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window coverings


One of the greatest things you can have in your home is corner windows. They offer a great outdoor view and allow natural lighting, especially in the residential space. However, most people face a hard time when it comes to treating corner windows since they are tricky to decorate and find the right window coverage.

You need to know that not all window treatments can fit corner windows. Therefore, when searching for window treatment for corner windows, determine your functional preferences and aesthetics to have the right one.

This guide will help when looking for simple yet amazing styles to treat your corner windows in your office or home.

Use valances

Valances are the best options, especially for tall and large windows. They are very applicable and necessary when you don’t want the entire window covered. Therefore, select a heavy fabric valance that contains tassels and loops. 

Valances will make the illusion of a smooth corner turn every time you move your curtains by creating a coherent appearance of the whole window set. A nice valance will help add visual interest to your room decoration.

Get semi-sheer curtains

Even though corner windows allow too much light depending on the house’s location, don’t eliminate natural light inside the room by using heavy draperies. Use sheer or semi-sheer curtains and treat the corner window as a unit to create a unifying look.

Sheer curtains look elegant, decorative, and airy. They come in various patterns and colors to fit different style needs and living areas. Sheer or semi-sheer curtains provide the privacy you want without compromising natural light intensity. 

Use 90-degree adapters on your hanging rod from one wall to another to create an ongoing window. You can pull sheer curtains to the middle when you don’t want to compromise your privacy. Each side of the corner window should have a sheer curtain and gather on each side of the unit.

Install Blinds

Vertical blinds are perfect, especially when there is a small gap between the corner windows. You have two options depending on your preference: outside and inside mount mechanism. Go for a Venetian blind or inside mount roller blind if your wall has no gaps between the windows. Each blind will create a beautifully streamlined look to the overall room style.

Use layered treatment

You can add style to your corner window and introduce a designer look by pairing up multiple window treatments. For instance, you can put sheers or curtains with blinds. Each piece will play a different yet important role in the corner window. Open curtain or sheer will provide privacy without compromising the intensity of the incoming light and outdoor view, while blinds will enhance your privacy when moved to the corner or pulled down.

Try window scarves or valances with draperies to get a stylish look. Research well before you try a new style combination to have something that looks good on your window and the entire room. Also, look for quality shutters, drapes and curtains when treating your corner window.

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Windows are considered the eyes of a home. They let sunlight in and allow you to enjoy views of the outside world from the comfort of the sofa. However, they can also allow strangers to peer into your home. 

Many homeowners face this dilemma at some point: how to enjoy natural light and privacy simultaneously? Finding the right window coverings is critical for your comfort too. For instance, south-facing windows can let in intense sunlight for several hours throughout the day, which can be either beneficial or inconvenient, depending on the season. 

What window treatments to choose if you want to strike the perfect balance between natural lighting and privacy? Read on to find a few tips and tricks. 

The Importance of Functionality 

When looking for window treatments, you will discover many designs and materials. Some homeowners prefer soft treatments like curtains, drapes, or roman shades. Others prefer blinds, shutters, and similar options made of hard and durable materials. Layered coverings that combine hard and soft materials can be a great aesthetic choice.

To make the right choice for your home, start by evaluating functionality. Would you like to install the window treatments inside or outside the frame? Would it be more convenient if the coverings functioned up and down or side to side? Would you prefer blinds that can be tilted open and closed? 

Functionality is a crucial factor to consider. Some window treatments allow you to control the amount of sunlight inside your home. You can find window treatments that block sunlight entirely and can turn your rooms dark instantly. There are also soft and transparent window treatments that let light stream through while blocking outsiders from getting a peek into your home.   

How to Find High-Quality Materials and Designs 

Through their shapes, materials, and the views they offer, windows play a fundamental role in the overall design and ambiance of a room. Big windows that let in abundant sunlight make a room look spacious and inviting. Small or improperly covered windows make a room look small and can even trigger feelings of claustrophobia. 

You cannot do much about the size or shape of the windows. This is why choosing practical and aesthetically pleasing coverings is vital. If you don’t know where to start your search, take a look at Hunter Douglas blinds. You will discover high-quality window treatments made of long-lasting materials in line with contemporary design trends. There are many models to choose from, each with unique features. 

 Window treatments should be the last elements to buy when decorating your home because their texture, color, and shape must be in perfect balance with the style of the rooms. 

If you prefer to install window treatments outside, choose durable materials that can withstand various weather conditions. Consider how the window coverings will affect the architecture and look of your home.   Follow our tips to find window treatments that allow you to enjoy the benefits of natural light without giving up on your privacy.

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“I love the look of roman shades but am not sure which style to incorporate into my home. Any suggestions?”


We also love Roman Shades! They are a great option because you can see way more of the pattern this way. There are also a few different ‘shape’ options for these. Roman shades are a really great option if you are looking to add window treatments to a smaller room because they are most often mounted inside the trim. This way you are not losing any wall space.


One negative about having Roman shades is that they take a little more TLC to make them look right. When you put them up, you often have to re-fold and line them up to make sure the fabric isn’t wrinkled. Let’s call it “train your shade”. When using a lighter fabric, this is less of an issue because it will typically fold into the correct shape. This will mostly need to be done with a heavier fabric.


Roman shades are great in bedrooms because they can also be lined. This way you get the look and the darkness/privacy you would with drapery panels. There are a few styles that you can have of roman shades..


There are 3 types of Roman Shades :-

 Flat Roman Shade:

A more modern look, it shows off the pattern so well and isn’t fussy. It can also work very well on French doors. See the image below, you can see the simplicity of this shade.  We like this style in a ‘busier’ pattern as the print becomes the focus.

Relaxed Shades:

A more traditional option but can still work in any space. I would say that they are “prettier” and “softer” than a flat Roman Shade because of the curvature. Because they have less construction they will bow more in the middle which gives them that beautiful shape. The only downside to a relaxed shade is because there is less structure they shouldn’t be done on a window wider than 54”. It was sag more in the middle. If you window is larger than 54”, consider doing two smaller shades instead.


Butterfly Shades:

These are very traditional. A butterfly shade has a swoop in the middle and ties on the end. Almost like a small bow on either sides. They are very feminine and soft and look great in a light colour.

Roman shades can be mounted inside or outside the trim. If you have beautiful trim you want to show off or a smaller space you don’t want to cover the walls, we suggest an inside mount. The great trick with an outside mount is that you can give the illusion of a larger wall/window but mounting higher up than the window starts. This will elongate the window and also give you more space to show off that beautiful fabric!

Roman shades work with all styles of decor and they are perfect for spaces where you don’t want any fussy drapery to deal with,
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“I can’t afford custom drapery right now but my windows are too bare and I feel exposed without any coverings.  I’m going to purchase some pre-packaged canvas panels, but what length should they be?”


Drapery really completes the look of  a window.  It not only gives you privacy and can shield the sun and glare but it can really add to the look of the room.  You have different colours, patterns and textures to choose from.  A basic canvas panel is a great choice – it’s clean, it’s classic and the weight of the fabric will help maintain the tailored look.


Floor-length is the way to go, unless there’s a radiator or a deep sill in the way. Ready-made panels are available in lengths from 63 to 144 inches. Measure from the floor to where you’ll hang the rod, then round
up. So let’s say your floor to rod measurement is 81.5″ hem at 82″.

You can always have the dry cleaner or seamstress hem them a bit if needed. You’ll get the most current look if the fabric makes contact with the floor (or sill or radiator). Too-short curtains can seem off, almost like high-waters.


The image above is an example of cafe curtains.  This is best for kitchen windows, bathrooms and any window with a deep sill or radiator; these can also work in a bay window. It’s a great way to add privacy but still allow some natural light plus you get that pop of colour, soft texture and/or print in the space. 

Here are two surefire approaches. Personally, we opt for option 1 in most cases


1: Just Hitting the Floor or Sill

This look is classic and tailored; it makes sense if you’ll be opening and closing the curtains a lot (they’ll easily fall back into place every time you move them). The fabric should just touch the floor or hover half an inch above. This is also a great approach for café curtains (short panels that cover only the lower portion of a window and hit the sill – see image above), which work well in spots like the kitchen and bathroom, where long drapes aren’t practical. This is a clean look and you won’t collect dust bunnies or pet hair at the base.


2: Breaking Slightly at the Floor

Panels that extend onto the floor by one to three inches are the most stylish right now. They’re more relaxed than those that graze the floor (above), but they still feel tailored—think of a pair of dress trousers. If you have uneven floors or are worried about precision measuring, this style is more forgiving.


In formal rooms, an exaggerated take—six or so inches of fabric pooling on the floor—can look romantic but is also high-maintenance; curtains need re-fluffing every time you vacuum or the cat lies on them. It is also prone to ‘collecting’ pet hair and dust bunnies.


The image below is a good example of breaking slightly at the floor (not the exaggerated version).



There is nothing wrong with pre-packaged curtains just be sure to get the length right (so buy longer and hem) and if you love the look of your curtain but want more privacy, you can always add some blinds and keep the drapes installed.  It really creates a more luxurious and designer look (see the image in our ‘just hitting the floor’ explanation). And remember the location of your rod can make your windows look bigger or smaller, so pay attention to that too!


Quick tip:

Aim to hang your curtain rod at least 3 inches above the window casing but if you can hang it 5-7″ above do that.  And for width, you want 3-6″ beyond the window frame. Hanging your rods higher and wider makes the window look larger and the space look bigger too!



Here is an example of the exaggerated breaking or puddling.This is often seen in formal formal decorated rooms as it has an elegant, romantic and luxurious feel and it works much better with certain types of fabric. Seen below are raw silk custom drapes.



If you hang your drapes properly, it won’t matter if you spent a small fortune on them or you bought some pre-packaged ones, it’s all about how they are installed that will get you the designer look or not.

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