdated insulation system, you may be missing out on all these benefits. Here are five reasons to consider replacing your insulation system:

#1. Improve Energy Efficiency

Have you noticed an increase in your energy bills over the past few months? Insulation that is outdated or insufficient can cause your home to lose heat, forcing your heating and cooling systems to work harder to keep your home comfortable. Leaks on your doors and windows can also contribute to the problem.

Replacing your insulation system with a newer, more efficient one can help improve energy efficiency and reduce your monthly bills. Newer insulations are designed to trap air in the material, creating a barrier that helps keep your home’s temperature consistent.

#2. Reduce Moisture and Mold Damage

Moisture in your home may cause a variety of issues, and one of them is mold damage. High levels of moisture can lead to the growth of mold, which can cause health problems and structural damage. Molds thrive in warm, damp environments, and old insulation can be a breeding ground for them!

Replacing your home insulation system with one that is designed to resist moisture can help reduce the risk of mold growth and damage. Look for insulation materials specially designed to resist moisture, such as spray foam or rigid foam insulation. Professionals such as iFoam offer spray foam insulation designed to prevent moisture from entering and staying in your home.

#3. Improve Air Quality

Old insulation may contain asbestos fibers, which are hazardous to your health and can cause respiratory issues such as asthma, lung cancer, and other conditions. Asbestos fibers are tiny and can easily enter your air supply if they become loose or disturbed. If you think your home may contain asbestos, it is important to have an expert inspect the insulation before you replace it.

With a new home insulation system, you can help improve the air quality in your home and reduce any health risks associated with asbestos fibers. Many of the new insulation materials are designed to be non-toxic and hypoallergenic, so you can enjoy better quality air in your home.

#4. Increase Comfort

Do you ever feel like your home is too hot or too cold? If your home is not insulated properly, you may be experiencing drafts or air leakage, which can lead to uncomfortable temperatures. Replacing your insulation system can create a more comfortable living environment for you and your family.

It’s important to take note that even if the room is well insulated, the lack of proper ventilation can lead to an uncomfortable environment. As such, you should also consider having a professional inspect your home’s ventilation system and ensure it is working properly.

#5. Save Money

Old and outdated insulation systems can be expensive to repair and maintain. They’re also the cause of some of your home’s largest energy inefficiencies, so replacing them with a newer one can help you save money on utility bills.

Your insulation is vital in protecting your home and keeping it comfortable, so consider replacing your outdated system with a newer one. Newer insulation systems offer the various benefits mentioned above. You’ll be glad you replaced your insulation after seeing the long-term benefits, such as improved air quality, comfort, and energy savings!

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Your home is your castle, so it’s understandable when you want to invest in the best heating and cooling equipment. However, you still need to contend with uncomfortable interiors if you do not have the best insulation.

Multiple insulation alternatives exist, and you should choose one that suits your home, the materials, and the climate in your area. Most people to assume that they are well-equipped to pick and install their property’s insulation. This is a costly mistake that could raise energy expenses and create uncomfortable interiors.

Unfortunately, most people opt to remove their non-functioning wall and roof insulation without expert help. Often they spread the insulation material indoors, and then they may need additional cleaning procedures to get rid of the material. Sometimes the best way to save money is to get expert help, but would you recognize the signs that your home needs new insulation materials?

The following are indications that it is time for the removal and replacement of your insulation. 

Lingering Unpleasant Odors

At times even the most thorough indoor cleaning does not get rid of an unpleasant odor. Some insulation material could become moldy with heat and moisture. Other than spray foam insulation, most insulation materials are not waterproof and will absorb some amount of water.

Ground moisture and extreme humidity contribute to the formation of mold and mildew on your home’s walls and attic. Checking your insulated spaces without damaging the insulation may not be doable, and you may need someone who has the proper safety equipment to do so.

Worsening Allergies

Even doctors will be baffled by the persistent flare-ups of allergic conditions among the occupants of your home. This can be attributed to the mold spores that will spread in your interiors when neglected. It also arises from the tendency of some insulation materials to accumulate dust over time. The removal of your insulation, its replacement, and the air sealing are the ideal steps for keeping allergies at bay.

Water Damage

Wet floors, dark or brown splotches across your ceiling, and peeling paint on any surface are common signs of water leaks. Ineffective insulation will indirectly contribute to significant water damage. If for instance, your water pipes are not well insulated, freezing water may cause them to burst or spring leaks that contribute to your property’s water damage. And with sufficient damage, it may be time to get a new roof, too.

Household Pests

Pests will feed on old insulation materials. Though fiberglass is effective, inexpensive and popular, rodents love tearing it apart. The holes created in your insulation by the rodents

form the perfect entry spot for other insects and dangerous animals like snakes. Air sealing your property can avert the invasion of your home by pests to some degree, but it is not completely secure.

These are not the only signs of damaged or ineffective insulation. They could also be signs of something else, and most homeowners could waste their money on unnecessary services and high medical bills before realizing their insulation is the primary cause of their issues. Your best choice is to have your insulation installed and maintained by professionals so you know when to remove and replace insulation.

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